
To promote consistency and make it easier for implementers to locate suitable profiles, extensions, value sets and others for their projects, a naming strategy will be adopted for EEBase-defined FHIR assets or FHIR assets derived from the EEBase. All EEBase-derived implementation guides and FHIR assets MUST follow these rules to claim conformace with the EEBase.

For detailed definitions of concepts discussed within this guidance document, refer to the appropriate published version of the FHIR standard.

FHIR-NAME-01 Convention for Profile definition
  • FHIR Profile name MUST follow an agreed format.
  • The URL of a profile consists of several name segments and will be in the form:
    https://[base url]/fhir/StructureDefinition/[Base]-[FHIRAssetName]-[BusinessName1]-[BusinessName2]
    • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. For example, for HL7 International and for HL7 Estonia. Check the full list for details.
    • Base: The provider name. EEBase for Estonian Base. Mandatory
    • FHIRAssetName: The name of the base FHIR Resource. Mandatory
    • BusinessNames: Business names are only used where mutiple profiles exist for a given base resource type. Optional
    • No business version information is allowed in the resource URL.
    • Segment names in FHIR Profile URL MUST follow Pascal case convention.
  • Resource name: The [Base], [FHIRAssetName] and [BusinessNames] without hyphen (-) SHOULD be used as resource name.
  • Resource id: The specification does not specify the form of resource id. [Base]-[FHIRAssetName]-[BusinessNames] with hyphen (-) is RECOMMENDED for this purpose.
  • Title: The title of the resource MUST be the [Base], [FHIRAssetName] and [BusinessNames] with added spaces to make it human readable and understandable.
Example of EEBase Organization definition

    <StructureDefinition xmlns="">
      <id value="EEBase-Organization"/>
      <url value=""/>
      <version value="1.0.0"/>
      <name value="EEBaseOrganization"/>
      <title value="EEBase Organization"/>

      "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
      "id": "EEBase-Organization",
      "url": "",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "EEBaseOrganization",
      "title": "EEBase Organization"
FHIR-NAME-02 Convention for Extension definition
  • FHIR Extension MUST follow an agreed format.
  • The URL of an Extension consists of several name segments and will be in the form:
    https://[base url]/fhir/StructureDefinition/Extension-[Base]-[BusinessName]
    • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. See profile definition.
    • Base: The standard provider name. See profile definition. Mandatory
    • BusinessName: The business name of the Extension. Mandatory
    • No business version information is allowed in the Extension URL
    • Segment names in FHIR Extension URL MUST follow Pascal case convention.
  • Resource name: "Extension", [Base] and [BusinessName] without hyphen (-) SHOULD be used as resource name.
  • Resource id: The specification does not specify the form of resource id. "Extension", [Base] and [BusinessName] with hyphen (-) RECOMMENDED as resource id.
  • Title: The title of the resource MUST be [Base] and [BusinessName], and the word "extension" with added spaces to make it human-readable and understandable.
Example of EEBase ADS extension definition

    <StructureDefinition xmlns="">
      <url value=""/>
      <name value="ExtensionEEBaseADS"/>
      <version value="1.0.0"/>
      <id value="Extension-EEBase-ADS"/>
      <title value="EEBase ADS extension"/>

      "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
      "id": "Extension-EEBase-ADS",
      "url": "",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "ExtensionEEBaseADS",
      "title": "EEBase ADS extension" 
FHIR-NAME-03 Convention for OperationDefinition resource definition
  • FHIR OperationDefinition MUST follow an agreed format.
  • The URL of an OperationDefinition consists of several name segments and will be in the form:
    https://[base url]/fhir/OperationDefinition/[Base]-[BusinessName]
    • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. See profile definition.
    • Base: The standard provider name. See profile definition. Mandatory
    • BusinessName: The business name of OperationDefinition. Mandatory
    • No business version information is allowed in the OperationDefinition URL.
    • Segment names in FHIR OperationDefinition URL MUST follow Pascal case convention.
  • Resource name: [Base] and [BusinessName] without hyphen (-) SHOULD be used as the resource name.
  • Resource id: The specification does not specify the form of resource id. [Base] and [BusinessName] with Hyphen (-) RECOMMENDED as resource id.
  • Title: The title of the resource MUST be [Base] and [BusinessName] with added spaces to make it human-readable and understandable.
Example of OperationDefinition resource definition

  <OperationDefinition xmlns="">
      <id value="EEBase-PatientMerge"/>
      <url value=""/> 
      <version value="1.0.0" />
      <name value="EEBasePatientMerge"/>
      <title value="EEBase PatientMerge"/>

      "resourceType": "OperationDefinition",
      "id": "EEBase-PatientMerge",
      "url": "",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "EEBasePatientMerge",
      "title": "EEBase PatientMerge" 
FHIR-NAME-04: External CodeSystem and ValueSet names
  • The FHIR-managed CodeSystems SHOULD use names defined by FHIR working groups.
  • The FHIR-managed ValueSets SHOULD use names defined by FHIR working groups.
  • Some ValueSets that use SNOMED CT will refer directly to SNOMED CT artefacts, for example, SNOMED CT Ref Sets, and there will not be a need to create a CodeSystem resource. There may be other ValueSets which follow the same principles, for example, LOINC.
FHIR-NAME-05: CodeSystem name convention
  • FHIR CodeSystem names MUST follow an agreed format.
  • The URL of a CodeSystem consists of several segments and will be in the form:
    https://[base url]/fhir/CodeSystem/[base]-[businessname1]-[businessname2]
  • The segments are defined as follows:
    • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. See profile definition.
    • Base: The standard provider name. See profile definition. Mandatory
    • BusinessNames: The business names of the CodeSystem. The CodeSystem name MUST have at least one BusinessName segment. Where a CodeSystem MAY is used across several domains, business names SHOULD reflect that. Mandatory
  • Resource name: [Base] and [BusinessNames] without hyphen (-) SHOULD be used as the resource name.
  • Resource id: [Base] and [BusinessNames] in lowercase where every word is separated with a hyphen (-). The same formatting rules SHOULD be applied to the resource URL.
  • Title: The resource's title MUST be [Base] and [BusinessNames] with added spaces to make it human-readable and understandable. BusinessName segment(s) of the title MAY follow Camel case convention.
  • The CodeSystems name MUST be used as the CodeSystems filename.
  • Example of ArrivalMode CodeSystem definition

        <CodeSystem xmlns="">
          <id value="eebase-arrivalmode"/>
          <url value=""/> 
          <version value="1.0.0" />
          <name value="EEBaseArrivalMode"/>
          <title value="EEBase arrivalMode"/>

          "resourceType": "CodeSystem",
          "id": "eebase-arrivalmode",
          "url": "",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "name": "EEBaseArrivalMode",
          "title": "EEBase arrivalMode" 
    FHIR-NAME-06: ValueSet name convention
    • FHIR ValueSet names MUST follow an agreed format.
    • The URL of a ValueSet consists of several name segments and will be in the form:
      https://[base url]/fhir/ValueSet/[base]-[businessname1]-[businessname2]
    • The segments are defined as follows:
      • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. See profile definition.
      • Base: The standard provider name. See profile definition. Mandatory
      • BusinessNames: The list of business names of the ValueSet. The ValueSet name MUST have at least one BusinessName segment. Where a ValueSet MAY be used across several domains, business names SHOULD reflect that. Mandatory
    • Resource name: [Base] and [BusinessNames] without hyphen (-) SHOULD be used as the resource name.
    • Resource id: [Base] and [BusinessNames] in lowercase where every word is separated with a hyphen (-). The same formatting rules SHOULD be applied to the resource URL.
    • Title: The title of the resource MUST be [Base] and [BusinessNames] with added spaces to make it human-readable and understandable. BusinessName segment(s) of the title MAY follow Camel case convention
    • The ValueSet name MUST be used as the ValueSet's filename.
    Example of ArrivalMode ValueSet definition

        <ValueSet xmlns="">
          <id value="eebase-arrivalmode"/>
          <url value=""/> 
          <version value="1.0.0" />
          <name value="EEBaseArrivalMode"/>
          <title value="EEBase arrivalMode"/>

          "resourceType": "ValueSet",
          "id": "eebase-arrivalmode",
          "url": "",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "name": "EEBaseArrivalMode",
          "title": "EEBase arrivalMode" 
    FHIR-NAME-07: Identifier systems name convention
    • FHIR identifier systems MUST follow an agreed format.
    • The identifier systems MAY be used in the system element of the Identifier datatype. They establish the namespace for an asset's identifier.value element and have a URI datatype.
    • The URL of an identifier systems consists of several name segments and will be in the form:
      https://[base url]/fhir/NamingSystem/[businessname1]-[businessname2]-[businessname3]-[businessname4]
    • The segments are defined as follows:
      • Base URL: The URL used for standard publishing. See profile definition.
      • NamingSystem: The NamingSystem section of the identifier is formatted as a string 'NamingSystem'. This segment denotes that the string is an identifier system and is Mandatory.
      • BusinessNames: The business name segments describe the identifier system. The first business name is Mandatory, but all subsequent ones are optional. There MAY be up to four business names each separated by a hyphen (-) character.
    • Business names SHOULD be used as the logical ID in lowercase.
    Example of NamingSystem definition for Estonian Address Data System (ADS)

          <NamingSystem xmlns="">
            <id value="ads-id"/>
            <url value=""/> 
            <version value="1.0.0" />
            <name value="ADSID"/>

          "resourceType": "NamingSystem",
          "id": "ads-id",
          "url": "",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "name": "ADSID",