Use Cases

The following use cases are used to outline interactions or “conversations” between participants, which include users (e.g., health care providers, patients, etc.) and the systems (e.g., EMR solutions, etc.). Each use case will include:

  • use case scenario,
  • who the participants are (i.e., people and systems),
  • use case steps corresponding to the diagram and potential alternate flows.



  • Selective Supplier - Requests a list of resources from the SD Services Supplier based on the query parameters selected. Some examples of this actor are: Registered Care Providers (Physician, Nurse, etc.), Front Desk Staff, Health Region, Community Clinic, Patient*
  • Selective Consumer - Is an actor that accepts the query request and produces a list of matching resources that it sends as a response. Some examples of this actor are: Jurisdiction, Health Region, Hospital, Community Clinic

Note: Services Consumer is a short acronym of mCSD actor Care Services Selective Consumer. And Services Supplier is a short acronym of mCSD actor Care Services Selective Supplier.

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Search for Service


The patient, Marty, consults with his physician who recommends physiotherapy. The physician can assist the patient in finding a suitable physiotherapist, taking into consideration the location of the service.

Use Case Primary Flow

  • Marty sees his family physician, Dr. Emette Brown, regarding a recent knee injury.
  • Dr. Brown confirms through his charts that Marty recently underwent a torn ACL surgery and decides to refer Marty to a physiotherapist for recovery.
  • Dr. Brown uses his EMR query tool, which implements a Selective Consumer to search for physiotherapy that is available within 25km of Marty’s home.
  • The EMR retrieves the information from a Selective Supplier and displays it to Dr. Brown.
  • Marty and Dr. Brown decide on a physiotherapist that will help Marty to get his skate on again.
  • Dr. Brown prepares a referral.

Query Searches

  • Search for HealthcareService by service-type for physiotherapy, with _include location & coverage-area & _sort by coverage-area
    • Returns all physiotherapy services within the 25km distance from Marty’s home.

Use Case 2: Search for Service Provider


The patient, Marty, consults with his physician who recommends a consult. The physician can assist the patient in finding a suitable provider, taking into consideration and specialty of the service provider.

Use Case Primary Flow

  • Marty sees his family physician, Dr. Emette Brown, regarding a recent brain injury.
  • Dr. Brown diagnoses the problem as a concussion and decides to refer Marty to a neuropsychologist.
  • Dr. Brown uses his query tool, which implements a Selective Consumer, to search for neuropsychologists available at One Pine General (a hospital that specializes in neuropsychology).
  • The EMR retrieves the information from a Selective Consumer (in this case a registry) and displays it to Dr. Brown.
  • Marty and Dr. Brown decide on the first available neuropsychologist whom Dr. Brown writes a referral to.

Query Searches

  • Search for PractitionerRole by specialty for neuropsychologist, w/ Organization = 123 (for One Pine General), _revinclude all practitioners
    • Returns list of neuropsychologists from registry at One Pine General.