Endpoint Search Interactions

The SCR API SHALL support a search interaction to return Endpoint resources using search parameters for:

  • [Mandatory] Organisation code - ODS code of the target organisation (i.e. GP practice exposing the endpoint)
  • [Mandatory] MHS Interaction ID - type of Interaction supported by Endpoint

Endpoint resources are returned as a searchset Bundle containing 0, 1 or many matching Endpoint resources

The Endpoint Search Interaction supports GP Connect use cases by allowing a consumer system to retrieve the Message Handling System (MHS) record for a capability at a target GP provider organisation

Search Parameter

Data Item Query Parameter Query Target Example
Organisation code organization managingOrganization organization=[targetODSCode]
MHS Interaction ID identifier Endpoint.identifier:NhsEndpointServiceId identifier=https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhsEndpointServiceId|[interactionId]

Request pattern

GET [baseURL]/Endpoint?

Example request

GET [baseURL]/Endpoint?

Example response payload

Command 'xml' could not render: File was not found for bbea6247-6d81-4d92-b2c0-8779aacdb838-duplicate-2
Command 'json' could not render: File was not found for bbea6247-6d81-4d92-b2c0-8779aacdb838-duplicate-2