NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.8.1 | Core v1.1.5 | Package v1.34.0

Endpoint Catalogue - Message routing.

Below is a diagram of error locations coupled with scenarios with regards to the routing of messages by the proxy using the Endpoint Catalogue. The below diagram is generic and not specific to any particular API endpoint. Most requests will be subject to the errors that can be encountered during message routing.

BaRS FHIR API end-to-end process

SEND at the API

The SEND prefix indicates an issue caught before any internal routing or processing occurs, it communicates a problem with the format of the request, not adhering to the API Spec as an example.

These scenarios can be found in other areas however if more required headers are added for endpoints this may be expanded.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 SEND_BAD_REQUEST required The X-Request-Id or the X-Correlation-Id was not included or the NHSD-Target-Identifier was not included (depending on the endpoint being called). API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED security The user or system was not able to be authenticated, either the access token was invalid, or not provided. API
401 SEND_UNAUTHORIZED unknown No Access token was provided. API
403 SEND_FORBIDDEN forbidden The access token was provided, but BaRS is not enabled. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND not-found Endpoint on the API does not exist. This would be a Proxy or non-prefixed response. there is no SEND code for 404 in the value set. API
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER_ ERROR exception Unexpected error, would expect this to happen internally so this is likely never going to be needed for a SEND and thus unprefixed or PROXY is used here. API
503 PROXY_UNAVAILABLE / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient unlikely to get a OperationOutcome here. API

PROXY/NONE within the BaRS proxy

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST invalid The X-Request-Id or the X-Correlation-Id was invalid. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST invalid When Base-64 decoding of the NHSD-Target-Identifier header fails. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST structure The NHSD-Target-Identifier header doesn't adhere to the schema API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST required A required item is missing. depending on the request/scenario this may be caught by the SEND details above. API
400 PROXY_BAD_REQUEST / BAD_REQUEST structure A structural issue in the content such as wrong namespace, unable to parse the content completely - for example the Target identifier is malformed. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND not-found The resource requested does not exist. For example; the target endpoint does not exist in the Endpoint Catalogue. API
404 PROXY_NOT_FOUND / NOT_FOUND multiple-matches The Target Identifier found two endpoints, this would be an issue with the management of the Endpoint catalogue. API
500 PROXY_SERVER_ERROR / SERVER_ERROR exception A sub-service encountered an unhandled exception. API
503 PROXY_UNAVAILABLE / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient A sub-service was unavailable. API

REC injected at the proxy

When a failure response is received when attempting to forward the request to the desired receiver but no OperationOutcome is included during a failure scenario. For example, a Timeout.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
408 REC_TIMEOUT timeout The connection to the Receiver timed out. Receiver/ Injected at API
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception Generic should a 500 response be received but no operation outcome included. Receiver / Injected at API
503 REC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE transient The response from the receiver was a 503, with no detail. Also useful if there is a connection failure such as the endpoint not being found, or failing to resolve. Receiver / Injected at API

REC at the receiver.

Failure responses generated by the receiver.

HTTP Status Code HTTP Error Code issue Code Scenario Source
401 REC_UNAUTHORIZED security Access Control Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN forbidden TLS-MA failure. Receiver
403 REC_FORBIDDEN security TLS-MA failure. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR too costly The request was deemed to costly to process by the receiver. Receiver
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR exception unhandled exception. Receiver / Injected at API
500 REC_SERVER_ERROR no-store internal data storage issue. Receiver / Injected at API
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