This ValueSet has values to describe the condition of the Patient.
ValueSet 'condition-code'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 46635009 Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder) 44054006 Diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder) 11687002 Gestational diabetes mellitus (disorder) 609561005 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (disorder) 426875007 Latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus in adult (disorder) 714628002 Prediabetes (finding) 73211009 Diabetes mellitus (disorder)
This ValueSet has the values that define the type of DeviceMetric
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet 'MetricCodes'
Version | 1 |
Status | Draft (since 2018-05-16) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: Loinc CodeSystem
Code Display 41653-7 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer 2339-0 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Blood
This ValueSet has many units of measures
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet 'MetricUnits'
Version | 1 |
Status | Draft (since 2018-05-16) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: UCUM CodeSystem
Code Display mg/dL milligram per deciliter [iU] international unit [IU]/h international unit per hour g gram
This ValueSet has codes to describe what is the type
of deviceComponent
ValueSet 'device-kind'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2018-05-16) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: RocheCdfCodeSystem
Code Display Manual interface Glucometer The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display dev.cgm CGM CGM Mobile App smartPhone Smart Phone insulinPen Insulin Pen The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 69805005 Insulin Pump 701750003 Subcutaneous glucose sensor
This ValueSet has values that describe how the insulin is administered.
ValueSet 'insulin-admin-types'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2020-08-25) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display basal Basal bolusStd Standard bolus bolusExt Extended bolus bolusMul Multiwave bolus The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 61968008 Syringe, device (physical object) 69805005 Insulin pump 74964007 Other (qualifier value) The following codes from system: NCI Metathesaurus
Code Display CL936094 Pen Device
This ValueSet has values that describe the insulin type administered.
ValueSet 'insulin-codes'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2019-04-30) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: NCI Metathesaurus
Code Display C0356369 Mixed Insulins The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 25305005 Long-acting insulin (substance) 411531001 Short-acting insulin (substance) 67866001 Insulin (substance) 74964007 Other (qualifier value) 789480007 Insulin dose (observable entity) The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display insulinDose Insulin Dose
This ValueSet has the values used in category
element for every observation
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
The resource cannot be rendered.
This ValueSet has the values used in code
element for every observation
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet 'ObservationCodes'
Status | Draft |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: Loinc CodeSystem
Code Display 41653-7 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer 9059-7 Carbohydrate intake Estimated 9060-5 Carbohydrate intake Measured The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 405157008 Personal health status (observable entity) 434910001 Interstitial fluid glucose concentration (observable entity)
This ValueSet has codes to show the information of the moment of the day that the observation has taken place. It is used in event-timings extension in bg-observations resource.
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet 'EventTimings'
Version | 1 |
Status | Draft (since 2018-05-16) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: v3 Code System TimingEvent
Code Display AC AC PC PC C C CM CM CD CD CV CV ACM ACM PCM PCM ACD ACD PCD PCD ACV ACV PCV PCV HS HS WAKE WAKE The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display ATEA Before teatime PTEA After teatime ASNACK Before snack PSNACK After snack SNACK Snack MIDSLEEP Midsleep AEXERCISE Before exercise PEXERCISE After exercise BT Bed time The following codes from system: EventTiming
Code Display NIGHT Night The following codes from system: v3 Code System NullFlavor
Code Display OTH other