This code system urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238 defines the following codes:

11000-9RaceRace, Note that this is an abstract 'grouping' concept and not for use as a real conceptTrue
2  1002-5American Indian or Alaska NativeAmerican Indian or Alaska Native
3    1004-1American IndianAmerican Indian
3    1735-0Alaska NativeAlaska Native
3    1006-6AbenakiAbenaki
3    1008-2AlgonquianAlgonquian
3    1010-8ApacheApache
3    1021-5ArapahoArapaho
3    1026-4ArikaraArikara
3    1028-0AssiniboineAssiniboine
3    1030-6Assiniboine SiouxAssiniboine Sioux
3    1033-0BannockBannock
3    1035-5BlackfeetBlackfeet
3    1037-1BrothertonBrotherton
3    1039-7Burt Lake BandBurt Lake Band
3    1041-3CaddoCaddo
3    1044-7CahuillaCahuilla
3    1053-8California TribesCalifornia Tribes
3    1068-6Canadian and Latin American IndianCanadian and Latin American Indian
3    1076-9CatawbaCatawba
3    1078-5CayuseCayuse
3    1080-1ChehalisChehalis
3    1082-7ChemakuanChemakuan
3    1086-8ChemehueviChemehuevi
3    1088-4CherokeeCherokee
3    1100-7Cherokee ShawneeCherokee Shawnee
3    1102-3CheyenneCheyenne
3    1106-4Cheyenne-ArapahoCheyenne-Arapaho
3    1108-0ChickahominyChickahominy
3    1112-2ChickasawChickasaw
3    1114-8ChinookChinook
3    1123-9ChippewaChippewa
3    1150-2Chippewa CreeChippewa Cree
3    1153-6ChitimachaChitimacha
3    1155-1ChoctawChoctaw
3    1162-7ChumashChumash
3    1165-0Clear LakeClear Lake
3    1167-6Coeur D'AleneCoeur D'Alene
3    1169-2CoharieCoharie
3    1171-8Colorado RiverColorado River
3    1173-4ColvilleColville
3    1175-9ComancheComanche
3    1178-3Coos, Lower Umpqua, SiuslawCoos, Lower Umpqua, Siuslaw
3    1180-9CoosCoos
3    1182-5CoquillesCoquilles
3    1184-1CostanoanCostanoan
3    1186-6CoushattaCoushatta
3    1189-0CowlitzCowlitz
3    1191-6CreeCree
3    1193-2CreekCreek
3    1207-0CroatanCroatan
3    1209-6CrowCrow
3    1211-2CupenoCupeno
3    1214-6DelawareDelaware
3    1222-9DieguenoDiegueno
3    1233-6Eastern TribesEastern Tribes
3    1250-0EsselenEsselen
3    1252-6Fort BelknapFort Belknap
3    1254-2Fort BertholdFort Berthold
3    1256-7Fort McdowellFort Mcdowell
3    1258-3Fort HallFort Hall
3    1260-9GabrielenoGabrieleno
3    1262-5Grand RondeGrand Ronde
3    1264-1Gros VentresGros Ventres
3    1267-4HaliwaHaliwa
3    1269-0HidatsaHidatsa
3    1271-6HoopaHoopa
3    1275-7Hoopa ExtensionHoopa Extension
3    1277-3HoumaHouma
3    1279-9Inaja-CosmitInaja-Cosmit
3    1281-5IowaIowa
3    1285-6IroquoisIroquois
3    1297-1JuanenoJuaneno
3    1299-7KalispelKalispel
3    1301-1KarukKaruk
3    1303-7KawKaw
3    1305-2KickapooKickapoo
3    1309-4KiowaKiowa
3    1312-8KlallamKlallam
3    1317-7KlamathKlamath
3    1319-3KonkowKonkow
3    1321-9KootenaiKootenai
3    1323-5LassikLassik
3    1325-0Long IslandLong Island
3    1331-8LuisenoLuiseno
3    1340-9LumbeeLumbee
3    1342-5LummiLummi
3    1344-1MaiduMaidu
3    1348-2MakahMakah
3    1350-8MaliseetMaliseet
3    1352-4MandanMandan
3    1354-0MattaponiMattaponi
3    1356-5MenomineeMenominee
3    1358-1MiamiMiami
3    1363-1MiccosukeeMiccosukee
3    1365-6MicmacMicmac
3    1368-0Mission IndiansMission Indians
3    1370-6MiwokMiwok
3    1372-2ModocModoc
3    1374-8MoheganMohegan
3    1376-3MonoMono
3    1378-9NanticokeNanticoke
3    1380-5NarragansettNarragansett
3    1382-1NavajoNavajo
3    1387-0Nez PerceNez Perce
3    1389-6NomalakiNomalaki
3    1391-2Northwest TribesNorthwest Tribes
3    1403-5OmahaOmaha
3    1405-0Oregon AthabaskanOregon Athabaskan
3    1407-6OsageOsage
3    1409-2Otoe-MissouriaOtoe-Missouria
3    1411-8OttawaOttawa
3    1416-7PaiutePaiute
3    1439-9PamunkeyPamunkey
3    1441-5PassamaquoddyPassamaquoddy
3    1445-6PawneePawnee
3    1448-0PenobscotPenobscot
3    1450-6PeoriaPeoria
3    1453-0PequotPequot
3    1456-3PimaPima
3    1460-5PiscatawayPiscataway
3    1462-1Pit RiverPit River
3    1464-7PomoPomo
3    1474-6PoncaPonca
3    1478-7PotawatomiPotawatomi
3    1487-8PowhatanPowhatan
3    1489-4PuebloPueblo
3    1518-0Puget Sound SalishPuget Sound Salish
3    1541-2QuapawQuapaw
3    1543-8QuinaultQuinault
3    1545-3RappahannockRappahannock
3    1547-9Reno-SparksReno-Sparks
3    1549-5Round ValleyRound Valley
3    1551-1Sac and FoxSac and Fox
3    1556-0SalinanSalinan
3    1558-6SalishSalish
3    1560-2Salish and KootenaiSalish and Kootenai
3    1562-8SchaghticokeSchaghticoke
3    1564-4Scott ValleyScott Valley
3    1566-9SeminoleSeminole
3    1573-5SerranoSerrano
3    1576-8ShastaShasta
3    1578-4ShawneeShawnee
3    1582-6ShinnecockShinnecock
3    1584-2Shoalwater BayShoalwater Bay
3    1586-7ShoshoneShoshone
3    1602-2Shoshone PaiuteShoshone Paiute
3    1607-1SiletzSiletz
3    1609-7SiouxSioux
3    1643-6SiuslawSiuslaw
3    1645-1SpokaneSpokane
3    1647-7StewartStewart
3    1649-3StockbridgeStockbridge
3    1651-9SusanvilleSusanville
3    1653-5Tohono O'OdhamTohono O'Odham
3    1659-2TolowaTolowa
3    1661-8TonkawaTonkawa
3    1663-4TyghTygh
3    1665-9UmatillaUmatilla
3    1667-5UmpquaUmpqua
3    1670-9UteUte
3    1675-8WailakiWailaki
3    1677-4Walla-WallaWalla-Walla
3    1679-0WampanoagWampanoag
3    1683-2Warm SpringsWarm Springs
3    1685-7WascopumWascopum
3    1687-3WashoeWashoe
3    1692-3WichitaWichita
3    1694-9Wind RiverWind River
3    1696-4WinnebagoWinnebago
3    1700-4WinnemuccaWinnemucca
3    1702-0WintunWintun
3    1704-6WiyotWiyot
3    1707-9YakamaYakama
3    1709-5Yakama CowlitzYakama Cowlitz
3    1711-1YaquiYaqui
3    1715-2Yavapai ApacheYavapai Apache
3    1717-8YokutsYokuts
3    1722-8YuchiYuchi
3    1724-4YumanYuman
3    1732-7YurokYurok
3    1011-6ChiricahuaChiricahua
3    1012-4Fort Sill ApacheFort Sill Apache
3    1013-2Jicarilla ApacheJicarilla Apache
3    1014-0Lipan ApacheLipan Apache
3    1015-7Mescalero ApacheMescalero Apache
3    1016-5Oklahoma ApacheOklahoma Apache
3    1017-3Payson ApachePayson Apache
3    1018-1San Carlos ApacheSan Carlos Apache
3    1019-9White Mountain ApacheWhite Mountain Apache
3    1022-3Northern ArapahoNorthern Arapaho
3    1023-1Southern ArapahoSouthern Arapaho
3    1024-9Wind River ArapahoWind River Arapaho
3    1031-4Fort Peck Assiniboine SiouxFort Peck Assiniboine Sioux
3    1042-1Oklahoma CadoOklahoma Cado
3    1045-4Agua Caliente CahuillaAgua Caliente Cahuilla
3    1046-2AugustineAugustine
3    1047-0CabazonCabazon
3    1048-8Los CoyotesLos Coyotes
3    1049-6MorongoMorongo
3    1050-4Santa Rosa CahuillaSanta Rosa Cahuilla
3    1051-2Torres-MartinezTorres-Martinez
3    1054-6CahtoCahto
3    1055-3ChimarikoChimariko
3    1056-1Coast MiwokCoast Miwok
3    1057-9DiggerDigger
3    1058-7KawaiisuKawaiisu
3    1059-5Kern RiverKern River
3    1060-3MattoleMattole
3    1061-1Red WoodRed Wood
3    1062-9Santa RosaSanta Rosa
3    1063-7TakelmaTakelma
3    1064-5WappoWappo
3    1065-2YanaYana
3    1066-0YukiYuki
3    1069-4Canadian IndianCanadian Indian
3    1070-2Central American IndianCentral American Indian
3    1071-0French American IndianFrench American Indian
3    1072-8Mexican American IndianMexican American Indian
3    1073-6South American IndianSouth American Indian
3    1074-4Spanish American IndianSpanish American Indian
3    1083-5HohHoh
3    1084-3QuileuteQuileute
3    1089-2Cherokee AlabamaCherokee Alabama
3    1090-0Cherokees of Northeast AlabamaCherokees of Northeast Alabama
3    1091-8Cherokees of Southeast AlabamaCherokees of Southeast Alabama
3    1092-6Eastern CherokeeEastern Cherokee
3    1093-4Echota CherokeeEchota Cherokee
3    1094-2Etowah CherokeeEtowah Cherokee
3    1095-9Northern CherokeeNorthern Cherokee
3    1096-7TuscolaTuscola
3    1097-5United Keetowah Band of CherokeeUnited Keetowah Band of Cherokee
3    1098-3Western CherokeeWestern Cherokee
3    1103-1Northern CheyenneNorthern Cheyenne
3    1104-9Southern CheyenneSouthern Cheyenne
3    1109-8Eastern ChickahominyEastern Chickahominy
3    1110-6Western ChickahominyWestern Chickahominy
3    1115-5ClatsopClatsop
3    1116-3Columbia River ChinookColumbia River Chinook
3    1117-1KathlametKathlamet
3    1118-9Upper ChinookUpper Chinook
3    1119-7Wakiakum ChinookWakiakum Chinook
3    1120-5Willapa ChinookWillapa Chinook
3    1121-3WishramWishram
3    1124-7Bad RiverBad River
3    1125-4Bay Mills ChippewaBay Mills Chippewa
3    1126-2Bois ForteBois Forte
3    1127-0Burt Lake ChippewaBurt Lake Chippewa
3    1128-8Fond du LacFond du Lac
3    1129-6Grand PortageGrand Portage
3    1130-4Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa/ChippewaGrand Traverse Band of Ottawa/Chippewa
3    1131-2KeweenawKeweenaw
3    1132-0Lac Courte OreillesLac Courte Oreilles
3    1133-8Lac du FlambeauLac du Flambeau
3    1134-6Lac Vieux Desert ChippewaLac Vieux Desert Chippewa
3    1135-3Lake SuperiorLake Superior
3    1136-1Leech LakeLeech Lake
3    1137-9Little Shell ChippewaLittle Shell Chippewa
3    1138-7Mille LacsMille Lacs
3    1139-5Minnesota ChippewaMinnesota Chippewa
3    1140-3OntonagonOntonagon
3    1141-1Red Cliff ChippewaRed Cliff Chippewa
3    1142-9Red Lake ChippewaRed Lake Chippewa
3    1143-7Saginaw ChippewaSaginaw Chippewa
3    1144-5St. Croix ChippewaSt. Croix Chippewa
3    1145-2Sault Ste. Marie ChippewaSault Ste. Marie Chippewa
3    1146-0Sokoagon ChippewaSokoagon Chippewa
3    1147-8Turtle MountainTurtle Mountain
3    1148-6White EarthWhite Earth
3    1151-0Rocky Boy's Chippewa CreeRocky Boy's Chippewa Cree
3    1156-9Clifton ChoctawClifton Choctaw
3    1157-7Jena ChoctawJena Choctaw
3    1158-5Mississippi ChoctawMississippi Choctaw
3    1159-3Mowa Band of ChoctawMowa Band of Choctaw
3    1160-1Oklahoma ChoctawOklahoma Choctaw
3    1163-5Santa YnezSanta Ynez
3    1176-7Oklahoma ComancheOklahoma Comanche
3    1187-4Alabama CoushattaAlabama Coushatta
3    1194-0Alabama CreekAlabama Creek
3    1195-7Alabama QuassarteAlabama Quassarte
3    1196-5Eastern CreekEastern Creek
3    1197-3Eastern MuscogeeEastern Muscogee
3    1198-1KialegeeKialegee
3    1199-9Lower MuscogeeLower Muscogee
3    1200-5Machis Lower Creek IndianMachis Lower Creek Indian
3    1201-3Poarch BandPoarch Band
3    1202-1Principal Creek Indian NationPrincipal Creek Indian Nation
3    1203-9Star Clan of Muscogee CreeksStar Clan of Muscogee Creeks
3    1204-7ThlopthloccoThlopthlocco
3    1205-4TuckabacheeTuckabachee
3    1212-0Agua CalienteAgua Caliente
3    1215-3Eastern DelawareEastern Delaware
3    1216-1Lenni-LenapeLenni-Lenape
3    1217-9MunseeMunsee
3    1218-7Oklahoma DelawareOklahoma Delaware
3    1219-5Rampough MountainRampough Mountain
3    1220-3Sand HillSand Hill
3    1223-7CampoCampo
3    1224-5Capitan GrandeCapitan Grande
3    1225-2CuyapaipeCuyapaipe
3    1226-0La PostaLa Posta
3    1227-8ManzanitaManzanita
3    1228-6Mesa GrandeMesa Grande
3    1229-4San PasqualSan Pasqual
3    1230-2Santa YsabelSanta Ysabel
3    1231-0SycuanSycuan
3    1234-4AttacapaAttacapa
3    1235-1BiloxiBiloxi
3    1236-9Georgetown (Eastern Tribes)Georgetown (Eastern Tribes)
3    1237-7MoorMoor
3    1238-5NansemondNansemond
3    1239-3NatchezNatchez
3    1240-1Nausu WaiwashNausu Waiwash
3    1241-9NipmucNipmuc
3    1242-7PaugussettPaugussett
3    1243-5Pocomoke AcohonockPocomoke Acohonock
3    1244-3Southeastern IndiansSoutheastern Indians
3    1245-0SusquehanockSusquehanock
3    1246-8Tunica BiloxiTunica Biloxi
3    1247-6Waccamaw-SiousanWaccamaw-Siousan
3    1248-4WicomicoWicomico
3    1265-8AtsinaAtsina
3    1272-4TrinityTrinity
3    1273-2WhilkutWhilkut
3    1282-3Iowa of Kansas-NebraskaIowa of Kansas-Nebraska
3    1283-1Iowa of OklahomaIowa of Oklahoma
3    1286-4CayugaCayuga
3    1287-2MohawkMohawk
3    1288-0OneidaOneida
3    1289-8OnondagaOnondaga
3    1290-6SenecaSeneca
3    1291-4Seneca NationSeneca Nation
3    1292-2Seneca-CayugaSeneca-Cayuga
3    1293-0Tonawanda SenecaTonawanda Seneca
3    1294-8TuscaroraTuscarora
3    1295-5WyandotteWyandotte
3    1306-0Oklahoma KickapooOklahoma Kickapoo
3    1307-8Texas KickapooTexas Kickapoo
3    1310-2Oklahoma KiowaOklahoma Kiowa
3    1313-6JamestownJamestown
3    1314-4Lower ElwhaLower Elwha
3    1315-1Port Gamble KlallamPort Gamble Klallam
3    1326-8MatinecockMatinecock
3    1327-6MontaukMontauk
3    1328-4PoospatuckPoospatuck
3    1329-2SetauketSetauket
3    1332-6La JollaLa Jolla
3    1333-4PalaPala
3    1334-2PaumaPauma
3    1335-9PechangaPechanga
3    1336-7SobobaSoboba
3    1337-5Twenty-Nine PalmsTwenty-Nine Palms
3    1338-3TemeculaTemecula
3    1345-8Mountain MaiduMountain Maidu
3    1346-6NishinamNishinam
3    1359-9Illinois MiamiIllinois Miami
3    1360-7Indiana MiamiIndiana Miami
3    1361-5Oklahoma MiamiOklahoma Miami
3    1366-4AroostookAroostook
3    1383-9Alamo NavajoAlamo Navajo
3    1384-7Canoncito NavajoCanoncito Navajo
3    1385-4Ramah NavajoRamah Navajo
3    1392-0AlseaAlsea
3    1393-8CeliloCelilo
3    1394-6ColumbiaColumbia
3    1395-3KalapuyaKalapuya
3    1396-1MolalaMolala
3    1397-9TalakamishTalakamish
3    1398-7TeninoTenino
3    1399-5TillamookTillamook
3    1400-1WenatcheeWenatchee
3    1401-9YahooskinYahooskin
3    1412-6Burt Lake OttawaBurt Lake Ottawa
3    1413-4Michigan OttawaMichigan Ottawa
3    1414-2Oklahoma OttawaOklahoma Ottawa
3    1417-5BishopBishop
3    1418-3BridgeportBridgeport
3    1419-1Burns PaiuteBurns Paiute
3    1420-9CedarvilleCedarville
3    1421-7Fort BidwellFort Bidwell
3    1422-5Fort IndependenceFort Independence
3    1423-3KaibabKaibab
3    1424-1Las VegasLas Vegas
3    1425-8Lone PineLone Pine
3    1426-6LovelockLovelock
3    1427-4Malheur PaiuteMalheur Paiute
3    1428-2MoapaMoapa
3    1429-0Northern PaiuteNorthern Paiute
3    1430-8Owens ValleyOwens Valley
3    1431-6Pyramid LakePyramid Lake
3    1432-4San Juan Southern PaiuteSan Juan Southern Paiute
3    1433-2Southern PaiuteSouthern Paiute
3    1434-0Summit LakeSummit Lake
3    1435-7Utu Utu Gwaitu PaiuteUtu Utu Gwaitu Paiute
3    1436-5Walker RiverWalker River
3    1437-3Yerington PaiuteYerington Paiute
3    1442-3Indian TownshipIndian Township
3    1443-1Pleasant Point PassamaquoddyPleasant Point Passamaquoddy
3    1446-4Oklahoma PawneeOklahoma Pawnee
3    1451-4Oklahoma PeoriaOklahoma Peoria
3    1454-8Marshantucket PequotMarshantucket Pequot
3    1457-1Gila River Pima-MaricopaGila River Pima-Maricopa
3    1458-9Salt River Pima-MaricopaSalt River Pima-Maricopa
3    1465-4Central PomoCentral Pomo
3    1466-2Dry CreekDry Creek
3    1467-0Eastern PomoEastern Pomo
3    1468-8KashiaKashia
3    1469-6Northern PomoNorthern Pomo
3    1470-4Scotts ValleyScotts Valley
3    1471-2StonyfordStonyford
3    1472-0Sulphur BankSulphur Bank
3    1475-3Nebraska PoncaNebraska Ponca
3    1476-1Oklahoma PoncaOklahoma Ponca
3    1479-5Citizen Band PotawatomiCitizen Band Potawatomi
3    1480-3Forest CountyForest County
3    1481-1HannahvilleHannahville
3    1482-9Huron PotawatomiHuron Potawatomi
3    1483-7Pokagon PotawatomiPokagon Potawatomi
3    1484-5Prairie BandPrairie Band
3    1485-2Wisconsin PotawatomiWisconsin Potawatomi
3    1490-2AcomaAcoma
3    1491-0Arizona TewaArizona Tewa
3    1492-8CochitiCochiti
3    1493-6HopiHopi
3    1494-4IsletaIsleta
3    1495-1JemezJemez
3    1496-9KeresKeres
3    1497-7LagunaLaguna
3    1498-5NambeNambe
3    1499-3PicurisPicuris
3    1500-8PiroPiro
3    1501-6PojoaquePojoaque
3    1502-4San FelipeSan Felipe
3    1503-2San IldefonsoSan Ildefonso
3    1504-0San Juan PuebloSan Juan Pueblo
3    1505-7San Juan DeSan Juan De
3    1506-5San JuanSan Juan
3    1507-3SandiaSandia
3    1508-1Santa AnaSanta Ana
3    1509-9Santa ClaraSanta Clara
3    1510-7Santo DomingoSanto Domingo
3    1511-5TaosTaos
3    1512-3TesuqueTesuque
3    1513-1TewaTewa
3    1514-9TiguaTigua
3    1515-6ZiaZia
3    1516-4ZuniZuni
3    1519-8DuwamishDuwamish
3    1520-6KikiallusKikiallus
3    1521-4Lower SkagitLower Skagit
3    1522-2MuckleshootMuckleshoot
3    1523-0NisquallyNisqually
3    1524-8NooksackNooksack
3    1525-5Port MadisonPort Madison
3    1526-3PuyallupPuyallup
3    1527-1SamishSamish
3    1528-9Sauk-SuiattleSauk-Suiattle
3    1529-7SkokomishSkokomish
3    1530-5SkykomishSkykomish
3    1531-3SnohomishSnohomish
3    1532-1SnoqualmieSnoqualmie
3    1533-9Squaxin IslandSquaxin Island
3    1534-7SteilacoomSteilacoom
3    1535-4StillaguamishStillaguamish
3    1536-2SuquamishSuquamish
3    1537-0SwinomishSwinomish
3    1538-8TulalipTulalip
3    1539-6Upper SkagitUpper Skagit
3    1552-9Iowa Sac and FoxIowa Sac and Fox
3    1553-7Missouri Sac and FoxMissouri Sac and Fox
3    1554-5Oklahoma Sac and FoxOklahoma Sac and Fox
3    1567-7Big CypressBig Cypress
3    1568-5BrightonBrighton
3    1569-3Florida SeminoleFlorida Seminole
3    1570-1Hollywood SeminoleHollywood Seminole
3    1571-9Oklahoma SeminoleOklahoma Seminole
3    1574-3San ManualSan Manual
3    1579-2Absentee ShawneeAbsentee Shawnee
3    1580-0Eastern ShawneeEastern Shawnee
3    1587-5Battle MountainBattle Mountain
3    1588-3DuckwaterDuckwater
3    1589-1ElkoElko
3    1590-9ElyEly
3    1591-7GoshuteGoshute
3    1592-5PanamintPanamint
3    1593-3Ruby ValleyRuby Valley
3    1594-1Skull ValleySkull Valley
3    1595-8South Fork ShoshoneSouth Fork Shoshone
3    1596-6Te-Moak Western ShoshoneTe-Moak Western Shoshone
3    1597-4Timbi-Sha ShoshoneTimbi-Sha Shoshone
3    1598-2WashakieWashakie
3    1599-0Wind River ShoshoneWind River Shoshone
3    1600-6YombaYomba
3    1603-0Duck ValleyDuck Valley
3    1604-8FallonFallon
3    1605-5Fort McDermittFort McDermitt
3    1610-5Blackfoot SiouxBlackfoot Sioux
3    1611-3Brule SiouxBrule Sioux
3    1612-1Cheyenne River SiouxCheyenne River Sioux
3    1613-9Crow Creek SiouxCrow Creek Sioux
3    1614-7Dakota SiouxDakota Sioux
3    1615-4Flandreau SanteeFlandreau Santee
3    1616-2Fort PeckFort Peck
3    1617-0Lake Traverse SiouxLake Traverse Sioux
3    1618-8Lower Brule SiouxLower Brule Sioux
3    1619-6Lower SiouxLower Sioux
3    1620-4Mdewakanton SiouxMdewakanton Sioux
3    1621-2MiniconjouMiniconjou
3    1622-0Oglala SiouxOglala Sioux
3    1623-8Pine Ridge SiouxPine Ridge Sioux
3    1624-6Pipestone SiouxPipestone Sioux
3    1625-3Prairie Island SiouxPrairie Island Sioux
3    1626-1Prior Lake SiouxPrior Lake Sioux
3    1627-9Rosebud SiouxRosebud Sioux
3    1628-7Sans Arc SiouxSans Arc Sioux
3    1629-5Santee SiouxSantee Sioux
3    1630-3Sisseton-WahpetonSisseton-Wahpeton
3    1631-1Sisseton SiouxSisseton Sioux
3    1632-9Spirit Lake SiouxSpirit Lake Sioux
3    1633-7Standing Rock SiouxStanding Rock Sioux
3    1634-5Teton SiouxTeton Sioux
3    1635-2Two Kettle SiouxTwo Kettle Sioux
3    1636-0Upper SiouxUpper Sioux
3    1637-8Wahpekute SiouxWahpekute Sioux
3    1638-6Wahpeton SiouxWahpeton Sioux
3    1639-4Wazhaza SiouxWazhaza Sioux
3    1640-2Yankton SiouxYankton Sioux
3    1641-0Yanktonai SiouxYanktonai Sioux
3    1654-3Ak-ChinAk-Chin
3    1655-0Gila BendGila Bend
3    1656-8San XavierSan Xavier
3    1657-6SellsSells
3    1668-3Cow Creek UmpquaCow Creek Umpqua
3    1671-7Allen CanyonAllen Canyon
3    1672-5Uintah UteUintah Ute
3    1673-3Ute Mountain UteUte Mountain Ute
3    1680-8Gay Head WampanoagGay Head Wampanoag
3    1681-6Mashpee WampanoagMashpee Wampanoag
3    1688-1AlpineAlpine
3    1689-9CarsonCarson
3    1690-7DresslervilleDresslerville
3    1697-2Ho-chunkHo-chunk
3    1698-0Nebraska WinnebagoNebraska Winnebago
3    1705-3Table BluffTable Bluff
3    1712-9Barrio LibreBarrio Libre
3    1713-7Pascua YaquiPascua Yaqui
3    1718-6ChukchansiChukchansi
3    1719-4TachiTachi
3    1720-2Tule RiverTule River
3    1725-1CocopahCocopah
3    1726-9HavasupaiHavasupai
3    1727-7HualapaiHualapai
3    1728-5MaricopaMaricopa
3    1729-3MohaveMohave
3    1730-1QuechanQuechan
3    1731-9YavapaiYavapai
3    1733-5Coast YurokCoast Yurok
3    1737-6Alaska IndianAlaska Indian
3    1840-8EskimoEskimo
3    1966-1AleutAleut
3    1739-2Alaskan AthabascanAlaskan Athabascan
3    1811-9Southeast AlaskaSoutheast Alaska
3    1740-0AhtnaAhtna
3    1741-8AlatnaAlatna
3    1742-6AlexanderAlexander
3    1743-4AllakaketAllakaket
3    1744-2AlanvikAlanvik
3    1745-9AnvikAnvik
3    1746-7ArcticArctic
3    1747-5BeaverBeaver
3    1748-3Birch CreekBirch Creek
3    1749-1CantwellCantwell
3    1750-9ChalkyitsikChalkyitsik
3    1751-7ChickaloonChickaloon
3    1752-5ChistochinaChistochina
3    1753-3ChitinaChitina
3    1754-1CircleCircle
3    1755-8Cook InletCook Inlet
3    1756-6Copper CenterCopper Center
3    1757-4Copper RiverCopper River
3    1758-2Dot LakeDot Lake
3    1759-0DoyonDoyon
3    1760-8EagleEagle
3    1761-6EklutnaEklutna
3    1762-4EvansvilleEvansville
3    1763-2Fort YukonFort Yukon
3    1764-0GakonaGakona
3    1765-7GalenaGalena
3    1766-5GraylingGrayling
3    1767-3GulkanaGulkana
3    1768-1Healy LakeHealy Lake
3    1769-9Holy CrossHoly Cross
3    1770-7HughesHughes
3    1771-5HusliaHuslia
3    1772-3IliamnaIliamna
3    1773-1KaltagKaltag
3    1774-9Kluti KaahKluti Kaah
3    1775-6KnikKnik
3    1776-4KoyukukKoyukuk
3    1777-2Lake MinchuminaLake Minchumina
3    1778-0LimeLime
3    1779-8McgrathMcgrath
3    1780-6Manley Hot SpringsManley Hot Springs
3    1781-4Mentasta LakeMentasta Lake
3    1782-2MintoMinto
3    1783-0NenanaNenana
3    1784-8NikolaiNikolai
3    1785-5NinilchikNinilchik
3    1786-3NondaltonNondalton
3    1787-1NorthwayNorthway
3    1788-9NulatoNulato
3    1789-7Pedro BayPedro Bay
3    1790-5RampartRampart
3    1791-3RubyRuby
3    1792-1SalamatofSalamatof
3    1793-9SeldoviaSeldovia
3    1794-7SlanaSlana
3    1795-4ShagelukShageluk
3    1796-2StevensStevens
3    1797-0Stony RiverStony River
3    1798-8TakotnaTakotna
3    1799-6TanacrossTanacross
3    1800-2TanainaTanaina
3    1801-0TananaTanana
3    1802-8Tanana ChiefsTanana Chiefs
3    1803-6TazlinaTazlina
3    1804-4TelidaTelida
3    1805-1TetlinTetlin
3    1806-9TokTok
3    1807-7TyonekTyonek
3    1808-5VenetieVenetie
3    1809-3WisemanWiseman
3    1813-5Tlingit-HaidaTlingit-Haida
3    1837-4TsimshianTsimshian
3    1814-3AngoonAngoon
3    1815-0Central Council of Tlingit and Haida TribesCentral Council of Tlingit and Haida Tribes
3    1816-8ChilkatChilkat
3    1817-6ChilkootChilkoot
3    1818-4CraigCraig
3    1819-2DouglasDouglas
3    1820-0HaidaHaida
3    1821-8HoonahHoonah
3    1822-6HydaburgHydaburg
3    1823-4KakeKake
3    1824-2KasaanKasaan
3    1825-9KenaitzeKenaitze
3    1826-7KetchikanKetchikan
3    1827-5KlawockKlawock
3    1828-3PelicanPelican
3    1829-1PetersburgPetersburg
3    1830-9SaxmanSaxman
3    1831-7SitkaSitka
3    1832-5Tenakee SpringsTenakee Springs
3    1833-3TlingitTlingit
3    1834-1WrangellWrangell
3    1835-8YakutatYakutat
3    1838-2MetlakatlaMetlakatla
3    1842-4Greenland EskimoGreenland Eskimo
3    1844-0Inupiat EskimoInupiat Eskimo
3    1891-1Siberian EskimoSiberian Eskimo
3    1896-0Yupik EskimoYupik Eskimo
3    1845-7AmblerAmbler
3    1846-5AnaktuvukAnaktuvuk
3    1847-3Anaktuvuk PassAnaktuvuk Pass
3    1848-1Arctic Slope InupiatArctic Slope Inupiat
3    1849-9Arctic Slope CorporationArctic Slope Corporation
3    1850-7AtqasukAtqasuk
3    1851-5BarrowBarrow
3    1852-3Bering Straits InupiatBering Straits Inupiat
3    1853-1Brevig MissionBrevig Mission
3    1854-9BucklandBuckland
3    1855-6ChinikChinik
3    1856-4CouncilCouncil
3    1857-2DeeringDeering
3    1858-0ElimElim
3    1859-8GolovinGolovin
3    1860-6Inalik DiomedeInalik Diomede
3    1861-4InupiaqInupiaq
3    1862-2KaktovikKaktovik
3    1863-0KawerakKawerak
3    1864-8KianaKiana
3    1865-5KivalinaKivalina
3    1866-3KobukKobuk
3    1867-1KotzebueKotzebue
3    1868-9KoyukKoyuk
3    1869-7KwigukKwiguk
3    1870-5Mauneluk InupiatMauneluk Inupiat
3    1871-3Nana InupiatNana Inupiat
3    1872-1NoatakNoatak
3    1873-9NomeNome
3    1874-7NoorvikNoorvik
3    1875-4NuiqsutNuiqsut
3    1876-2Point HopePoint Hope
3    1877-0Point LayPoint Lay
3    1878-8SelawikSelawik
3    1879-6ShaktoolikShaktoolik
3    1880-4ShishmarefShishmaref
3    1881-2ShungnakShungnak
3    1882-0SolomonSolomon
3    1883-8TellerTeller
3    1884-6UnalakleetUnalakleet
3    1885-3WainwrightWainwright
3    1886-1WalesWales
3    1887-9White MountainWhite Mountain
3    1888-7White Mountain InupiatWhite Mountain Inupiat
3    1889-5Mary's IglooMary's Igloo
3    1892-9GambellGambell
3    1893-7SavoongaSavoonga
3    1894-5Siberian YupikSiberian Yupik
3    1897-8AkiachakAkiachak
3    1898-6AkiakAkiak
3    1899-4AlakanukAlakanuk
3    1900-0AleknagikAleknagik
3    1901-8AndreafskyAndreafsky
3    1902-6AniakAniak
3    1903-4AtmautluakAtmautluak
3    1904-2BethelBethel
3    1905-9Bill Moore's SloughBill Moore's Slough
3    1906-7Bristol Bay YupikBristol Bay Yupik
3    1907-5Calista YupikCalista Yupik
3    1908-3ChefornakChefornak
3    1909-1ChevakChevak
3    1910-9ChuathbalukChuathbaluk
3    1911-7Clark's PointClark's Point
3    1912-5Crooked CreekCrooked Creek
3    1913-3DillinghamDillingham
3    1914-1EekEek
3    1915-8EkukEkuk
3    1916-6EkwokEkwok
3    1917-4EmmonakEmmonak
3    1918-2Goodnews BayGoodnews Bay
3    1919-0Hooper BayHooper Bay
3    1920-8Iqurmuit (Russian Mission)Iqurmuit (Russian Mission)
3    1921-6KalskagKalskag
3    1922-4KasiglukKasigluk
3    1923-2KipnukKipnuk
3    1924-0KoliganekKoliganek
3    1925-7KongiganakKongiganak
3    1926-5KotlikKotlik
3    1927-3KwethlukKwethluk
3    1928-1KwigillingokKwigillingok
3    1929-9LevelockLevelock
3    1930-7Lower KalskagLower Kalskag
3    1931-5ManokotakManokotak
3    1932-3MarshallMarshall
3    1933-1MekoryukMekoryuk
3    1934-9Mountain VillageMountain Village
3    1935-6NaknekNaknek
3    1936-4NapaumuteNapaumute
3    1937-2NapakiakNapakiak
3    1938-0NapaskiakNapaskiak
3    1939-8NewhalenNewhalen
3    1940-6New StuyahokNew Stuyahok
3    1941-4NewtokNewtok
3    1942-2NightmuteNightmute
3    1943-0NunapitchukvNunapitchukv
3    1944-8OscarvilleOscarville
3    1945-5Pilot StationPilot Station
3    1946-3Pitkas PointPitkas Point
3    1947-1PlatinumPlatinum
3    1948-9Portage CreekPortage Creek
3    1949-7QuinhagakQuinhagak
3    1950-5Red DevilRed Devil
3    1951-3St. MichaelSt. Michael
3    1952-1Scammon BayScammon Bay
3    1953-9Sheldon's PointSheldon's Point
3    1954-7SleetmuteSleetmute
3    1955-4StebbinsStebbins
3    1956-2TogiakTogiak
3    1957-0ToksookToksook
3    1958-8TulukskakTulukskak
3    1959-6TuntutuliakTuntutuliak
3    1960-4TununakTununak
3    1961-2Twin HillsTwin Hills
3    1962-0Georgetown (Yupik-Eskimo)Georgetown (Yupik-Eskimo)
3    1963-8St. Mary'sSt. Mary's
3    1964-6UmkumiateUmkumiate
3    1968-7Alutiiq AleutAlutiiq Aleut
3    1972-9Bristol Bay AleutBristol Bay Aleut
3    1984-4Chugach AleutChugach Aleut
3    1990-1EyakEyak
3    1992-7Koniag AleutKoniag Aleut
3    2002-4SugpiaqSugpiaq
3    2004-0SuqpigaqSuqpigaq
3    2006-5Unangan AleutUnangan Aleut
3    1969-5TatitlekTatitlek
3    1970-3UgashikUgashik
3    1973-7ChignikChignik
3    1974-5Chignik LakeChignik Lake
3    1975-2EgegikEgegik
3    1976-0IgiugigIgiugig
3    1977-8Ivanof BayIvanof Bay
3    1978-6King SalmonKing Salmon
3    1979-4KokhanokKokhanok
3    1980-2PerryvillePerryville
3    1981-0Pilot PointPilot Point
3    1982-8Port HeidenPort Heiden
3    1985-1ChenegaChenega
3    1986-9Chugach CorporationChugach Corporation
3    1987-7English BayEnglish Bay
3    1988-5Port GrahamPort Graham
3    1993-5AkhiokAkhiok
3    1994-3AgdaaguxAgdaagux
3    1995-0KarlukKarluk
3    1996-8KodiakKodiak
3    1997-6Larsen BayLarsen Bay
3    1998-4Old HarborOld Harbor
3    1999-2OuzinkieOuzinkie
3    2000-8Port LionsPort Lions
3    2007-3AkutanAkutan
3    2008-1Aleut CorporationAleut Corporation
3    2009-9AleutianAleutian
3    2010-7Aleutian IslanderAleutian Islander
3    2011-5AtkaAtka
3    2012-3BelkofskiBelkofski
3    2013-1Chignik LagoonChignik Lagoon
3    2014-9King CoveKing Cove
3    2015-6False PassFalse Pass
3    2016-4Nelson LagoonNelson Lagoon
3    2017-2NikolskiNikolski
3    2018-0Pauloff HarborPauloff Harbor
3    2019-8Qagan ToyagunginQagan Toyagungin
3    2020-6QawalanginQawalangin
3    2021-4St. GeorgeSt. George
3    2022-2St. PaulSt. Paul
3    2023-0Sand PointSand Point
3    2024-8South NaknekSouth Naknek
3    2025-5UnalaskaUnalaska
3    2026-3UngaUnga
2  2028-9AsianAsian
3    2029-7Asian IndianAsian Indian
3    2030-5BangladeshiBangladeshi
3    2031-3BhutaneseBhutanese
3    2032-1BurmeseBurmese
3    2033-9CambodianCambodian
3    2034-7ChineseChinese
3    2035-4TaiwaneseTaiwanese
3    2036-2FilipinoFilipino
3    2037-0HmongHmong
3    2038-8IndonesianIndonesian
3    2039-6JapaneseJapanese
3    2040-4KoreanKorean
3    2041-2LaotianLaotian
3    2042-0MalaysianMalaysian
3    2043-8OkinawanOkinawan
3    2044-6PakistaniPakistani
3    2045-3Sri LankanSri Lankan
3    2046-1ThaiThai
3    2047-9VietnameseVietnamese
3    2048-7Iwo JimanIwo Jiman
3    2049-5MaldivianMaldivian
3    2050-3NepaleseNepalese
3    2051-1SingaporeanSingaporean
3    2052-9MadagascarMadagascar
2  2054-5Black or African AmericanBlack or African American
3    2056-0BlackBlack
3    2058-6African AmericanAfrican American
3    2060-2AfricanAfrican
3    2067-7BahamianBahamian
3    2068-5BarbadianBarbadian
3    2069-3DominicanDominican
3    2070-1Dominica IslanderDominica Islander
3    2071-9HaitianHaitian
3    2072-7JamaicanJamaican
3    2073-5TobagoanTobagoan
3    2074-3TrinidadianTrinidadian
3    2075-0West IndianWest Indian
3    2061-0BotswananBotswanan
3    2062-8EthiopianEthiopian
3    2063-6LiberianLiberian
3    2064-4NamibianNamibian
3    2065-1NigerianNigerian
3    2066-9ZaireanZairean
2  2076-8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
3    2078-4PolynesianPolynesian
3    2085-9MicronesianMicronesian
3    2100-6MelanesianMelanesian
3    2500-7Other Pacific IslanderOther Pacific Islander
3    2079-2Native HawaiianNative Hawaiian
3    2080-0SamoanSamoan
3    2081-8TahitianTahitian
3    2082-6TonganTongan
3    2083-4TokelauanTokelauan
3    2086-7Guamanian or ChamorroGuamanian or Chamorro
3    2087-5GuamanianGuamanian
3    2088-3ChamorroChamorro
3    2089-1Mariana IslanderMariana Islander
3    2090-9MarshalleseMarshallese
3    2091-7PalauanPalauan
3    2092-5CarolinianCarolinian
3    2093-3KosraeanKosraean
3    2094-1PohnpeianPohnpeian
3    2095-8SaipaneseSaipanese
3    2096-6KiribatiKiribati
3    2097-4ChuukeseChuukese
3    2098-2YapeseYapese
3    2101-4FijianFijian
3    2102-2Papua New GuineanPapua New Guinean
3    2103-0Solomon IslanderSolomon Islander
3    2104-8New HebridesNew Hebrides
2  2106-3WhiteWhite
3    2108-9EuropeanEuropean
3    2118-8Middle Eastern or North AfricanMiddle Eastern or North African
3    2129-5ArabArab
3    2109-7ArmenianArmenian
3    2110-5EnglishEnglish
3    2111-3FrenchFrench
3    2112-1GermanGerman
3    2113-9IrishIrish
3    2114-7ItalianItalian
3    2115-4PolishPolish
3    2116-2ScottishScottish
3    2119-6AssyrianAssyrian
3    2120-4EgyptianEgyptian
3    2121-2IranianIranian
3    2122-0IraqiIraqi
3    2123-8LebaneseLebanese
3    2124-6PalestinianPalestinian
3    2125-3SyrianSyrian
3    2126-1AfghanistaniAfghanistani
3    2127-9IsraeiliIsraeili
2  2131-1Other RaceNote that this term remains in the table for completeness, even though within HL7, the notion of Other code is deprecated.
12133-7EthnicityEthnicity Note that this is an abstract 'grouping' concept and not for use as a real conceptTrue
2  2135-2Hispanic or LatinoHispanic or Latino
3    2137-8SpaniardSpaniard
3    2148-5MexicanMexican
3    2155-0Central AmericanCentral American
3    2165-9South AmericanSouth American
3    2178-2Latin AmericanLatin American
3    2180-8Puerto RicanPuerto Rican
3    2182-4CubanCuban
3    2184-0DominicanDominican
3    2138-6AndalusianAndalusian
3    2139-4AsturianAsturian
3    2140-2CastillianCastillian
3    2141-0CatalonianCatalonian
3    2142-8Belearic IslanderBelearic Islander
3    2143-6GallegoGallego
3    2144-4ValencianValencian
3    2145-1CanarianCanarian
3    2146-9Spanish BasqueSpanish Basque
3    2149-3Mexican AmericanMexican American
3    2150-1MexicanoMexicano
3    2151-9ChicanoChicano
3    2152-7La RazaLa Raza
3    2153-5Mexican American IndianMexican American Indian
3    2156-8Costa RicanCosta Rican
3    2157-6GuatemalanGuatemalan
3    2158-4HonduranHonduran
3    2159-2NicaraguanNicaraguan
3    2160-0PanamanianPanamanian
3    2161-8SalvadoranSalvadoran
3    2162-6Central American IndianCentral American Indian
3    2163-4Canal ZoneCanal Zone
3    2166-7ArgentineanArgentinean
3    2167-5BolivianBolivian
3    2168-3ChileanChilean
3    2169-1ColombianColombian
3    2170-9EcuadorianEcuadorian
3    2171-7ParaguayanParaguayan
3    2172-5PeruvianPeruvian
3    2173-3UruguayanUruguayan
3    2174-1VenezuelanVenezuelan
3    2175-8South American IndianSouth American Indian
3    2176-6CriolloCriollo
2  2186-5Not Hispanic or LatinoNote that this term remains in the table for completeness, even though within HL7, the notion of "not otherwise coded" term is deprecated.


abstractTrue if an element is considered 'abstract' - in other words, the code is not for use as a real conceptBoolean