Finnish PHR Medication Administration Profile

Note. The Finnish PHR Medication Administration Profile is still a draft version. The final version will be specified, when there is a real life use case to refine the profile.

Finnish PHR profile for FHIR® Medication Admistration describing the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication.

A full list of the extensions, constraints and a structured definition of this profile can be found in Simplifier. There are also different views of the profile (details, mappings, table, XML, JSON).

Mandatory elements for Finnish PHR Medication Administration

Mandatory elements table for Finnish PHR Medication Administration profile
Content Name in structure Description / Type of information
Language language Language used in the medication administration stored in Kanta PHR.
Language SHALL be chosen from the FHIR languages ValueSet.
Narrative text A text summary of the medication administration.
SHALL include all content for a human to understand the essential clinical and business information of the medication administration.
Unique identifier identifier

One globally unique identifier SHALL be provided for the medication administration. NB! Will be updated to match the Finnish PHR Vital Signs UPDATED profile

This identifier may be used to uniquely identify the medication administration if the application doesn't receive an id for the medication administration provided by Kanta PHR.

Status status The status of the medication administration.
Only completed medication administrations are stored in Kanta PHR, thus the status SHALL always be 'completed' (from FHIR Medication Administration Status ValueSet).
Medication that was administered medication
The possible identifier/code and name of the medication.
- When the medication can be uniquely identified, the VNR code of the medication and the brand name of the medication SHALL be given which SHALL match the name in the pharmaceutical database.
- When the medication can not be uniquely identified (no VNR code available), only the name of the medication SHALL be given. The name can be one of the following: 1) brand name of the medication, in which case it must match the name in the pharmaceutical database, 2) name of the active ingredient(s) of the medication if the brand name is not applicable, or 3) some other name entered by the user.
Who received the medication subject The person receiving the medication. The reference SHALL be to a Patient resource stored in Kanta PHR (that conforms to the Finnish PHR Patient profile).
Time of the administration effectiveDateTime A specific time when the administration took place.

Optional elements for Finnish PHR Medical Administration

Optional elements table for Finnish PHR Medication Administration profile
Content Name in structure Description / Type of information
Who administered the substance performer The individual who was responsible for giving the medication to the patient. The reference SHALL be to a Patient resource stored in Kanta PHR (that conforms to the Finnish PHR Patient profile).
Device device

The device used in administering the medication to the patient. The reference SHOULD be to a Device resource contained in the MedicationAdministration resource (that conforms to the Finnish PHR Device profile).

As the Finnish PHR Device Profile is not yet fully defined, details of the device MAY be given in text format as well.

Additional information about the administration note Extra information about the medication administration that is not conveyed by the other attributes.
Dosage dosage Describes the medication dosage details: dose, rate, and site.
To indicate the dosage site, a code from the AR/Lääkitys - Lääkkeenantopaikka code system is preferable.

Elements in the Medication Administration profile filled by the Kanta PHR platform

Optional elements table for Finnish PHR Medication Statement profile
Content Name in structure Description / Type of information
Application that created or updated the resource extension:

Is used to represent information about the application (id and name) that created or updated the resource. See the definition for the Finnish PHR Application Information extension.

Kanta PHR platform will fill in this data automatically to each stored resource (if the application has entered some data in this extension, it will be overwitten).

Narrative guide

Narrative SHALL contain following mandatory information taken from the elements of the resource instance:

  • Name of the medication: <MedicationAdministration.medicationCodeableConsept.coding.text>
  • Time: <MedicationAdministration.effectiveDateTime>

Narrative SHOULD contain following optional information if given in the resource instance:

  • Medication code: <MedicationAdministration.medicationCodeableConsept.coding.display>(<MedicationAdministration.medicationCodeableConsept.coding.code>)
  • Dosage: <MedicationAdministration.dosage.dose><MedicationAdministration.dosage.rate><><MedicationAdministration.dosage.text>
  • Device: <MedicationAdministration.device>

If element is missing from resource, it shall not be mentioned in narrative.


Name of the medication: Actrapid
Time: 18.5.2019 15:05 

Examples of Finnish PHR Medication Administration resources in Simplifier