
This is the StructureDefinition overview for the CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1

The official URL for this profile is:


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Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Snapshot (default)

Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Encounter Data Mapping

The table below provides the generic business context data mappings for the 'Mandatory' and 'Must Support' elements in the CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1 profile. However, please see the individual use case guidance for specifc constraints and context.

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context
Encounter.extension[medicallyFitForDischarge] 1..1 Extension-SHD-MedicallyFitDetails Extension to share whether the patient is safe for discharge, i.e. no longer meeting ony of the clinical criteria to reside in hospital.
Encounter.extension[medicallyFitForDischarge].extension[medicallyFitStatus].valueCoding 1..1 Coding Binding Supported Hospital Discharge Medically Fit Status
Encounter.extension[medicallyFitForDischarge].extension[dateDeemedMedicallyFit].valueDateTime 0..1 DateTime Constraint The dateDeemedMedicallyFit SHALL be provided when medicallyFitStatus="Medically Fit".
Encounter.identifier 1..1 identifier Constraint: the Encounter SHALL have an identifier where:

Encounter.identifier.system={Local Trust System}

Encounter.identifier.value={Unique Local ID Number}
Encounter.status 1..1 code Binding EncounterStatus

See use case guidance for any specific business context constriants.
Encounter.statusHistory 0..* BackboneElement See use case guidance for any specific business context constriants.
Encounter.type 1..1 CodeableConcept SHALL have one type with single coding where:

coding.system = ''

Encounter.participant 0..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Practitioner-1) Optional data element to share details of the person at the hospital who is leading the patient’s care.
Encounter.participant.individual 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Practitioner-1) The encounter SHALL have a Encounter.participant.individual for the Lead Clincian if there is a Encounter.participant
Encounter.period.start 1..1 DateTime The actual hospital admission date for the patient.
Encounter.period.end 0..1 DateTime See use case guidance for any specific business context constriants.
Encounter.reason.text 1..1 string The reason(s) why the patient has been admitted to hospital.
Encounter.location.location 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Location-1) Details of the current location (i.e. Ward/Hospital) of the Patient.