Until a patient is physically discharged, there is a possibility that the proposed discharge date will not be realised as it is subject to change – in which case social care teams may need to review and re-arrange any planned packages of care ./ services. Confirmation of discharge informs the social care team that they no longer have to keep a watching brief on such cases.

HTTPS Request



Request URL:

The request URL will consist of 'https://'+'{Host}'+'{BaseURL}'+'?'+'{QueryString}'

Host Environments:

The Host URLs will determined by the service provider, for example the host URLs for the Nottinghamshire County Council Social Care Data Service are:

Environment Host
Test health-interoperability-test.nottscc.gov.uk
Live health-interoperability.nottscc.gov.uk

Base URL:


Query String /Parameters:

Name Value
identifier The identifier as per Encounter the asscoiated ReferralRequest, in the format {identifier.system |identifier.value}

Example Request Url:


Request Body:

The Request body should be in either json or xml format

The primary base FHIR resource is a CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1 with references to other resources as per the Entity Relationship Model below: UpdateEncounterUseCaseDiagram

See Examples for an illustration of the Request body of a typical Referral to Social Care for a Supported Hospital Discharge.



SHALL return a HTTP status code 200 OK on successful execution of the request


An Error SHALL return one of the following HTTP Status Codes and an OperationOutcome with details of the issue:

HTTP Code Display Description
400 Bad Request Poor Syntax or breaks a core FHIR constraint
401 Unauthorized User is not authorised to perform the request.
403 Forbidden The request is forbidden, authorization will not help.
409 Conflict User has requested to create a resource that already exists.
422 Unprocessable Entity The syntax is valid, but cannot be processed, e.g. breaks a business rule.
500 Internal Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

JSON example of an OperationOutcome for a Unprocessable Entity

    "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    "issue":  [
            "severity": "error",
            "code": "processing",
            "diagnostics": "Encounter period end datetime must be provided if status is 'finished'",
            "location":  [
                "(Encounter.status = 'finished') and (Encounter.period.end.empty())"

XML example of an OperationOutcome for a 422 Unprocessable Entity

<OperationOutcome xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
        <severity value="error" />
        <code value="processing" />
        <diagnostics value="Encounter period end datetime must be provided if status is &#39;finished&#39;" />
        <location value="(Encounter.status = &#39;finished&#39;) and (Encounter.period.end.empty())" />


Request Body

JSON example of a CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1

    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "meta": {
        "profile":  [
    "contained":  [
            "resourceType": "Practitioner",
            "id": "shd-lead-clinician",
            "meta": {
                "profile":  [
            "name":  [
                    "use": "official",
                    "text": "Ms Laura Clarke"
            "resourceType": "Location",
            "id": "shd-location",
            "meta": {
                "profile":  [
            "name": "Ward 22",
            "managingOrganization": {
                "reference": "#shd-hospital"
            "resourceType": "Organization",
            "id": "shd-hospital",
            "meta": {
                "profile":  [
            "identifier":  [
                    "system": "https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/ods-site-code",
                    "value": "RK5BC"
            "name": "King's Mill Hospital"
    "text": {
        "status": "additional",
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
    "extension":  [
            "url": "https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/Extension-SHD-MedicallyFitDetails",
            "extension":  [
                    "url": "medicallyFitStatus",
                    "valueCoding": {
                        "system": "https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/codesystem/SHD-MedicallyFitStatus",
                        "code": "01",
                        "display": "Medically Fit"
                    "url": "dateDeemedMedicallyFit",
                    "valueDateTime": "2019-01-30T10:56:00+00:00"
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "http://fhir.sfht.nhs.uk/encounter/identifier",
            "value": "11a2d937-39d5-439e-bc6a-d5e586eSteve"
    "status": "finished",
    "type":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/encounter/type",
                    "code": "supported-discharge"
    "participant":  [
            "individual": {
                "reference": "#shd-lead-clinician"
    "period": {
        "start": "2019-01-25T00:00:00+00:00",
        "end": "2019-02-03T00:00:00+00:00"
    "reason":  [
            "text": "Description of the reason why the patient was admitted to hospital"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "#shd-location"

XML example of a CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1

<Encounter xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
        <profile value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1" />
        <status value="additional" />
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
            <id value="shd-lead-clinician" />
                <profile value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/CareConnect-SHD-Practitioner-1" />
                <use value="official" />
                <text value="Ms Laura Clarke" />
            <id value="shd-location" />
                <profile value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/CareConnect-SHD-Location-1" />
            <name value="Ward 22" />
                <reference value="#shd-hospital" />
            <id value="shd-hospital" />
                <profile value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/CareConnect-SHD-Organization-1" />
                <system value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/ods-site-code" />
                <value value="RK5BC" />
            <name value="King&#39;s Mill Hospital" />
    <extension url="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/Extension-SHD-MedicallyFitDetails">
        <extension url="medicallyFitStatus">
                <system value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/STU3/codesystem/SHD-MedicallyFitStatus" />
                <code value="01" />
                <display value="Medically Fit" />
        <extension url="dateDeemedMedicallyFit">
            <valueDateTime value="2019-01-30T10:56:00+00:00" />
        <system value="http://fhir.sfht.nhs.uk/encounter/identifier" />
        <value value="11a2d937-39d5-439e-bc6a-d5e586eSteve" />
    <status value="finished" />
            <system value="https://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/encounter/type" />
            <code value="supported-discharge" />
            <reference value="#shd-lead-clinician" />
        <start value="2019-01-25T00:00:00+00:00" />
        <end value="2019-02-03T00:00:00+00:00" />
        <text value="Description of the reason why the patient was admitted to hospital" />
            <reference value="#shd-location" />