Testing and Environments
The principle environment for development and testing is the INT (integration) environment. This is a like-live environment, harnessing full security and functionality that can expect to be encountered in Production. In addition, the BaRS API specification links to the Sandbox environment, which is capable of demonstrating the key functionality but without the security overhead.
Path-to-Live has full details of all available testing environments and the functionality they offer.
What is TKW?
TKW - Toolkit Workbench - is a tool to assist development and assurance of supplier solutions to meet BaRS (Booking and Referral Standard) requirements.
The tool supports testing of key high-level workflows e.g. a booking routine, including some of asynchronous ones, but is also capable of inspecting low level technical requirements. It reports the output in Validation Reports which clearly indicates to the reader where and why a test has failed. In addition, it supports consistent error states which are often difficult to create but required for development and assurance.
The BaRS TKW tooling is embedded into the INT environment, encompassing all the same end-to-end BaRS infrastructure that is mirrored in Production, rather than being downloaded and used in isolation. This ensures the same steps to deploy solutions to Production are followed during deployment to INT, and allowing testing of requests/responses to occur under Production-like conditions. Similarly, we're able to incorporate other key components, similar to those used in Production workflows, such as the UserTest Directory of Services (DoS). In the current BaRS Applications, the TKW tool relies on values in the UserTest DoS to elicit particular behavioural responses. The Sender will populate what are termed 'sentinel' values, such as the NHSD-Target-Identifier, with a particular value and TKW will respond with a certain Capability Statement, MessageDefinition etc. (See the 'Scenarios' section for detail).
It is important for Senders to remember TKW is a stateless receiver and is not checking the relationship between requests (except in a handful of stateful scenarios - outlined below). This is important when developing workflows such as linking a booking and referral and transactional Integrity.
Using TKW Portal
Suppliers must register a Portal account to start working with TKW but Senders and Receivers will use the tool in slightly different ways due to the nature of the requests/responses they require. Senders, needing somewhere to send requests and Receivers needing something to make requests of their solution.
During the registration process, the 'Target Identifier' and 'ODS Code' values are important to ensure requests are sent and received appropriately. As a Sender (to TKW), the HTTP Header NHSD-End-User-Organisation must include the ODS Code they registered with because TKW will collate requests based on this value. When reports are downloaded and viewed, only requests with that specific ODS Code in the header will be visible. As a Receiver, once logged into the portal and selecting the request(s) TKW is required to make of your endpoint, they will be directed to the Target Identifier registered against and, equally, downloaded reports will only relate to that specific value.
- Navigate to https://maitportal.testlab.nhs.uk/
- Click Register and complete the form below
- Email bookingandreferralstandard@nhs.net for a Target Identifier (this represents you on the Endpoint Catalogue)
- MAIT Team will need enable your account, email bookingandreferralstandard@nhs.net to advise this has been created
- Verify the account via email
- Configure Multi-Factor Authentication
- Access Portal Home screen
Once registered, requests can be made of TKW in any given workflow e.g. booking, validation etc. and the tool will record and provide downloadable validation reports for each request made.
The Scenarios (including Stateful Scenarios) outlined below highlight how to elicit particular behaviour required, note the specific sentinel values for NHSD-Target-Identifier and patient NHS Number. As a Sender, the various requests can be made and TKW will repond accoridngly.
NB: It is important for Senders to remember TKW is a stateless receiver and is not checking the relationship between requests (except in a handful of stateful scenarios - outlined below). This is important when developing workflows such as linking a booking and referral and transactional Integrity.
A receiver can access the portal (once registered) to send either individual tests or an entire suite of tests to themselves. From the top menu bar, click 'Receive Requests' and the screen below will present -
The receiver selects the request they wish the TKW to make of their endpoint and clicks 'Execute Selected Tests' (bottom of the page). TKW will indicate when the requests have been processed.
Once all requested tests have been completed, the Validation Report can be downloaded -
- from the top menu, select 'Download Reports'
- then click on the button 'Download Reports' (this packages the report and makes it available to download locally)
- from the top me, select 'Receiver Reports'
- click on the hyperlink of the required report to download locally (.zip format)
The TKW will respond to the scenarios outlined below. It does not hold the state of any prior request (unless specified in the Stateful scenarios) and the specific 'sentinel' values (in bold) must be used to elicit the required response where stated.
NB: where 'Any' NHSD-Target-Identifier is specified, only those highlighted in "UserTest DoS Services" table below will work for TKW.
NB: the endpoints for TKW are case sensitive eg use the following /metadata /MessageDefinition /$process-message /Slot /Appointment /ServiceRequest
The follow is a list of headers needed for the requests, these follow the pattern needed by BARS as follows Headers
Name | Value | example |
X-Request-Id | guid | 74c2b045-9b7d-4b78-aeee-642f6332e3c9 |
X-Correlation-Id | guid | 0598efa7-fff0-4ade-9af8-3f46b4124151 |
NHSD-Target-Identifier | Base64 encoded json varies depending on test (Sentinel Value) else use a value from the "UserTest DoS Services" table below | {"system":"https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id","value":"2000011147"} ( Must be Base64 encoded! ) |
NHSD-End-User-Organisation | Base64 encoded json | {"resourceType":"Organization","identifier":[{"value":"WASP","system":"https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/ods-organization-code"}],"name":"My service provider name"} ( Must be Base64 encoded! ) |
▶ Example cURL Request
curl --location 'https://int.api.service.nhs.uk/booking-and-referral/FHIR/R4/metadata' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: 99672436-ae1e-42e4-81a6-5a298563ccfa' \
--header 'X-Correlation-Id: f44f6c3c-fdd5-4c8c-a091-d825eca1d763' \
--header 'NHSD-Target-Identifier: eyJzeXN0ZW0iOiJodHRwczovL2ZoaXIubmhzLnVrL0lkL2Rvcy1zZXJ2aWNlLWlkIiwidmFsdWUiOiIyMDAwMDcyNDg5In0=' \
--header 'NHSD-End-User-Organisation: ewogICJyZXNvdXJjZVR5cGUiOiAiT3JnYW5pemF0aW9uIiwKICAiaWRlbnRpZmllciI6IFsKICAgIHsKICAgICAgInZhbHVlIjogIldBU1AiLAogICAgICAic3lzdGVtIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZmhpci5uaHMudWsvSWQvb2RzLW9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1jb2RlIgogICAgfQogIF0sCiAgIm5hbWUiOiAiTXkgc2VydmljZSBwcm92aWRlciBuYW1lIgp9' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer yourBearerToken'
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
CS for Booking and Referral receiver | 111-ED | NHSD Target Identifier (HTTP Header) | 2000011147 | Returns CS for Booking and Referral receiver service |
CS for Referral receiver | 111-ED, 999-CAS | NHSD Target Identifier (HTTP Header) | 2000076289 | Returns CS for Referral receiver service |
CS for Validation sender | 999-CAS | NHSD Target Identifier (HTTP Header) | 1374839566 | Returns CS for Validation sender service (accepting interim and full validation responses) |
CS for any other receiving service | BaRS Core | NHSD Target Identifier (HTTP Header) | Any (see comment) | Any NHSD Target Identifier other than those a predefined response is set for (see above) |
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
MD for Booking and Referral receiver | 111-ED | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000011147 | 2000011147 | Returns MD for Booking and Referral receiver service |
MD for Referral receiver | 111-ED, 999-CAS | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000076289 | 2000076289 | Returns MD for Referral receiver service |
MD for Validation receiver | 999-CAS | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000003366 | 2000003366 | Returns MD for Validation receiver service |
MD for Validation sender | 999-CAS | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|1374839566 | 1374839566 | Returns MD for Validation sender service (accepting interim and full validation responses) |
MD for Out-of-Area CAD Referral receiver | CAD-CAD | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000159909 | 2000159909 | Returns MD for Out-of-Area CAD-CAD Referral receiver service |
MD for any other receiving service | BaRS Core | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000076288 | Any (see comment) | Any 'context' parameter other than those a predefined response is set for (see above) |
MD failed request - HTTP 401 | BaRS Core | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|FAIL0401 | FAIL0401 | |
MD failed request - HTTP 404 | BaRS Core | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|FAIL0404 | FAIL0404 | |
MD for invalid MessageDefs | BaRS Core | (parameter) context=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/dos-service-id|2000071898 | 2000071898 | Returns invalid MessageDefintions (includes Invoice resource) for any workflow |
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
Search for free Slots | BaRS Core | (parameter) start=ge2020-10-31T18%3A45%3A39%2B00&end=le2024-11-04T19%3A00%3A38%2B00&Schedule.actor%3AHealthcareService=2000072489&status=busy%2Cfree | 2000072489 | |
Search for free and busy Slots | BaRS Core | (parameter) as above but with status=busy%2Cfree | 2000072489 | Must include the parameter 'status=free,busy' or 'status=busy,free' |
Return no Slots | BaRS Core | (parameter) as above but &Schedule.actor%3AHealthcareService=2000073917 | 2000073917 | |
Return mandatory Slot response | BaRS Core | (parameter) as above but &Schedule.actor%3AHealthcareService=1503499715 | 1503499715 | This will only include Slot, Schedule and HealthcareService |
Slot search failed request - HTTP 408 | BaRS Core | (parameter) as above but &Schedule.actor%3AHealthcareService=2000081230 | 2000081230 | |
New booking for verified patient | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request New Full replace <value value="9476719931" /> with 9658499007 |
9658499007 | The returned Appointment Id = ce1c4ced-2a84-4198-9982-9caf894d0bb7 in HTTP synchronous response |
Get Booking | BaRS Core | /Appointment use any NHSD Target Identifier as above | The returned Appointment Id = ce1c4ced-2a84-4198-9982-9caf894d0bb7 | |
Cancel Booking | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request Cancelled | The returned Appointment Id = ce1c4ced-2a84-4198-9982-9caf894d0bb7 (assumed cancel is for this appointment) | |
New booking for a patient with no NHS No. | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request New Full remove the whole "Extension-UKCore-NHSNumberVerificationStatus" section | blank (no NHS No.) | The returned Appointment Id = ce1c4ced-2a84-4198-9982-9caf894d0bb7 |
New booking failed request - HTTP 404 | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request New Full replace <value value="9476719931" /> with 9658499015 |
9658499015 | |
New booking failed request - HTTP 409 | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request New Full replace <value value="9476719931" \/> with 9658499023 |
9658499023 | |
New booking failed request - HTTP 422 | BaRS Core | use body from Booking Request New Full replace <value value="9476719931" /> with 9658499031 |
9658499031 | |
Get booking failed request - HTTP 501 | BaRS Core | /Appointment/0d440c22-7f25-4c6c-905d-2213d197d02a | GET must be for Appointment Id 0d440c22-7f25-4c6c-905d-2213d197d02a |
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
New referral for a verified patient | 111-ED, 999-CAS | use body from REFREQ01 New Full 111 to ED replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499058 |
9658499058 | The returned Service Request Id = 79120f41-a431-4f08-bcc5-1e67006fcae0 |
Get Referral | 111-ED, 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/79120f41-a431-4f08-bcc5-1e67006fcae0 | The returned Service Request Id = 79120f41-a431-4f08-bcc5-1e67006fcae0 | |
Cancel Referral | 111-ED, 999-CAS | use body from SERVREQ01 | The returned Service Request Id = 09b53c07-2a21-4ba5-ac8b-f33e486d794d (assumed revoke is for this Service Request) | |
New referral for a patient with no NHS No. | 111-ED, 999-CAS | use body from REFREQ01 New Full 111 to ED remove whole Extension-UKCore-NHSNumberVerificationStatus section |
The returned Service Request Id = 79120f41-a431-4f08-bcc5-1e67006fcae0 | |
New referral failed request - HTTP 400 | 111-ED, 999-CAS | use body from REFREQ01 New Full 111 to ED replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499066 |
9658499066 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499066 and returns 400 |
New referral failed request - HTTP 500 | 111-ED, 999-CAS | use body from REFREQ01 New Full 111 to ED replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499074 |
9658499074 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499074 and returns 500 |
New referral for Out-of-Area CAD referral | CAD-CAD | NHSD Target Identifier (HTTP Header) | 2000159910 | Request will be validated against the Application6 Out-of-Area CAD-CAD use-case |
Get Referral - HTTP 405 | 111-ED, 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/61215702-0049-4d76-9807-2123f0a6ca15 | GET must be for ServiceRequest Id 61215702-0049-4d76-9807-2123f0a6ca15 and returns 405 | |
Get Referral - HTTP 429 | 111-ED, 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/9d280ad9-6dda-46d2-a75e-f5b47b2f4e87 | GET must be for ServiceRequest Id 9d280ad9-6dda-46d2-a75e-f5b47b2f4e87 and returns 429 | |
Get Referral - HTTP 503 | 111-ED, 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | GET must be for ServiceRequest Id 4d65ddaa-4d09-41cd-87c9-aeb9c0c96352 and returns 503 |
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
New validation request | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req remove whole Extension-UKCore-NHSNumberVerificationStatus section |
The validation request will return Service Request id = 0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | |
New validation request | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499082 |
9658499082 | The validation request will return Service Request id = 9e595424-9d67-45db-9a90-03259653cd37 which can be used in subsequent error scenarios 'Get Validation - HTTP 408' (4.6) |
New validation request | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499090 |
9658499090 | The validation request will return Service Request id = c337e8d8-fd5b-4a13-a8e4-0f6f4ac1bb1a which can be used in subsequent error scenarios 'Get Validation - HTTP 501' (4.8) |
Get validation request | 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | GET must be for Service Request id = 0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | |
Update validation request | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ02 - Validation Service Req | The validation request returned will be Service Request id = 0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | |
Cancel validation request | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ02 - Validation Service Req | ||
New validation failed request - HTTP 404 | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499015 |
9658499015 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499015 and returns 404 |
New validation failed request - HTTP 409 | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499112 |
9658499112 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499112 and returns 409 |
New validation failed request - HTTP 422 | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499120 |
9658499120 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499120 and returns 422 |
New validation failed request - HTTP 401 | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499139 |
9658499139 | Request must be for a patient with NHS No - 9658499139 and returns 401 |
Get Validation - HTTP 408 | 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf | GET must be for Service Request id = 0b42eac3-0175-43c8-bbab-efaa8ca31ccf and returns 408 | |
Get Validation - HTTP 501 | 999-CAS | /ServiceRequest/c337e8d8-fd5b-4a13-a8e4-0f6f4ac1bb1a | GET must be for Service Request id = c337e8d8-fd5b-4a13-a8e4-0f6f4ac1bb1a and returns 501 |
Test | BaRS Application | Sentinel Element / Hints | Sentinel Value | Comment |
Full Validation Response | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499147 |
9658499147 | Trigger a Validation response for full validation |
Interim validation response | 999-CAS | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499155 |
9658499155 | Trigger a Validation response for interim validation |
Safeguarding DNA Response | 111-ED | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499163 |
9658499163 | Accept a Response flow for failed Safeguarding |
Safeguarding DNA Response - HTTP 401 | 111-ED | use body from VALREQ03 Validation Service Req replace <value value="3478526985" /> with 9658499171 |
9658499171 | Accept a Response flow for failed Safeguarding and returns a 401 |
UserTest DoS Services
The sentinel values linked to UserTest DoS services can be found by searching with the following criteria.
ServiceId | Service Name | PostCode | Pathway | Comment |
2000072489 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | A catch-all service supporting multiple workflows. Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000073917 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 2) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
1503499715 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 3) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000081230 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 4) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000093816 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 5) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Digital Referral Roles Only. Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
1374839566 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 6) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000011147 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 7) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000076289 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 8) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000003366 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 9) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000071898 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 12) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000159909 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 13) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
2000159910 | TESTING ONLY BaRS Test Service (TKW 14) | LS1 4AP | NoseBleed without Injury | Pathways answers to obtain outcome (No, Yes, No, Yes) |
INT Test Patient (traceable on SPINE)
The patient.Identifier sentinel values used to trigger Scenarios in TKW can be found on the INT Spine. The full patient details are outlined below.
Surname | Forename | DoB | NHS No | Sex | Postcode |
DYBALL | Adrian | 29/10/1932 | 9658499007 | M | DN17 4LR |
FOWLER | Frank | 07/06/1921 | 9658499015 | M | DN17 1HJ |
SWAIN | Dudley | 03/10/1931 | 9658499023 | M | DN19 7EQ |
WEBBER | Jeremy | 19/12/1934 | 9658499031 | M | DN16 3JH |
MURRY | Josiah | 10/08/1918 | 9658499058 | M | DN8 5SP |
MARSH | Irving | 15/06/1937 | 9658499066 | M | DN17 2QU |
POVAH | Horton | 15/07/1938 | 9658499074 | M | DN17 1UU |
McCANN | Levi | 08/07/1934 | 9658499082 | M | DN16 2LH |
DRIVER | Claude | 29/04/1934 | 9658499090 | M | DN18 6BW |
LYMER | Peter | 07/09/1948 | 9658499104 | M | DN16 1SA |
TAFT | Daphne | 16/03/1919 | 9658499112 | F | DN16 2QY |
MCGURK | Verena | 28/03/1940 | 9658499120 | F | DN17 2NB |
GILROY | Ellice | 24/02/1929 | 9658499139 | F | DN20 8PT |
COOK | Violet | 07/02/1918 | 9658499147 | F | DN20 0JH |
COYNE | Joyce | 22/01/1933 | 9658499155 | F | DN17 1TR |
LUMAS | Hariot | 23/04/1948 | 9658499163 | F | DN15 7QQ |
BONNEY | Lynda | 21/03/1949 | 9658499171 | F | DN17 1XR |
Stateful Scenarios
TKW supports a limited stateful response for 111 to ED requests. This is a simulation of the real-world receiving end-point and mimics the expected behaviour of a Reciever solution.
This stateful behaviour is only demonstrated for a specific patient (NHS Number 9707606312) and per NHSD-End-User-Organisation - i.e. state will be persisted only between requests made by the same End User Organisation.
Note The stateful server will reset each night which will return all users back to the initial state.
State Transition Table indicating the responses the stateful TKW scenarios will support and the expected responses-
Event | Initial State | Appointment Booked State | Referral Created State |
Make a Booking | Http 200 | Http 409 (Booking already exists) | Http 409 (Booking already exists) |
Cancel a Booking | Http 400 (The booking this request relates to does not exist) | Http 200 | Http 200 |
Create Linked Referral Request | Http 400 (The booking this request relates to does not exist) | Http 200 | Http 409 (Referral already exists) |
Create Mis-linked Referral Request | Http 400 (The booking this request relates to does not exist) | Http 409 (Referral is not linked to the correct booking) | Http 409 (Referral already exists) |
Cancel Referral Request | Http 400 (The booking this request relates to does not exist) | Http 400 (No Referral - The referral this request relates to does not exist) | Http 200 |
API-M provide the security model for BaRS.
There are two roles; Sender and Receiver, and most BaRS Applications will require a solution to support both, despite being predominantly one or the other, because of the response workflow steps. In responses flows, the original Sender becomes and Receiver and original Receiver becomes a Sender.
The Sender obtains a token from the API-M platform to make requests of the BaRS API Proxy which brokers the request through the Receiver, secure via TLS-MA (Transport Layer Security-Mutual Authentication).
BaRS is based on internet-first principles and there is no requirement for Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) connectivity.
Prerequiste steps to follow -
- Create Developer account
- Sign in, create a team by selecting "My teams", and then "+ New Team":
- Assign members to your Team
- Create an App
- Owner of the App should be the Team created above
- You will need a callback URL (bottom of page)
- Enable or request the API's you wish to use for your application
- "Booking and Referral FHIR API (Sandbox Environment)" - for Sandbox
- "Booking and Referral FHIR API (Integration Testing Environment)" - for INT
- Generate an API Key for your application
- Define your Key Identifier (KID) to be used within your JWTs
- KID Naming Convention (Development Systems) - <Supplier>-<Environment>-<rotation> i.e. MySupplier-INT-1
- KID Naming Convention (Provider Systems) - <Provider>-<Environment>-<rotation> i.e. Provider-INT-1
- Generate a key pair (.pem)
- Windows based apps
- Alternatively, this website can also generate Key Pairs
- Provide details to register your key
- For INT : Register Public key with API Management
- Email - api.management@nhs.net with:
- Environment - Sandbox, Development, Integration Test or Production
- App ID and Name from the portal
- Public key
- As an attachment, PEM-Encoded
- The KID you have defined for this public key
- APIs you want to use
- Email - api.management@nhs.net with:
- For Production (each provider needs their own key).
- Email -
- Specify Live
- App ID and Name from the portal for both Production and the INT Suppliers Development environment.
- Public key for the providers Production instance.
- As an attachment, PEM-Encoded.
- The KID defined for this public key.
- The APIs you want to use.
- Email -
- For INT : Register Public key with API Management
- Generate a signed JWT using your private key
The header:
- alg: The algorithm used
- typ: "JWT" in this instance
- kid: Your KID as provided to API Management above
- example:
{ "alg":"RS512" "typ":"JWT" "kid":"BaRS-Sandbox-1" }
The payload:
- iss: The API Key you generated in the portal
- sub: The API Key you generated in the portal
- aud: The full URL of the endpoint you are calling (example: https://sandbox.api.service.nhs.uk/oauth2/token )
- jti: UUID/GUID, different for each request
- exp: Epoch time, to be no more than 5 minutes in the future, indicating when your token will expire
- example:
{ "iss":"IwrOdg62kM9LN1oFhlHAhWPHAhWPbV62", "sub":"IwrOdg62kM9LN1oFhlHAhWPHAhWPbV62", "kid":"BaRS-Sandbox-1", "aud":"https://sandbox.api.service.nhs.uk/oauth2/token", "jti":"b7ae4c12-3c04-465a-8877-c2e80f0126a3" "exp":"1635263528" }
Post your JWT to the OAuth endpoint to receive a Token
Note: A token is not required for the Sandbox environment
Your request body should be x-www-form-urlencoded with the following fields
- grant_typegrant_type = "client_credentials"
- client_assertion_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"
- client_assertion = <Your signed JWT>
- example:
curl --location --request POST 'https://sandbox.api.service.nhs.uk/oauth2/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \ --data-urlencode 'client_assertion_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer' \ --data-urlencode 'client_assertion=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJCYVJTLVNhbmRib3gtMSIsImFsZyI6IlJTNTEyIn0. eyJpc3MiOiJJd3JPZGc2MmtNOUxOMW9GaGw4UnlVUmJIQWhXUFY2MiIsInN1YiI6Ikl3ck9kZzYya005TE4xb0ZobDhSeVVSYkhBaFdQVjYyIiwia2lkIjoiQmFSUy1TYW5kYm94LTEiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL3NhbmRib3guYXBpLnNlcnZpY2UubmhzLnVrL29hdXRoMi90b2tlbiIsImp0aSI6IlQtWjdhTm1UODUybE1uVGtZb1NaRiIsImlhdCI6MTYzNTI2MjI2MiwibmJmIjoxNjM1MjYyMjYyLCJleHAiOjE2MzUyNjI1NjZ9.aUQSqvkzjAMRR21lNiE6YnksynPWx9wkXdEFJZ_muzGfeyuS3ooh-uXlOccQFSDS790Wrne49vMsf72NILK3iDjWyH2z8D8R_B_xYy2e3ZOktqQFNx5vZ0svC-_v1ranJKJJU8NiQog7JvRtXNwKcdExpge2bkhV2JN3bQtzPY0F7CxPohILmCIUvi3yEyr-nm3kxdB8LkifQAz132qpuO_1iENGmbqUgASYBZMTQIdD4aO8Vv9sJ9rvyIQyniw_DeY6SEMx4CHDiEb0NWmcOmpdBS1DDkuMiUohSpz8OXEYR1cZcL27dyibDJBY57FGCMBn1AVb43olYSumOIwg'
The expected success response from the Post should be a status 200 with a 3 field JSON response:
- access_token: Your access token
- expires_in: When it expires
- token_type: "Bearer"
- issued_at: Time issued
- example:
{ 'access_token': 'Sr5PGv19wTEHJdDr2wx2f7IGd0cw', 'expires_in': '599', 'token_type': 'Bearer' 'issued_at': '1675784384503' }
A failure response will have a response code appropriate for the reason and the following 3 fields:
- error: The error thrown
- error_description: Diagnostics text to tell you why the error was thrown
- message_id: A unique id for the interaction
- example:
{ "error": "public_key error", "error_description": "You need to register a public key to use this authentication method - please contact support to configure", "message_id": "rrt-8923968319386160140-b-geu2-23765-558685-1" }
BaRS will utilise TLS-MA to communicate with Receiving endpoints. Receiving endpoints will require a certificate under the NHS Root CA to facilitate TLS-MA.
- The receiver must request a certificate under the NHS Root CA
- There are different certificate chains for INT and Prod
- INT Certificate chains
- Prod Certificate chains
- The receiving endpoint will present the certificate obtained for TLS-MA
- The receiving endpoint will need to trust the Root CAs and SubCAs for their respective environments
- The receiving endpoint will only accept requests presented with certificates from their respective chains
As the certificates are using the NHS Root CA, FQDN must be an nhs.uk address, this is the case for both INT and Prod
You can apply for your domain here, ensuring that you complete Section 5: For website or application records visible on public internet
Once you have you have your domain registered you can then begin the process to obtain your certificate by generating a certificate request
Certificate requests will need to be signed for your endpoint. Note that the fully qualified domain (FQDN) name is equal to the certificate name (CN) by convention
At this point you should have a .key and a .csr files. The next step will be to send the .csr file to be signed by the NHS and get the client certificate. For full steps see below sections for each environment under 'Configuring endpoints for different environments'
- If your client certificate will be implemented in any PTL environment then you should send the .csr file to itoc.supportdesk@nhs.net
- If your client certificate will be implemented in the PROD environment then the .csr file needs to be sent to the DIR team at dir@nhs.net and they will issue the certificate after validating your request with the Live Services Pipeline at liveservices.gate@nhs.net
Integration (INT)
- Request a ‘certificate only’ from ITOC
- Certificate Only (No endpoint)
- Integration environment
- Format for development systems FQDN on INT is ‘BaRS-INT-<ODS Code>.<Supplier name>.thirdparty.nhs.uk’
- Format for provider systems FQDN on INT is ‘BaRS-INT-<ODS Code>.<Provider name>.nhs.uk’
- Ensure it is clear this is a request for a ‘BaRS’ certificate
- ‘N/A’ in the Party Key section because there is no relation to SDS endpoints
- In the .csr, the ‘email’ field must be blank
- Receive certificate from ITOC
- Email dnsteam@nhs.net with FQDN and public facing IP to register DNS
- Email bookingandreferralstandard@nhs.net with Receiver URL for BaRS/API-M to add to the Endpoint Catalogue
Production (Prod)
- Once Solution Assurance issue the supplier with the Technical Conformance certificate Production endpoints can be requested
- Sends .csr to dir@nhs.net, indicating this is for a BaRS Receiver endpoint
- Format for FQDN on PROD for -
- Supplier hosted solutions is ‘BaRS-PROD-<ODS Code>.<Supplier name>.thirdparty.nhs.uk’
- This option is used for multi-tenanted solutions.
- Service Provider hosted solutions is ‘BaRS-PROD-<ODS Code>.<Provider name>.nhs.uk’
- This option is used for non multi-tenanted solutions. If multiple endpoints are needed, the ODS code can be appended with an identifier for the setting.
- It may be that the provider already has a 'nhs.uk' standard domain DNS entry, If one exists, it should be used for this new subdomain.
- Supplier hosted solutions is ‘BaRS-PROD-<ODS Code>.<Supplier name>.thirdparty.nhs.uk’
- Format for FQDN on PROD for -
- Receive certificate from DIR Team
- Email dnsteam@nhs.net with FQDN and public facing IP to register DNS
- Email bookingandreferralstandard@nhs.net with Receiver URL for BaRS/API-M to add to the Endpoint Catalogue
Note - Receiver Firewall Amendments - Requests from the BaRS API Proxy will originate from INT on & and PROD on &
The BaRS API and supplier solution will be secured by HTTPS/TLS, for both inbound and outbound connections. All certificates used are published on this website for your convenience.
In order to establish a connection to and from any environment, a chain of trust must be set up using the certificates detailed below.
For information on obtaining certificates as a Receiver see the Onboarding section.
All inbound connections to the BaRS API will be presented with environment specific certificate, provided by Digicert. This is inline with all NHS APIs on the platform. The details for the certificate and chain used are described in the table below.
Certificate CN | Thumbprint | Parent CN | Parent Thumbprint | Environment |
dev.api.service.nhs.uk | 8c41b2d0080ff4f83ef4164078d17bab5ed53cbb | DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 | 1c58a3a8518e8759bf075b76b750d4f2df264fcd | Sandbox |
int.api.service.nhs.uk | 634680dfafcf3a6e229741ae7ad5b98dbe70d822 | DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 | 1c58a3a8518e8759bf075b76b750d4f2df264fcd | INT |
api.service.nhs.uk | 2673f9045ba6f8ff8b7b82a9046f9b599af27cab | DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 | 1c58a3a8518e8759bf075b76b750d4f2df264fcd | Prod |
DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 | 1c58a3a8518e8759bf075b76b750d4f2df264fcd | DigiCert Global Root CA | a8985d3a65e5e5c4b2d7d66d40c6dd2fb19c5436 | All |
DigiCert Global Root CA | a8985d3a65e5e5c4b2d7d66d40c6dd2fb19c5436 | N/A | N/A | All |
dev.api.service.nhs.uk (Digicert)
int.api.service.nhs.uk (Digicert)
api.service.nhs.uk (Digicert)
All outbound connections from the BaRS API proxy to Receivers, with the exception of the Sandbox environment, will be secured using TLS-MA.
The PTL environments will present a certificate issued by the NHS PTL Root Authority, as the RootCA. This does not include the Sandbox environment.
Details of the certificate chain described in the table below can be found in the How to Connect Guidance.
Certificate CN | Thumbprint | Parent CN | Parent Thumbprint | Environment |
int.api.service.nhs.uk | ce7808839f72ea8ed4548b4de37546bed5d6dc9f | NHS INT Level 1C | 5007daf3aeea1c1360ec0d1e9e5bedccc7182b79 | PTL |
NHS INT Level 1C | 5007daf3aeea1c1360ec0d1e9e5bedccc7182b79 | NHS PTL Root Authority | 6287fa6e10a7dd90e62556f7c2814a6abf04590c | PTL |
NHS PTL Root Authority | 6287fa6e10a7dd90e62556f7c2814a6abf04590c | N/A | N/A | PTL |
int.api.service.nhs.uk (NHS PTL Root)
The production environment will present a certificate issued by the NHS Root Authority, as the RootCA.
Details of the certificate chain described in the table below can be found in the How to Connect Guidance
Certificate CN | Thumbprint | Parent CN | Parent Thumbprint | Environment |
bars-proxy.spineservices.nhs.uk | 57c911af253c2f8c362654f78f13e73051eeede3 | NHS Level 1C | da3cf9d13a705704f2cba274c79794963c36ff94 | Prod |
NHS Level 1C | da3cf9d13a705704f2cba274c79794963c36ff94 | NHS Root Authority | ec7a3b3cb795ece956c5a7bec4204a298feb236c | Prod |
NHS Root Authority | ec7a3b3cb795ece956c5a7bec4204a298feb236c | N/A | N/A | Prod |