RDC Interoperability Guide

Medication insulin delivery

In this data flow, we cover Medication Adminstration for a patient based on the MedicationRequest. Medication insulin delivery is structured around 3 key medication profiles that are generated by a Device and have a Patient subject.

Device Instance

Represents a specific instance of a Device, linking it to its corresponding Device Model with details such as serial number and configuration.


Represent the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication. Medications are generally insulin, but are not limited to insulin (either manually reported or reported by an insulin pump).


Describes an order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of a medication to a patient.


A stripped-down patient profile containing no elements except for common resource metadata, such as the .id.

Data model overview

Bolus calculator data point use case

  1. Bolus Activation Type
    • RdcMedicationRequest: Use the respective code in .intent.
  2. Bolus Delivery Type
    • RdcMedicationRequest: Use the respective code in .dosageInstruction.method.
    • RdcMedicationAdministration: Use the respective code in .category.
  3. Other Bolus Calculator Data Points: Confirmed, Selected, Recommended, Immediate Insulin, Delayed Insulin, Delayed Duration
    • RdcMedicationRequest: Use the respective code and value in
      • .dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.type.code
      • .dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.doseQuantity.
    • RdcMedicationAdministration: Use the respective code and value in
      • .dosage.method.coding.code
      • .dose.value.

Data Flow for write action

The data flow for insulin delivery follows these steps:

  1. Device administration flow (if not arleady available)
  2. Create RdcPatient instance (if not arleady available)
  3. Create RdcMedicationRequest instance (if not arleady available)
  4. Create RdcMedicationAdminstration, referencing the relevant RdcDeviceInstance, RdcPatient and RdcMedicationRequest resources

Resource examples