Share Case Note with Social Care

This use case enables health workers/teams to share relevant case notes with the social care team, which may facilitate a Supported Hospital Discharge assessment, help inform the appropriate service required, or provide additional context (reason why an expected discharge date has been changed)

HTTPS Request



Request URL:

The request URL will consist of 'https://'+'{Host}'+'{BaseURL}'+'?'+'{QueryString}'

Host Environments:

The Host URLs will determined by the service provider, for example the host URLs for the Nottinghamshire County Council Social Care Data Service are:

Environment Host

Base URL:


Query String /Parameters:


Example Request Url:

Request Body:

The Request body should be in either json or xml format

The primary base FHIR resource is a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

See Examples for an illustration of the Request body of a typical Referral to Social Care for a Supported Hospital Discharge.



SHALL return a HTTP status code 201 Created on successful execution of the request


An Error SHALL return one of the following HTTP Status Codes and an OperationOutcome with details of the issue:

HTTP Code Display Description
400 Bad Request Poor Syntax or breaks a core FHIR constraint
401 Unauthorized User is not authorised to perform the request.
403 Forbidden The request is forbidden, authorization will not help.
409 Conflict User has requested to create a resource that already exists.
422 Unprocessable Entity The syntax is valid, but cannot be processed, e.g. breaks a business rule.
500 Internal Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

JSON example of an OperationOutcome for a 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    "issue":  [
            "severity": "error",
            "code": "processing",
            "diagnostics": "Profile, Element 'Communication.payload.contentString': minimum required = 1, but only found 0",
            "location":  [

XML example of an OperationOutcome for a 422 Unprocessable Entity

<OperationOutcome xmlns="">
        <severity value="error" />
        <code value="processing" />
        <diagnostics value="Profile, Element &#39;Communication.payload.contentString&#39;: minimum required = 1, but only found 0" />
        <location value="Communication.payload.contentString" />


The Issue Assessment Notice Use Care is supported by the following profiles

StructureDefinition Version
CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1 0.0.1
Extensions Version
ValueSets Version
CodeSystems Version

Rules and Mappings

The generic business context data mappings for the 'Madatory' and 'Must Support' elements are detailed in the Profiles section, however the section below deatils any specific rules or contrains that apply to this use case.


The patient MUST have an Active Referral Request

Data Mappings

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context
Communication.status 1..1 code Binding EventStatus

Fixed Value: 'completed'
Communication.subject 0..1 Reference Reference to Patient resource to whom the communication relates.
Communication.context 1..1 Reference Reference to Encounter resource for the the communication relates.
Communication.context.identifier 1..1 Identifier Logical reference for Encounter which was included in the CareConnect-SHD-ReferralRequest-1.


Communication.context.identifier.system = {Local Encounter System}

Communication.context.identifier.value= {Encounter ID}
Communication.context.identifier.type 1..1 CodeableConcept Fixed Value:

Communication.context.identifier.type.coding.system = ''

Communication.note 1..1 Annotation MUST contain one note
Communication.note.authorString 0..1 string Optional field for details of who added the note/comment.
Communication.note.time 1..1 dateTime Date/Time communication was sent to the the Local Authority.

SHALL be provided for any CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1
Communication.note.text 1..1 string Plain text copy of the note/communication that is being shared with the Loacl Authority.

SHALL be provided for any CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1


Request Body

JSON example of a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

    "resourceType": "Communication",
    "meta": {
        "profile":  [
    "status": "completed",
    "context": {
        "identifier": {
            "type": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "SHD-Encounter"
            "system": "",
            "value": "e3a646c0-bb4b-46fb-9428-86b56038752e"
    "note":  [
            "authorString": "Nurse Gladys Emmanuel",
            "time": "2020-01-03T13:36:27+00:00",
            "text": "Visited patient on ward and confirmed with OT that no additional equipment required for discharge...Additional text that is quite long and goes into a detailed description that will span multiple lines in the form field.\n\nMaybe the comment even has multiple paragraphs."

XML example of a CareConnect-SHD-Communication-1

<Communication xmlns="">
        <profile value="" />
    <status value="completed" />
                    <system value="" />
                    <code value="SHD-Encounter" />
            <system value="" />
            <value value="e3a646c0-bb4b-46fb-9428-86b56038752e" />
        <authorString value="Nurse Gladys Emmanuel" />
        <time value="2020-01-03T13:36:27+00:00" />
        <text value="Visited patient on ward and confirmed with OT that no additional equipment required for discharge...Additional text that is quite long and goes into a detailed description that will span multiple lines in the form field.\n\nMaybe the comment even has multiple paragraphs." />