UK Core Implementation Guide STU3 Sequence - Sprint 6 Review


There are two extensions to UK Core currently recommended for the UKCore-MessageHeader Profile.

Extension Context Link Comment
messageHeaderInstruction MessageHeader Extension UKCore-MessageHeaderInstruction Acts as a placeholder to allow the MessageHeader to be extended in the short term as required by local use cases. This will use a code value pair approach without any coded values defined. This extension, if deemed useful will then be made into a more defined extension (with a tighter binding to an agreed ValueSet) when the use cases become clearer. One potential use of this extension is for a replacement for the approach used for ITK3 FHIR documents.
messageheader-response-request MessageHeader Core-defined Extension messageheader-response-request This is a HL7 Core-defined extension that is used to indicate the response required to a message.

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