FHIR Artifacts > Structure Definition: DocumentReference Profile

Structure Definition: DocumentReference Profile

Canonical URL:http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference

Simplifier project page:

Command 'link' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference:name'

Derived from: DocumentReference (R4)

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work

Differential View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference'

Hybrid View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference'

Snapshot View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference'

Table View

Command 'table' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference'


Command 'json' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference'


The primary use of the DocumentReference in this IG is to exchange binary .content (attachments to ServiceRequests) in DirectMessaging integrations.

In the referral workflow multiple, large binary files could potentially be referenced as ServiceRequest.supportingInfo. To reduce message size, message performance and scalability, implementers are strongly recommended to use .content.attachment.url to enable asyncronous retrieval of binary attachments from a secure server instead of passing attachments within a message as base64 .content.attachment.data. For further background and discussion about potential approaches see: https://infocentral.infoway-inforoute.ca/en/resources/docs/3551-documentreference/view-document



  • used to uniquely identify the resource
  • if a persistent identity for the resource is not available to use when constructing a message Bundle for transmission via Direct Messaging, a UUID SHOULD be used in this element (with a corresponding value in Bundle.entry.fullUrl)


  • used to declare conformance to this profile
  • populate with a fixed value: http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-DocumentReference|1.0.0


  • business identifier(s)


  • populate with a fixed value "current"


  • MAY be used to associate the DocumentReference with the Patient it is about
  • where .subject is populated, it SHALL reference the same Patient resource as ServiceRequest.subject
  • for DirectMessaging integrations, the Patient resource SHALL be included in the message as a Bundle.entry and, if a persistent resource is available, MAY also be resolvable at a RESTful FHIR endpoint


  • populate with the instant in time when the DocumentReference was created for transmission to the recipient
  • format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+zz:zz (e.g. 2015-02-07T13:28:17.239+02:00 or 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z).
