Profiles & Operations > DiagnosticReport Search
DiagnosticReport search is simple RESTful interactions. It supports retrieving a lab results from OLIS for a provider by patient ID.
This transaction involves a request by the following parameters:
The mandatory parameters for the query:
The optional parameters for the query:
The OLIS FHIR Patient Query For Providers is based on the HL7 STU3 Search operation.
Diagnostic Report Search Request
The Diagnostic Report Search Request is an HTTP GET operation with multiple query parameters specified in Supported Search Parameters section below. The syntax of the request is
GET [base]/ DiagnosticReport?patient.identifier=[system]|[value]&patient.gender=[value]&patient.birthdate=[date]&issued=ge[date]
Note: For the more details please reference to Supported Search Parameters and Diagnostic Report Search Examples sections
Diagnostic Report Search Response
The relationship between the resources used in DiagnosticReport Search response is below:
GET DiagnosticReport (query by Patient ID)
Patient identifier parameter: patient.identifier
The patient identifier can be an Ontario health card number, or a medical record number (MRN).
Example: patient.identifier= [id-system-global-base]/ca-on-patient-hcn|12345678
Example of lab issued MRN: patient.identifier=|1234
Example of Patient self collection assigned MRN:|1233443
Note that MRN system URI is a local identifier that contains the ID of the assigning authority (e.g. lab, hospital, specimen collection centre). For the list of possible MRN system values, please refer to Identifiers page. The patient identifiers are listed in the "Local Identifiers" table marked by "OLIS Patient Identifier generated by xxx".
Patient Gender parameter: patient.gender
Patient Date of Birth parameter: patient.birthdate
Dates parameter: issued
Example 1 : issued=ge2016-01-02
Example 2: issued=ge2015-02-25&issued=le2016-02-27
Dates parameter: specimen.collected
specimen.collected =ge2016-01-02
Test Request code: result.based-on:ProcedureRequest.code
result.based-on:ProcedureRequest.code= [code-system-local-base] /lab/test-request-codes|TR11663-2
Interpretation parameter:result.interpretation
Note: This parameter allows the requestor to further restrict the search criteria to retrieve all abnormal results (AB) or critically abnormal only (CR).
Observation status: result.status
Observation code: result.code
Diagnostic report identifier: identifier
identifier= [id-system-local-base] /lab/report-id-lab-license-4004|543321
Size limit (for response paging):_count
If there is no _count in the search request, the server will return all matching records in one response.
Server will generate and return an additional parameter search-id as per Server Conformance section above.
search-id= 017-11-16T20:37:03.0000000X128987
Format: JSON (default) or XML
format=[mime-type]:_format=application/fhir+json or _format=application/fhir+xml
Diagnostic Report Search Example
GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?patient.identifier=[id-system-global-base]/ca-on-patient-hcn|1008624486&patient.gender=male&patient.birthdate=1929-11-29&issued=ge2016-01-02 &_count=10
In the returned header:
[base]/DiagnosticReport?patient.identifier=[id-system-global-base]/ca-on-patient-hcn|1008624486&patient.gender=male&patient.birthdate=1929-11-29&issued=ge2016-01-02 &_count=10&search-id=017-11-16T20:37:03.0000000X128987
Examples of a search response can be found below
Resource | Example |
DiagnosticReport | XML / JSON |
DiagnosticReport with Contained Resources | XML / JSON |
ProcedureRequest | XML / JSON |
Observation | XML / JSON |
Observation(MicrobiologyChild) | XML / JSON |
Specimen | XML / JSON |
Patient | XML / JSON |
Practitioner(Ordering, Performing and Reporting Practitioner) | XML / JSON |
Practitioner(Copied to, Attending and Admitting Practitioner) | XML / JSON |
Organization(Performing and Reporting Laboratory, Ordering Facility) | XML / JSON |
Organization(Destination Laboratory, Specimen Collector,Test Request Placer Organization and Requesting Organization) | XML / JSON |
Organization(Identifier Assigner) | XML / JSON |
Encounter | XML / JSON |
OperationOutcome | XML / JSON |