
Represents careplan information retrieved from the EHR (besøksplan).

Search parameters and return values

The server is expected to return a vkp-Patient resource and a set of vkp-CarePlan resources as a Bundle. If an error occurs an OperationOutcome resource should be returned.

Usage of profile attributes

The following table summarizes the most important Careplan fields used by VKP. For complete documentation, see VkpCarePlan

Field Description
Status Status of the careplan, typically 'active'
Category Type of careplan. Currently, only besøksplan is supported.
Title Name/title of the careplan
Subject Identification of the patient
Activity List of careplan activities, decribed by the 'detail' field:
Activity.detail.status Status of the activity, e.g. 'scheduled'
Activity.detail.scheduledPeriod Planned period for the activity
Activity.detail.description Textual description of the activity