Finnish PHR Consent Profile

Note: This is a draft version. May change due to changes in national legislation.

Finnish PHR profile for FHIR® Consent. The user of the FinnishPHR can give access for healthcare professionals to user's resource instances stored in Finnish PHR. This permission is done with the consent.

The official URL for this profile is:

Finnish PHR Consent Profile constrains and extends FHIR® STU3 Consent resource, specified in FHIR STU3 ( Full list of the constraints made to Consent resource are not listed below, only predominant profilings, elements removed, elements referencing other contained resources and value sets used are listed. Other contstraints can be found in the structured definition of the Finnish PHR Consent profile (the structured definition is rendered in several views: overview, details, table, JSON view).

Content Name in structure Type of information Value set / Fixed value
Language language language chosen from FHIR value set binding required to FHIR languages
Narrative text text summary of the resource
Unique identifier identifier One numeric or alphanumeric string has to be given
Current state of consent status The status of the result value Binding required to consent-state-codes and value fixed to 'final'
Category of consent category A classification of the type of consents found in the statement. This element supports indexing and retrieval of consent statements. Binding required to fiphr-vs-consentcategory and value fixed to
Who the consent applies to patient Reference Finnish PHR patient profile
When this Consent was created or indexed dateTime When this Consent was issued / created / indexed.
Policies covered by this consent policy The references to the policies that are included in this consent scope. Policies may be organizational, but are often defined jurisdictionally, or in law.
Addition or removal of permissions except The references to the policies that are included in this consent scope. An exception to the base policy of this consent. An exception can be an addition or removal of access permissions.
Content Name in structure Type of information Value set / Fixed value
Extension with information about the application that created the resource instance extension May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition
Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions consentingParty Reference Finnish PHR patient profile

AK 07/2019:

  • En käynyt sisältöä tässä kohtaa tarkkaan läpi, koska profiili tulee joltain osin muuttumaan lähiaikoina, joten katsotaan tämä siinä yhteydessä.