UK Core Clinical and Technical Assurance Sprint 6 Documentation Pack

UK Core Clinical and Technical Assurance Sprint 6 Documentation Pack

Leaving feedback and review comments

Feedback and review comments must be submitted as a Simplifier issue. Issues should be logged at the level of the FHIR Simplifier resource. This is done in the project view in Simplifier.

This documentation pack contains links to the Simplifier project and the implementation guide. The project holds all the source files, and the guide is a human readable html view of the project. It is acknowledged that not everyone will have enough knowledge of FHIR Implementation Guides or Simplifier to log an issue to the correct Simplifier resource (see note below) and therefore logging at the project level is allowable if this is the case.

Note: Simplifier refers to everything as a resource whether it’s an image, example or FHIR profile

Creating a Simplifier Account

The UK Core uses Simplifier for issue tracking and maintenance. Although the UK Core is in the public domain, you will need to create an account and log in to raise issues. Creating a Simplifier account is done by going to and using the sign up option on the top right of the page. An email address and a chosen password are the only details needed to set up an account.

Login to Simplifier

Logging in to your Simplifier account is required to raise issues. Browse to and use the login option on the top right of the page, then enter the chosen credentials.

The UK Core Implementation Guide STU3 Sequence (Draft) guide is derived from the UK Core Implementation Guide STU2 Sequence with the content required for the Sprint 6 of Clinical and Technical Assurance added.

Further information about the Clinical and Technical Assurance Sprint in the context of the UK Core release approach is available in the UK Core Release Cycle section.

The FHIR Assets are stored within the project in Simplifier.

Change to an existing UK Core Asset

When the change request is for a change to an existing UK Core FHIR asset, the preferred approach is to raise the issue at the level of the relevant asset.

Create a Simplifier issue at UK Core Asset level

It is acknowledged that not everyone will have enough knowledge of FHIR Implementation Guides or Simplifier to log an issue to the correct Simplifier resource, therefore logging at the project level is allowable, if this is the case. However, issue logging at asset level is the preferred approach, as it makes triage of issues easier.

Note: Simplifier refers to everything as a resource whether it’s an image, example or FHIR profile and provides a mechanism to filter on type.

Step 1 - How to search and filter

How to search and filter in Simplifier illustration

To search for a particular asset, for example to find the Patient profile, filter by resource category "Profiles" (tick the box alongside Profiles), add the word "Patient" in the search box and hit return. This will bring up a link to the Patient profile which will take you to a page with a view of the Patient profile.

Once the required Simplifier resource page is found, clicking on the "Issues" tab will bring up a page where a new issue should be raised by selecting the "New issue" button.

Step 2 - Create new issue

Create new issue illustration

This will only require a title and the details of the issue or comment. All other issues logged for this Simplifier resource will be available from this page and you can check these or find out whether this issue has already been logged, if required.

Step 3 - New issue information required

New issue information required illustration

If you cannot locate the Simplifier resource, or it is not appropriate to log an issue at the Simplifier resource level, then you should raise an issue at the project level. In this case, the title and/or issue text should identify which part of the UK Core Implementation is the subject of the issue being raised. See the Creating a Simplifier Issue at Project Level section for how to do this.

Requesting a new UK Core Asset

Issues for new UK Core FHIR assets should be raised at the UK Core project level the issue must indicate the use case or details of the requirement as to why the new asset is needed.

Creating a Simplifier Issue at Project Level

To create a issue at the project level, navigate to the project. Once you are in the project, click on the "Issues" tab and then the "New issue" button to create a new issue.

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