FHIR Artifacts > Structure Definition: Appointment Profile

Structure Definition: Appointment Profile

Canonical URL:http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment

Simplifier project page:

Command 'link' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment:name'

Derived from: ServiceRequest (R4)

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work

Differential View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment'

Hybrid View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment'

Snapshot View

Command 'tree' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment'

Table View

Command 'table' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment'


Command 'json' could not render: File not found for 'subject=ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment'


The Appointment resource is used to represent a meeting planned in response to a ServiceRequest. References to other resources are used to convey the details of the appointment including ServiceRequest the appointment is based on (Appointment.basedOn) and participants (Appointment.participant.actor) in the appointment such as a Patient, PractitionerRole or HealthcareService.



  • used to uniquely identify the resource
  • if a persistent identity for the resource is not available to use when constructing a message Bundle for transmission via Direct Messaging, a UUID SHOULD be used in this element (with a corresponding value in Bundle.entry.fullUrl)


  • used to declare conformance to this profile
  • populate with a fixed value: http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-eReferral-profile-Appointment|1.0.0


  • used to provide human readable human readable that can be pasted into other systems with complete information about the appointment
  • where populated:
    • .text.div SHALL include a full text summary of the appointment
    • .text.status, populate with the fixed code "generated"


  • typically populated with "booked" (or "cancelled" if unbooked)


  • typically populated with "INTAKE" or "ASSESSMENT" for a referral appointment


  • title of the appointment (e.g. the Subject on an appointemnt in MS Outlook)


  • populate with the appointment start time
  • format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+zz:zz (e.g. 2015-02-07T13:28:17.239+02:00 or 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z).


  • populate with the appointment end time
  • format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+zz:zz (e.g. 2015-02-07T13:28:17.239+02:00 or 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z).


  • duration of appointment in minutes
  • populate with a positive integer


  • populate with the date that this appointment was initially created (NOT the time of the appointment itself)


  • additional comments and details about the appointment (i.e. the Body of an appointment in MS Outlook)


  • detailed information and instructions for the patient


  • associates the Appointment with the ServiceRequest being performed
  • SHALL be populated with a reference to the ServiceRequest being performed
  • if the Appointment is being transmitted via messaging, the referenced ServiceRequest resource SHALL be included in the message as a Bundle.entry


  • repeating element identifies one or more participants in the appointment where

    • .participant.type is a value from ParticipantType(extensible)
    • .participant.actor a reference to one of:
      • the Patient being seen > SHALL be the same as the ServiceRequest.subject
      • the HealthcareService providing the appointment > SHALL be same as the ServiceRequest.performer if both are present
      • the PractitionerRole seeing the patient
      • the Location of the appointment
    • .participant.status is expected to be "accepted" for a booked appointment
  • Note:

    • if an Appointment is being transmitted via messaging, referenced Patient, PractitionerRole and Location resources SHALL be included in the message as a Bundle.entry
    • HealthcareService SHOULD typically be an external reference