FHIR Artifacts > Structure Definition: MessageHeader Profile

Structure Definition: MessageHeader Profile

Canonical URL:http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader

Simplifier project page:

Command 'link' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader:name'

Derived from: MessageHeader (R4)

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work

Differential View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader'

Hybrid View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader'

Snapshot View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader'

Table View

Command 'table' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader'


Command 'json' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader'


A MessageHeader resource with a unique id and appropriate eventCoding, source.endpoint, destination.endpoint and focus SHALL be the first entry in each message Bundle.

The MessageHeader is used to convey the purpose of the message (i.e.: eventCoding), to direct the receiver toward the information acted upon (i.e.: focus) and to support message routing.



  • used to uniquely identify a message
  • populate this element with a UUID each time a message is created
  • note: a FHIR message contains two identifiers that are unique within the message stream, rules:
    • a MessageHeader.id (this element) SHALL be assigned when the message is created
    • a Bundle.id SHALL be assigned each time the message is sent


  • used to declare conformance to this profile
  • populate with the fixed value: http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-MessageHeader|1.0.0


  • used to communicate referral source type information to support referral processes with automated referral processing rules
  • for "add-servicerequest" messsages, this element SHALL be populated with the same value as ServiceRequest.extension:RoutingOptions if present
  • see business rules for more informaiton


  • used in cases where multiple connected referrals are made simultaneously (i.e. a requisition)
  • in these cases:
    • multiple ServiceRequests SHALL be referenced in MessageHeader.focus
    • each of the ServiceRequests in MessageHeader.focus SHALL have the same identifier in ServiceRequest.requisition
    • the identifier used in ServiceRequest.requisition SHALL also be used to populate this element
  • Note that additional business rules apply to requisitions


  • used to convey the business event that triggered the message
  • SHALL be populated with a code from MessageEventCode and coding system


  • used to enable message routing through an intermediary
  • SHALL be populated with either:
    • a literal URL that identifies the addresses to which the message should be delivered, or
    • a logical URI (i.e. non-dereferenceable) known to the intermediary.


  • identifies the person who initiated the event
  • SHALL be populated with a reference to a PractitionerRole resource included as a message Bundle.entry


  • used to enable message routing of responses through an intermediary
  • SHALL be populated with either:
    • a literal URL that identifies the addresses to which the message should be delivered, or
    • a logical URI (i.e. non-dereferenceable) known to the intermediary.


  • indicates that a message is a response to a request message (with status)
  • if used:
    • .response.identifier SHALL be populated with the MessageHeader.id of the message to which this message is a response
    • .response.code SHALL be populated with a valid ResponseType
    • .response.details MAY be provided in a referenced OperationOutcome included in the Bundle
