NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.8.1 | Core v1.1.5 | Package v1.34.0


Below is a non exhaustive list of terms used throughout the BaRS documentation.

Term / Abbreviation What it stands for
ARP Ambulance Response Programme
AST Ambulance Service Trust
API Application Programming Interface
BaRS Booking and Referral Standard
CAD Computer Aided Dispatch system
CAS Clinical Assessment Service
CATR Clinical Authority to Release
CAT1 ARP Category 1 ambulance response - Life Threatening
CAT2 ARP Category 2 ambulance response Emergency
CAT3 ARP Category ambulance response Urgent
CAT4 ARP Category ambulance response Non-urgent
CAT5 Non-ambulance response
CDSS Clinical Decision Support Software
CQSG Clinical Quality & Safety Group
CSG NHS Digital Clinical Safety Group
CSMS Clinical Safety Management System
CSO Clinical Safety Officer
CSCR Clinical Safety Case Report
EDDI Emergency Department Digital Integration
DNA Did Not Attend
DoS Directory of Services
ED Emergency Department
EMD Emergency Medical Dispatcher
ERS Electronic Referral Service
FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource
FOT First of Type
GP General Practitioner
HA NHS 111 Health Advisor
HCP Healthcare Professional
ITK Interoperability Toolkit
INT Integration Testing
IUC Integrated Urgent Care, covering 111 and Clinical Assessment Services
MDR Medical Device Regulations
NHS National Health Service
OOH Out of hours
PaCCS Pathways Clinical Consultation Support
PDS Personal Demographics Service
PMS Patient Management System
PRSB Professional Record Standards Body
Public Beta Deployment of a system developed against a pre-release standard into a live service, under pilot conditions
SCAL Supplier Conformance Assessment List
TKW Toolkit workbench
UAT User Acceptance Test
TRG Technical Review Group
UCR Urgent Community Response
UEC Urgent and Emergency Care
UTC Urgent Treatment Centre
WNB Was Not Brought
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