Share Case Note with Social Care

This use case enables health workers/teams to share relevant case notes with the social care team, which may facilitate a Supported Hospital Discharge assessment, help inform the appropriate service required, or provide additional context (reason why an expected discharge date has been changed)

HTTPS Request



Request URL:

The request URL will consist of 'https://'+'{Host}'+'{BaseURL}'+'?'+'{QueryString}'

Host Environments:

The Host URLs will determined by the service provider, for example the host URLs for the Nottinghamshire County Council Social Care Data Service are:

Environment Host

Base URL:


Query String /Parameters:


Example Request Url:

Request Body:

The Request body should be in either json or xml format

The primary base FHIR resource is a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

See Examples for an illustration of the Request body of a typical Referral to Social Care for a Supported Hospital Discharge.



SHALL return a HTTP status code 201 Created on successful execution of the request


An Error SHALL return one of the following HTTP Status Codes and an OperationOutcome with details of the issue:

HTTP Code Display Description
400 Bad Request Poor Syntax or breaks a core FHIR constraint
401 Unauthorized User is not authorised to perform the request.
403 Forbidden The request is forbidden, authorization will not help.
409 Conflict User has requested to create a resource that already exists.
422 Unprocessable Entity The syntax is valid, but cannot be processed, e.g. breaks a business rule.
500 Internal Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

JSON example of an OperationOutcome for a 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    "issue":  [
            "severity": "error",
            "code": "processing",
            "diagnostics": "Profile, Element 'Communication.payload.contentString': minimum required = 1, but only found 0",
            "location":  [

XML example of an OperationOutcome for a 422 Unprocessable Entity

<OperationOutcome xmlns="">
        <severity value="error" />
        <code value="processing" />
        <diagnostics value="Profile, Element &#39;Communication.payload.contentString&#39;: minimum required = 1, but only found 0" />
        <location value="Communication.payload.contentString" />


Request Body

JSON example of a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

    "resourceType": "Communication",
    "meta": {
        "profile":  [
    "status": "completed",
    "context": {
        "identifier": {
            "type": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "SHD-Encounter"
            "system": "",
            "value": "e3a646c0-bb4b-46fb-9428-86b56038752e"
    "note":  [
            "authorString": "Nurse Gladys Emmanuel",
            "time": "2020-01-03T13:36:27+00:00",
            "text": "Visited patient on ward and confirmed with OT that no additional equipment required for discharge...Additional text that is quite long and goes into a detailed description that will span multiple lines in the form field.\n\nMaybe the comment even has multiple paragraphs."

XML example of a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

<Communication xmlns="">
        <profile value="" />
    <status value="completed" />
                    <system value="" />
                    <code value="SHD-Encounter" />
            <system value="" />
            <value value="e3a646c0-bb4b-46fb-9428-86b56038752e" />
        <authorString value="Nurse Gladys Emmanuel" />
        <time value="2020-01-03T13:36:27+00:00" />
        <text value="Visited patient on ward and confirmed with OT that no additional equipment required for discharge...Additional text that is quite long and goes into a detailed description that will span multiple lines in the form field.\n\nMaybe the comment even has multiple paragraphs." />