RDC Interoperability Guide

Listing subscriptions

A client can list their subscriptions by issuing a GET request for the Subscription resources. For example:

curl -sS "https://${server}/fhir/r5/api/Subscription?status=active" \
  -H "client_id: ${client_id}" \
  -H "client_secret: ${client_secret}" \
  -H "org_id: ${org_id}" \
  -H "certificate: ${certificate}" | jq


  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "id": "25be9599-8b27-46f1-97c3-2a8f944a8a92",
  "type": "searchset",
  "total": 31,
  "entry": [
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Subscription",

⚠️ Known limitation: All matches are returned in a single response regardless of the result size. Pagination will be introduced in the future which will truncate the results above a certain size by default.


All parameters are optional unless specified otherwise. Multiple parameters can be combined together in order to narrow the search even more.

  • _id: A comma-separated list of subscription IDs to search for.

  • status: A comma-separated list of subscription statuses to search for.

  • topic: A comma-separated list of subscription topics to search for.

  • filter-parameter: The subscription filterBy.filterParameter to search for. Note this parameter is mandatory if filter-value is specified.

  • filter-value: A comma-separated list of subscription filterBy.value to search for. Note this parameter is mandatory if filter-parameter is specified.