Usage Highlights

Base Profiles

Resource Selection

Vendors should be able to support the following FHIR resources as per their roll-out initiative.

Base Resources: HealthcareServices, Location, Organization, OrganizationAffiliation, Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Endpoint

Secondary Resources: Location for Distance, Location for Jurisdiction, Location for Facility, Organization for Jurisdiction, Organization for Facility

Note: We are using the IHE mCSD version 3.8.0 as the basis for our profiles, and are deriving from them to ensure that we remain in line with it. ​Should we identify something in the future that does not allow us to continue to derive from mCSD we can move to using base FHIR R4 resources.​

Extensions and ValueSets

The extensions and valueSets in these guides were derived from their respective original implementation guide (for example mCSD). The canonical URLs are updated to ensure that there no dependencies on the implementation guides that they are adopted from. These new extensions and valuesets are maintained by Canada Health Infoway​ and will be hosted on terminology gateway moving forward.

Use cases for CA:eReC iGuide

The pan-Canadian eReferral-eConsult (CA:eReC) guide has three main use cases highlighted (prior to their balloted version release). While all use cases to an extent could use the service directory, of those use cases, the UC-01: Referral to a Service has the most explicit call-out in relation to this guide.

The CA:eReC states that the Health Service Directory could be i) centrally managed, or ii) locally integrated with the POS system, or iii) part of an eReC Source that is integrated with POS system. It is therefore left up to the jurisdiction to decide the structure of their Healthcare Service Directory based on the various options provided