Capability Statements

The building block working group has submitted an inquiry to the IHE mCSD guide regarding the SHALL expectations on the queries and are awaiting a response. In the meantime, this group seeks to solicit feedback on strengthening the current SHOULD expectations (provided in the Capability Statements) for query parameters to SHALLs for Servers (excluding the expectations on clients) to promote more impactful harmonization and base capabilities in servers supporting the Search for A Service Use Case.

Note: The strengthening of the query expectations would only apply to the resources that a server asserts supporting the above mentioned use case and would not apply to clients.

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Consumer (Client) CapabilityStatement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the Care Services Selective Consumer Actor. The complete list of FHIR resources, RESTful interactions, and search parameters expected to be supported can be found in the CapabilityStatement resource in the following formats:

The section below summarizes the expectations in the CapabilityStatement but readers should be aware that it is a manual rendering of the details. The CapabilityStatement resource should be treated as the source of truth.

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Consumer (Client) RESTful Capabilities

The Client SHALL:

  • Support at least the HealthcareService resource
  • Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification and according to the expectations outlined for supporting IHE ITI mCSD ITI-90 endpoint (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support JSON source formats for all CA:CSD interactions

The Client SHOULD:

  • Support additional resources outlined in the CapabilityStatement that are appropriate for their use case
    • If a Client supports additional resources outlined in this CapabilityStatement (e.g., Location, Organization, etc.), the Client is expected to implement against the expectations outlined for those resources (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support XML source formats for all CA:CSD interactions.

RESTful Capabilities by Resource

Resource Type Supported Profiles Supported Searches (SHALL/SHOULD) Mandatory Interactions _include _revinclude Supported Operations (SHALL/SHOULD)
HealthcareService HealthcareService _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, location, name, name:contains, name:exact, organization, service-type search-type
Location Location, LocationFacility, LocationJurisdiction _id, _lastUpdated, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, organization, partof, type, status search-type Location:organization
Organization Organization, OrganizationFacility, OrganizationJurisdiction _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, partof, type search-type Organization.endpoint Location:organization, OrganizationAffiliation:participating-organization, OrganizationAffiliation:primary-organization, HealthcareService:organization
Practitioner Practitioner _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, given, given:contains, given:exact, family, family:contains, family:exact search-type
PractitionerRole PractitionerRole _id, _lastUpdated, active, location, organization, practitioner, role, service, specialty search-type PractitionerRole:practitioner
Endpoint Endpoint _id, _lastUpdated, identifier, organization, status search-type
OrganizationAffiliation OrganizationAffiliation _id, _lastUpdated, active, date, identifier, participating-organization, primary-organization, role search-type OrganizationAffiliation.endpoint

Search Parameter Expectations Across All Resource Types

Conformance Expectation: SHALL

  • The Care Services Selective Consumer shall support the :contains and :exact modifiers in all of the string query parameters it supports.

  • The Care Services Selective Consumer shall support the following search parameters as defined at

    • _id
    • _lastUpdated


Conformance Expectation: SHALL

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHALL name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHALL service-type token
SHOULD active token
SHOULD location reference
SHOULD organization reference


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Client SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Location:organization

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD partOf reference
SHOULD type token
SHOULD status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Client SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Organization.endpoint
  • A Client SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _revincludes:
    • Location:organization
    • OrganizationAffiliation:participating-organization
    • OrganizationAffiliation:primary-organization
    • HealthcareService:organization

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD active token
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD partOf reference
SHOULD type token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD active token
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD given string
SHOULD given:contains string
SHOULD given:exact string
SHOULD family string
SHOULD family:contains string
SHOULD family:exact string


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Client SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • PractitionerRole:practitioner

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHOULD active token
SHOULD location reference
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD practitioner reference
SHOULD role token
SHOULD service reference
SHOULD specialty token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Client SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • OrganizationAffiliation.endpoint

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD active token
SHOULD date date
SHOULD participating-organization reference
SHOULD primary-organization reference
SHOULD role token

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Supplier (Server) CapabilityStatement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the Care Services Selective Supplier Actor. The complete list of FHIR resources, RESTful interactions, and search parameters expected to be supported can be found in the CapabilityStatement resource in the following formats:

The section below summarizes the expectations in the CapabilityStatement but readers should be aware that it is a manual rendering of the details. The CapabilityStatement resource should be treated as the source of truth.

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Supplier (Server) RESTful Capabilities

The Server SHALL:

  • Support at least the HealthcareService resource
  • Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification and according to the expectations outlined for supporting IHE ITI mCSD ITI-90 endpoint (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support JSON source formats for all CA:CSD interactions

The Server SHOULD:

  • Support additional resources outlined in the CapabilityStatement that are appropriate for their use case
    • If a server supports additional resources outlined in this CapabilityStatement (e.g., Location, Organization, etc.), the server is expected to implement against the expectations outlined for those resources (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support XML source formats for all CA:CSD interactions.

RESTful Capabilities by Resource

Resource Type Supported Profiles Supported Searches (SHALL/SHOULD) Mandatory Interactions _include _revinclude Supported Operations (SHALL/SHOULD)
HealthcareService HealthcareService _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, location, name, name:contains, name:exact, organization, service-type search-type
Location Location, LocationFacility, LocationJurisdiction _id, _lastUpdated, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, organization, partof, type, status search-type Location:organization
Organization Organization, OrganizationFacility, OrganizationJurisdiction _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, partof, type search-type Organization.endpoint Location:organization, OrganizationAffiliation:participating-organization, OrganizationAffiliation:primary-organization, HealthcareService:organization
Practitioner Practitioner _id, _lastUpdated, active, identifier, name, name:contains, name:exact, given, given:contains, given:exact, family, family:contains, family:exact search-type
PractitionerRole PractitionerRole _id, _lastUpdated, active, location, organization, practitioner, role, service, specialty search-type PractitionerRole:practitioner
Endpoint Endpoint _id, _lastUpdated, identifier, organization, status search-type
OrganizationAffiliation OrganizationAffiliation _id, _lastUpdated, active, date, identifier, participating-organization, primary-organization, role search-type OrganizationAffiliation.endpoint

Search Parameter Expectations Across All Resource Types

Conformance Expectation: SHALL

  • The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the :contains and :exact modifiers in all of the string query parameters it supports.

  • The Care Services Selective Supplier shall support the following search parameters as defined at

    • _id
    • _lastUpdated


Conformance Expectation: SHALL

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHALL name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHALL service-type token
SHOULD active token
SHOULD location reference
SHOULD organization reference


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Location:organization

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD partOf reference
SHOULD type token
SHOULD status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Organization.endpoint
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _revincludes:
    • Location:organization
    • OrganizationAffiliation:participating-organization
    • OrganizationAffiliation:primary-organization
    • HealthcareService:organization

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD active token
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD partOf reference
SHOULD type token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier reference
SHOULD active token
SHOULD name string
SHOULD name:contains string
SHOULD name:exact string
SHOULD given string
SHOULD given:contains string
SHOULD given:exact string
SHOULD family string
SHOULD family:contains string
SHOULD family:exact string


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • PractitionerRole:practitioner

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHOULD active token
SHOULD location reference
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD practitioner reference
SHOULD role token
SHOULD service reference
SHOULD specialty token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD organization reference
SHOULD status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • OrganizationAffiliation.endpoint

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD active token
SHOULD date date
SHOULD participating-organization reference
SHOULD primary-organization reference
SHOULD role token

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Consumer Location Distance Option (Client) CapabilityStatement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the Care Services Selective Consumer Actor demonstrating the Location Distance Option. The complete list of FHIR resources, RESTful interactions, and search parameters expected to be supported can be found in the CapabilityStatement resource in the following formats:

The section below summarizes the expectations in the CapabilityStatement but readers should be aware that it is a manual rendering of the details. The CapabilityStatement resource should be treated as the source of truth.

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Consumer Location Distance Option (Client) RESTful Capabilities

The expectations outlined in this CapabilityStatement only outline the additional capabilities required to support the Location Distance Option of Find Matching Care Services [ITI-90] transaction.

The Client SHALL:

  • Support at least the Location resource
  • Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification and according to the expectations outlined for supporting IHE ITI mCSD ITI-90 endpoint (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support JSON source formats for all CA:CSD interactions.

RESTful Capabilities by Resource

Resource Type Supported Profiles Supported Searches (SHALL/SHOULD) Mandatory Interactions _include _revinclude Supported Operations (SHALL/SHOULD)
Location LocationDistance near, near-distance search-type


Conformance Expectation: SHALL

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHOULD near token
SHOULD near-distance quantity

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Supplier Location Distance Option (Server) CapabilityStatement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the Care Services Selective Supplier Actor demonstrating the Location Distance Option. The complete list of FHIR resources, RESTful interactions, and search parameters expected to be supported can be found in the CapabilityStatement resource in the following formats:

The section below summarizes the expectations in the CapabilityStatement but readers should be aware that it is a manual rendering of the details. The CapabilityStatement resource should be treated as the source of truth.

CA:CSD Care Services Selective Supplier Location Distance Option (Server) RESTful Capabilities

The expectations outlined in this CapabilityStatement only outline the additional capabilities required to support the Location Distance Option of Find Matching Care Services [ITI-90] transaction.

The Server SHALL:

  • Support at least the Location resource
  • Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification and according to the expectations outlined for supporting IHE ITI mCSD ITI-90 endpoint (e.g., interactions, query parameters, profile expectations)
  • Support JSON source formats for all CA:CSD interactions.

RESTful Capabilities by Resource

Resource Type Supported Profiles Supported Searches (SHALL/SHOULD) Mandatory Interactions _include _revinclude Supported Operations (SHALL/SHOULD)
Location LocationDistance near, near-distance search-type


Conformance Expectation: SHALL

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHOULD near token
SHOULD near-distance quantity