
The VkpEncounter profile is used for documenting a digital or physical encounter with a patient. This can either be a planned encounter or the monitoring/follow-up of an alarm.

The participant field will specify the health care workers/operators involved and the devices used for monitoring/communication with the patient.

The encounter will be accompanied by a Composition, describing the follow-up actions.

Usage of profile attributes

The following table summarizes the fields that are important for use in the VKP APIs when sending information to VKP.

Field Description
status Finished
class 'VR' for digital/virtual encounters
classHistory not used
type not used
subject The patient or group that is the subject of the encounter
participant List of participants, including health care workers and devices used in this encounter.
A device can be used in different modes (e.g. picture, anonymized picture). For each combination of device and mode, the following information shall be given: Device, type (mode) and period, see below:
participant.type Mode, see encounter-mode-codes
participant.period The period when the device is used in this mode
participant.individual Reference to the device and/or practitioner
period The total period when the encounter took place
reason Specifies the reason for this encounter - either planned or event based, according to reason-codes.
location The general location of the patient (such as the residence or institution).