
This is the StructureDefinition overview for the CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

The official URL for this profile is:


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Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Snapshot (default)

Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Communication Data Mapping

The table below provides the generic business context data mappings for the 'Mandatory' and 'Must Support' elements in the CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1 profile. However, please see the individual use case guidance for specifc constraints and context.

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context
Communication.status 1..1 code Binding EventStatus

Fixed Value: 'completed'
Communication.subject 0..1 Reference Reference to Patient resource to whom the communication relates.
Communication.context 1..1 Reference Reference to Encounter resource for the the communication relates.
Communication.context.identifier 1..1 Identifier Logical reference for Encounter which was included in the CareConnect-SHD-ReferralRequest-1.


Communication.context.identifier.system = {Local Encounter System}

Communication.context.identifier.value= {Encounter ID}
Communication.context.identifier.type 1..1 CodeableConcept Fixed Value:

Communication.context.identifier.type.coding.system = ''

Communication.note 1..1 Annotation MUST contain one note
Communication.note.authorString 0..1 string Optional field for details of who added the note/comment.
Communication.note.time 1..1 dateTime Date/Time communication was sent to the the Local Authority.

SHALL be provided for any CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1
Communication.note.text 1..1 string Plain text copy of the note/communication that is being shared with the Loacl Authority.

SHALL be provided for any CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1