Roles Description

Selective Consumer

The Selective Consumer queries the Selective Supplier for information about CA:CSD resources.

There are no additional requirements for this actor. The following are two example capability statement resources that a Selective Consumer could support:

Some examples of this actor are: ​Registered Care Providers (Physician, Nurse, etc.), Front Desk Staff, Health Region, Community Clinic, Patient*

Note: Patient access is not in scope for the current interation of the guide but will be included in future versions

Selective Supplier

The Selective Supplier processes received queries from Selective Consumers and returns information about CA:CSD resources.

All supported search parameters and search methods (GET, POST) SHALL be specified. The search parameters and message semantics defined in mCSD's ITI-90 Documentation SHALL be supported, other parameters may be supported.

This capabilities response will typically include all of the capabilities inclusive of all grouped actors and additional functionality. The following are two example capability statement resources that a Selective Supplier could support:

Some examples of this actor are:​ Jurisdiction, Health Region, Hospital, Community Clinic