UK Core Clinical and Technical Assurance Sprint 6 Documentation Pack

UK Core Clinical and Technical Assurance Sprint 6 Documentation Pack

What do I review?

This page gives guidance about what is asked of a participant in the C&TA process.

The documented information falls into three main types:

  1. Information to help or guide participants in the C&TA process.
  2. Reference information which gives further context, etc. to the information that needs to be reviewed. The referenced material is not part of the C&TA process.
  3. Information which is a contained in the HL7 FHIR® UK Core Implementation Guide STU3 Sequence (Draft) guide and project. This is the source material which needs to be reviewed by participants in the C&TA process.

Although not part of the C&TA process, feedback is welcome on items 1 and 2 to help improve the documentation and C&TA process. This feedback will be fed into a post C&TA retrospective which will be open to all participants.

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