NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.8.1 | Core v1.1.5 | Package v1.34.0


Failure Scenarios

This page defines the foreseen failure scenarios within the BaRS standard and its implementations. The scenarios are broken down by endpoint and describe which HTTP Status Code, BaRS HTTP Error Code and FHIR issue.code to use for each eventuality. In any case, the diagnostics text should reflect the scenarios given and not necessarily be used verbatim where examples are given.

The rationale, described in the error handling section is that as much information on the nature of the failure as possible is provided in a standard way.

Each scenario has a Source to state whether it is the BaRS Proxy or the Receiver which is generating the error. In scenarios where a SEND prefix is used, the sender is not adhering to the API specification in one way or another. These codes are held within OperationOoutcome.issue.details.code and use the http-error-codes value set.

Note: in future, the PROXY prefix will no longer be used, and all errors from the Proxy will use a code with no prefix.

Endpoint Catalogue - Message routing.

Below is a diagram of error locations coupled with scenarios with regards to the routing of messages by the proxy using the Endpoint Catalogue. The below diagram is generic and not specific to any particular API endpoint. Most requests will be subject to the errors that can be encountered during message routing.

BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

SEND at the API

The SEND prefix indicates an issue caught before any internal routing or processing occurs, it communicates a problem with the format of the request, not adhering to the API Spec as an example.

These scenarios can be found in other areas however if more required headers are added for endpoints this may be expanded.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The X-Request-Id or the X-Correlation-Id was not included or the NHSD-Target-Identifier was not included (depending on the endpoint being called). API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED security The user or system was not able to be authenticated, either the access token was invalid, or not provided. API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED unknown No Access token was provided. API
403 SEND_FORBIDDEN forbidden The access token was provided, but BaRS is not enabled. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND not-found Endpoint on the API does not exist. This would be a Proxy or non-prefixed response. there is no SEND code for 404 in the value set. API
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER_ ERROR exception Unexpected error, would expect this to happen internally so this is likely never going to be needed for a SEND and thus unprefixed or PROXY is used here. API
503 PROXY_UNAVAILABLE / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient unlikely to get a OperationOutcome here. API

PROXY/NONE within the BaRS proxy

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST invalid The X-Request-Id or the X-Correlation-Id was invalid. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST invalid When Base-64 decoding of the NHSD-Target-Identifier header fails. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST structure The NHSD-Target-Identifier header doesn't adhere to the schema API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST required A required item is missing. depending on the request/scenario this may be caught by the SEND details above. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST structure A structural issue in the content such as wrong namespace, unable to parse the content completely - for example the Target identifier is malformed. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND not-found The resource requested does not exist. For example; the target endpoint does not exist in the Endpoint Catalogue. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND multiple-matches The Target Identifier found two endpoints, this would be an issue with the management of the Endpoint catalogue. API
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER_ERROR exception A sub-service encountered an unhandled exception. API
503 PROXY_UNAVAILABLE / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient A sub-service was unavailable. API

REC injected at the proxy

When a failure response is received when attempting to forward the request to the desired receiver but no OperationOutcome is included during a failure scenario. For example, a Timeout.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
408 REC_TIMEOUT timeout The connection to the Receiver timed out. Receiver/ Injected at API
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception Generic should a 500 response be received but no operation outcome included. Receiver / Injected at API
503 REC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient The response from the receiver was a 503, with no detail. Also useful if there is a connection failure such as the endpoint not being found, or failing to resolve. Receiver / Injected at API

REC at the receiver.

Failure responses generated by the receiver.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED security Access Control Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN forbidden TLS-MA failure. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN security TLS-MA failure. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR too costly The request was deemed to costly to process by the receiver. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception unhandled exception. Receiver / Injected at API
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR no-store internal data storage issue. Receiver / Injected at API

Check Capabilities GET /metadata

Foreseen failure scenarios are limited for this interaction, in the scope of the receiver. The majority of failures for this stage of workflow is mainly going to be at the sender ascertaining the capabilities of the Receiver and whether they can interact. This is considered the purpose of this endpoint and therefore is not considered a failure.

GET /metadata is the only Endpoint which does not need a Target identifier. Not providing a Target Identifier will result in the Capability Statement of the BaRS Proxy itself. Providing one will expose potential failure scenarios defined in Message-Routing . There are also no query or path parameters required meaning the potential failure scenarios are fewer however Transaction Integrity headers are still required.


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

GET /MessageDefinition

Message definition includes only one additional parameter and therefore there are less scenarios to cover.


  • The context query parameter must be present.
    • For current use cases this will always match the value in the NHSD-Target-Identifier header. This could could not always be the case in future.


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

Errors by parameter


HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required no context parameter was given. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required no context parameter was given. Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST invalid the context parameter value was invalid (format) Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value the context parameter value was invalid (format) Receiver
404 REC_NOT_FOUND not-found the context parameter given returned no results. Receiver

Standard errors

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST invalid Although this should be caught at the proxy/API, should a request be received with no X-Request-Id or X-Correlation-Id be received this check should be in place. (BaRS without the Proxy) Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value As above, but the value is not a GUID/UUID. Receiver
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED security Access Control issue. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN forbidden TLS-MA failure. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN security TLS-MA failure. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception an unhandled exception has been encountered. Receiver / API Injected
503 REC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient The service(s) is unavailable but is able to respond as such, otherwise injected. Receiver / API Injected

GET /Slots

Get /Slots has added complexity compared to previous endpoints in this section. With a myriad of available and required parameters there is a potential for many scenarios.


  • Schedule:actor:HealthcareService - Must be included.
    • For current use cases this will likely match the value in the NHSD-Target-Identifier header. This may not always be the case in future.
  • _include - There is a minimum of the following 2 _includes required for current Applications.
    • Slot:schedule
    • Schedule:actor:HealthcareService
  • start - The start parameter must be used twice, and adds the need for handling problematic requests with its use (too wide a time frame, as an example).
    • Must use the FHIR instant format which includes and offset.
    • Must be UTC
    • Must have a greater than and a less than.
  • status - The status parameter must be used.
    • multiple statuses must be comma separated.
    • FOT allows free or busy.


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

Errors by parameter


HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST / REC_BAD_REQUEST? required The parameter value was not included in the request. (This parameter is not currently marked as required. ) API and Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value / invariant The parameter value was incorrect or wrong. Receiver
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED forbidden The Sending organisation/ software/ practitioner Role does is not allowed to access this information, evaluated in their corresponding Access Control headers. Receiver
404 REC_NOT_FOUND not-found This service does not exist. Receiver


HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required the minimum required includes are not present. API and Receiver
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED forbidden The Sending organisation/ software/ practitioner Role does is not allowed to access this information, evaluated in their corresponding Access Control headers. Receiver


HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST / REC_BAD_REQUEST required Date range was not present. API and Receiver
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST / REC_BAD_REQUEST value DateTimes in the requested start time range requested was invalid. API and Receiver
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED forbidden The Sending organisation/ software/ practitioner Role does is not allowed to access this information, evaluated in their corresponding Access Control headers. Receiver
422 REC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY too-costly The start time range requested is too wide. Receiver


HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST / REC_BAD_REQUEST required status not present. API and Receiver
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST / REC_BAD_REQUEST value status value requested is invalid. API and Receiver

Common Failures

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST invalid Although this should be caught at the proxy/API, should a request be received with no X-Request-Id or X-Correlation-Id be received this check should be in place. Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value As above, but the value is not a GUID/UUID. Receiver
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED security Access Control issue. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN forbidden TLS-MA failure. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN security TLS-MA failure. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception an unhandled exception has been encountered. Receiver / API Injected
503 REC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient The service is unavailable but is able to respond as such. Receiver / API Injected

GET /Appointment

This section defines the failure scenarios for GET /Appointment. There are two ways to call this endpoint. Either with a query parameter, or a path parameter. This section covers both of those methods.


GET /Appointment

GET /Appointment/

  • id in path MUST be a valid GUID/UUID


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

Errors by parameter

path id in GET /Appointment

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value The identifier was in the incorrect format. Receiver
404 REC_NOT_FOUND not-found The resource requested was not found. Receiver

patient:identifier parameter identifier in GET /Appointment

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. Receiver
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST value the identifier was in the incorrect format. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value the identifier was in the incorrect format. Receiver

GET /ServiceRequest

This section defines the failure scenarios for GET /ServiceRequest. As with GET /Appointment, there are two ways to call this endpoint. Either with a query parameter, or a path parameter. This section covers both of those methods.


GET /ServiceRequest

GET /ServiceRequest/

  • id in path MUST be a valid GUID/UUID


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

Errors by parameter

path id in GET /ServiceRequest

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value The identifier was in the incorrect format. Receiver
404 REC_NOT_FOUND not-found The resource requested was not found. Receiver

patient:identifier parameter identifier in GET /ServiceRequest

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required The parameter value was not included in the request. Receiver
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST value the identifier was in the incorrect format. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value the identifier was in the incorrect format. Receiver

Bundle processing POST /$process-message

This section defines unhappy path scenarios for when a receiver processes a message. This includes a reiteration of Transaction Integrity, workflow variable validations and data conflicts.

HTTP Headers

Below is a simplified example of how how to handle the Transaction Integrity HTTP headers. Logic

    if (HttpHeaders is null || HttpHeaders not Guid )
        OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invalid"
        throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
        then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400
    else if (HttpHeaders.RequestId == RequestId.AlreadyReceived)
        OperationOutcome.issue.code = "duplicate"
        throw exception with "REC_CONFLICT"
        then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST invalid The request headers are not valid.
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST required The request headers are not present.
409 REC_CONFLICT duplicate The message has been identified as having already been processed.

400 OperationOutcome

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "531e073a-3295-4e67-ae90-e00bd96a9cdd",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "invalid",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/Codesystem/http-error-codes",
            "code": "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
      "diagnostics": "Transaction Integrity headers were not present"

409 OperationOutcome

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "531e073a-3295-4e67-ae90-e00bd96a9cdd",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "duplicate",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/Codesystem/http-error-codes",
            "code": "REC_CONFLICT"
      "diagnostics": "This message has been recognised as having already been successfully processed."

Message workflow variable validations

Many scenarios are covered by this one example, the full pseudo code can be located at the end of this page.


			case "servicerequest-request":
				if (MessageHeader.reason.code == "new" && ServiceRequest.status == "active")
							case "Validation":
								if (CarePlan.status != "active")
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
								RequestType = "unknown"
								OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
								throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
								then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST invariant A combination of workflow variables has lead to a non-standard or unknown workflow.

400 OperationOutcome

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "531e073a-3295-4e67-ae90-e00bd96a9cdd",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "invariant",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/Codesystem/http-error-codes",
            "code": "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
      "diagnostics": "A content validation rule failed, Validation message requires a Careplan.satus of 'active'"

Data Conflicts

Receiving an update can present complications under certain conditions if data has been updated locally - for example, If you have updated a record locally prior to an update message being received and a conflict is then encountered.


if (Message == "update")
	if (currentLocalData.LastUpdated > originaRequest.ReceivedDate)
		OperationOutcome.issue.code = "conflict"
		throw exception with 'REC_CONFLICT'
		then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409


BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario
409 REC_CONFLICT conflict local data updates conflict with the updates in the message.

409 OperationOutcome

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "531e073a-3295-4e67-ae90-e00bd96a9cdd",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "conflict",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/Codesystem/http-error-codes",
            "code": "REC_CONFLICT"
      "diagnostics": "Information received has been updated locally and may cause loss, or presents a conflict, of data"

Full Pseudo Code example

Below is the Full Pseudo Code example of the details seen in the workflow variables section.

> Click here to show example
	initialise_variable "messageType" 
	initialise_variable "MessageReason" 
	initialise_variable "RequestType"
		if (HttpHeaders is null || HttpHeaders not Guid )
			OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invalid"
			throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
			then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400
		else if (HttpHeaders.RequestId == RequestId.AlreadyReceived)
			OperationOutcome.issue.code = "duplicate"
			throw exception with "REC_CONFLICT"
			then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409
		if(Bundle.meta.versionID is null)
			OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"
			throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
			then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400
		else if!(Bundle.meta.versionID in versionID.supported)
			OperationOutcome.issue.code = "not-supported"
			throw exception with "REC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY"
			then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 422
			case "servicerequest-request":
				if (MessageHeader.reason.code == "new" && ServiceRequest.status == "active")
							case "Validation":
								if (CarePlan.status != "active")
										RequestType = "unknown";
										OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant";//A content validation rule failed
										throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST";
										then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
								else if(Encounter.Status.In("triaged","in-progress")
									{RequestType = "Im Receiving a new Validation Request";}
										RequestType = "unknown";
										OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant";//A content validation rule failed
										throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST";
										then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
							case "Referral":
								if (Careplan.status != "completed")
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400
								else if(Encounter.Status.In("triaged","finished"))
									RequestType = "Im Receiving a new Referral"
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400
								RequestType = "unknown"
								OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
								throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
								then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
				else if (MessageHeader.reason.code == "update")
							case "Validation":
									{RequestType = "im receiving a cancelled validation request";}
								else if(ServiceRequest.status.In("active","on-hold"))
									{RequestType = "im receiving an update to a validation request";} 
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400								
							case "Referral":
								{RequestType = "im receiving a cancelled referral"}
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400								
								RequestType = "unknown"
								OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
								throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
								then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;

					RequestType = "unknown"
					OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
					throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
					then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400}
			case "servicerequest-response":
				if (MessageHeader.Response is null )
						RequestType = "Invalid servicerequest-response"
						OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
						throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
						then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
				else if ( !Message.Response.identifier.existsLocally())
						RequestType = "none or invalid response ID"
						OperationOutcome.issue.code = "not-found"//A content validation rule failed
						throw exception with "REC_NOT_FOUND"
						then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 404;
				switch (ServiceRequest.Category)
						case "Referral":
							if (ServiceRequest.status == "revoked" && MessageHeader.reason.code == "new")
							{ RequestType = "im receiving a Safeguarding DNA response (noshow)" } 
								RequestType = "unknown"
								OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
								throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
								then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
						case "Validation":
							if(!AnyEncounter.Originates.Local && Encount.Count()<=3)
								if (MessageHeader.Reason.code == "new" && ServiceRequest.status == "active" && MessageHeader.FocusEncounter.status=="in-progress")
								{Request Type = "im receiving a Validation Response interim update" }
								else if (MessageHeader.Reason.code.In ("new","update") && ServiceRequest.status == "completed" && MessageHeader.FocusEncounter.status.In("triaged","complete")
								{Request Type = "im receiving a final Validation Response" }
									RequestType = "unknown"
									OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
									throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
									then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
							else if(MessageHeader.FocusEncounter.status = "triaged" && ServiceRequest.status == "revoked" && MessageHeader.Reason.code.In("new","update"))
							{ RequestType = "im receiving  a Rejected validation response" } // a new encounter here is an edge case.
								RequestType = "unknown"
								OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
								throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
								then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
							RequestType = "unknown"
							OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
							throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
							then return  HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
			case "booking-request":
				if (MessageHeader.Reason.code== "new" && Appointment.Status == "booked")
					{RequestType = "Im Receiving a new booking.";}
						OperationOutcome.issue.code = "conflict"
						throw exception with "REC_CONFLICT"
						then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409
				else if (MessageHeader.Reason.code == "update")
					MessageHeaderIsUpdate = true;
					switch (Appointment.Status)
						case "cancelled":
							RequestType = "Im Receiving a booking cancellation."
						case "entered-in-error":
							RequestType = "Im Receiving a booking cancellation."
						case "booked":
							RequestType = "Im Receiving an update to a booking."
							OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
							throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
							then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
					OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
					throw exception with "REC_BAD_REQUEST"
					then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400;
			case "booking-response":
					OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
					throw exception with 'REC_BAD_REQUEST'
					then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400
				OperationOutcome.issue.code = "invariant"//A content validation rule failed
				throw exception with 'REC_BAD_REQUEST'
				then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 400
	//Submit //rework this
		if (Message == "update")
			if (currentLocalData.LastUpdated > originaRequest.ReceivedDate)
				OperationOutcome.issue.code = "conflict"
				throw exception with 'REC_CONFLICT'
				then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409
			foreach (Entry in Bundle)
				if (currentLocalData.Item.exists)
					if (currentLocalData.LastUpdated > originaRequest.Received)
						OperationOutcome.issue.code = "conflict"
						throw exception with 'REC_CONFLICT'
						then return with HTTP.ResponseCode 409
					if(Entry.LastUpdated > currentLocalData.Item.meta.LastUpdated && Entry.fullUrl = currentLocalData.Item.fullUrl)
						currentLocalData.Item = Entry.Item
						Entry.SubmitWith(currentLocalData.Item.meta.LastUpdated == Entry.LastUpdated )
					Entry.SubmitWith(currentLocalData.Item.meta.LastUpdated == Entry.LastUpdated )					
			Submit(currentLocalData.Bundle.meta.LastUpdated = Bundle.Meta.LastUpdated)
			return HTTP.ResponseCode 200 'OK'
				foreach(Entry in Bundle)
					Entry.SubmitWith(currentLocalData.Item.meta.LastUpdated == Entry.LastUpdated )
					Submit(currentLocalData.Bundle.meta.LastUpdated = Bundle.Meta.LastUpdated)
					return HTTP.ResponseCode 200 'OK'

General Failure Scenarios

This section will define errors that could be seen in any given step and shared from function to function without context. All interactions MUST follow these rules as such they may be listed in different sections.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue.Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required Content invalid against the specification or a profile. For example a required parameter or header is not provided. API
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST value a header value or parameter is invalid. (these are defined in each specific scenario) Receiver
400 REC_BAD_REQUEST not-supported in FOT for when a function or feature in the standard is not yet supported. Receiver
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST structure When Base-64 decoding of the NHSD-Target-Identifier header fails. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST structure The NHSD-Target-Identifier header doesn't adhere to the schema API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED login / expired The sender has not provided a token or it has expired or is otherwise invalid. API
405 SEND_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED not-supported using the wrong http verb. For example GET instead of POST API
406 SEND_NOT_ACCEPTABLE processing The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Versions in Accept or content.

Version is not present in FOT and should be ignored in FOT if presented. Post FOT it MUST be evaluated.
406 REC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE processing The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request. Versions in Accept or content.

Version is not present in FOT and should be ignored in FOT if presented. Post FOT it MUST be evaluated.
429 SEND_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS throttled when rate limiting is applied. API
409 REC_TIMEOUT timeout Injected when a 504 is generated in the proxy due to a receiver timing out on a response. API Injected
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR transient An unexpected exception has occurred during processing at the receiver. Receiver/ API Injected
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER ERROR transient An unexpected exception has occurred during processing internally. API
501 REC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED not-supported The receiver has not yet implemented that endpoint or functionality. Receiver


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