Query Examples



GET (base_url)/HealthcareService?service-type=primary-care&_include=HealthcareService:location&_include=HealthcareService:organization

Parameter Description
service-type=primary-care Selects only Healthcareservices that are a type of "Primary Care"
_include=HealthcareService:location includes all the location resources that the returned healthcareService resources reference
_include=HealthcareService:organization includes all the organization resources that the returned healthcareService resources reference



GET (base_url)/Location?identifier=LOC-001&_include=Location:organization

Parameter Description
identifier=LOC-001 finds the location(s) with a business identifier of "LOC-001".
_include=Location:organization includes all the organization resources that the returned Location resources reference

Location Distance

GET (base_url)/Location?near=47.66819|-68.98042|55|km

Parameter Description
near=47.66819|-68.98042|55|km The 4 elements of the near parameter are: latitude | longitude | distance | distance units.
If the unit is not included the kms are to be assumed
Note: Each implmentation may implement the 'near' parameter differently. Refer to that project's implementation guide for details on their



GET (base_url)/Organization?type=health-region&_revinclude:OrganizationAffiliation:ParticipatingOrganization

Parameter Description
type=health-region return all organization resources that have a type.code = "health-region"
_revinclude:OrganizationAffiliation:ParticipatingOrganization include in the response bundle all OrganizationAffilication resources that have the organization with a type.code = "health-region" as the particpating organization.



GET (base_url)/OrganizationAffiliation?endpoint=EP-12345

Parameter Description
the endpoint parameter is a reference element. This let you see which OrganizationAffilication resources are using the same endpoint. Note: The endpoint parameter will also work on Organization, Location & HealthcareService


GET (base_url)/Practitioner?communication= &address=Toronto

Parameter Description
address=Toronto This will return all practitioners that have 'Toronto' in any of the address fields.
communicaton= Only practitioners that have indicated they speak the stated language will be included.



GET (base_url)/PractitionerRole?specialty=cardiology&_include:practitioner&_include:service

Parameter Description
specialty=cardiology Includes all practitioners who have a specialty of cardiology
_include:practitioner Includes all the practitioners who are associated to the returned practitionerRole resources that have a specialty of cardiology
_include:service Includes all healthcare service resources that that are referenced by the returned practitionerRole resources.