Example of the subscription to be sent as a payload to subscribe for notifications about BG observation resources of all patients within organization having id 123
{ "resourceType" : "Subscription", "id" : "97c2a361-d834-4fcb-b43f-37331806191e", "meta": { "source": "roche.com/middleware", "profile": [ "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/StructureDefinition/rdc-Subscription" ] }, "identifier" : [{ "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value" : "urn:uuid:97e5aa1e-5916-4512-a36e-24eef784e3cc" }], "name" : "Example", "topic" : "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/SubscriptionTopic/BgMeasurements", "status" : "requested", "reason" : "Example subscription for BG measurement topic", "filterBy" : [{ "filterParameter" : "organization", "value" : "123" }], "channelType" : { "code" : "rest-hook" }, "endpoint" : "https://example.org/Endpoints/P123", "parameter" : [{ "name" : "Authorization", "value" : "Bearer secret-token-abc-123" }], "timeout" : 15, "contentType" : "application/fhir+json", "content" : "id-only", "maxCount" : 200 }
Example of the subscription to be sent as a payload to subscribe for notifications about insulin administration MedicationAdministration resources of patient having id 765
. This patient has to belong to the organization sending this subscription request.
{ "resourceType" : "Subscription", "id" : "97c2a361-d834-4fcb-b43f-37331806191e", "meta": { "source": "roche.com/middleware", "profile": [ "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/StructureDefinition/rdc-Subscription" ] }, "identifier" : [{ "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value" : "urn:uuid:97e5aa1e-5916-4512-a36e-24eef784e3cc" }], "name" : "Example", "topic" : "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/SubscriptionTopic/InsulinAdministration", "status" : "requested", "reason" : "Example subscription for BG measurement topic", "filterBy" : [{ "filterParameter" : "patient", "value" : "765" }], "channelType" : { "code" : "rest-hook" }, "endpoint" : "https://example.org/Endpoints/P123", "parameter" : [{ "name" : "Authorization", "value" : "Bearer secret-token-abc-123" }], "timeout" : 15, "contentType" : "application/fhir+json", "content" : "id-only", "maxCount" : 200 }
Example with minimum payload:
{ "resourceType" : "Subscription", "meta": { "profile": [ "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/StructureDefinition/rdc-Subscription" ] }, "topic" : "https://roche.com/fhir/iop/SubscriptionTopic/BgMeasurements", "status" : "requested", "channelType" : { "code" : "rest-hook" }, "endpoint" : "https://example.org/Endpoints/P123", "filterBy" : [{ "filterParameter" : "organization", "value" : "123" }], "contentType" : "application/fhir+json", "content" : "id-only" }