- Observations
Blood Glucose Observation
Profile (bg-observation)
Measurement informing about a patient’s glucose level. These are clinical observations that can be measured by the patient or the device.
Below is the category
used for this Observation:
System | Code | Display |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | clinical-observation | Clinical Observation |
The code of blood glucose observations is mentioned below:
System | Code | Display |
http://loinc.org | 41653-7 | Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer |
http://snomed.info/sct | 362943005 | Manual method (qualifier value) |
BG observation resource subject
element will be mapped to Patient because this observation is about and into who record the observation is placed.
element will be mapped to DeviceMetric resource.
Blood glucose measurements are captured in the valueQuantity
element. effectiveDateTime
element shows the time the observation has been taken place, at the current time zone.
The related
element is used to capture related Observations, such as Carbs Intake Observations, Carbs Advice Observations, Health Events Observations, EWM Observations. It has defined the relation type, with value has-member
, and also has a reference to the related Observation.
Note : For edited use case, If there is any update on any entry, application shall send the updated resource. use shall see the updated details through history. In case of deleted use case the status shall be updated from 'final' to 'cancelled'
Carbohydrate Observation
Carbs associated to the observation; Carbohydrate measurements are represented by the Related Observation pattern, related to the coincident blood glucose reading, and also linked to a Device as the capture source. This observation could be related with a Carbohydrate Advice Observation (if exists).
Carbohydrate measurements are represented by the Related Observation pattern, related to the coincident blood glucose reading, and also linked to a Device
as the capture source. This observation could be related with a Carbohydrate Advice Observation (if exists).
Below is the
used for this ObservationSystem Code Display http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs carb-observation Carbohydrate intake Observation Below is a list of possible values of
for this Observation (The valueset ObservationCodes has all the Observation codes, the below list only shows the codes that are relevant to this profile)System Code Display http://loinc.org 9059-7 Carbohydrate intake Estimated Below code is used for new Implementations like confidence for modelling carbs data point. More details about this code is available in nutritional value Observation
System Code Display http://loinc.org 9060-5 Carbohydrate intake Measured This observation can be performed by a Patient so
element will be mapped to Patient resource.device
element will be mapped to Device resource. A diagram that depicts Carbohydrate Observation structure and relationships is showed below:
Note : For edited use case, If there is any update on any entry, application shall send the updated resource. use shall see the updated details through history. In case of deleted use case the status shall be updated from 'final' to 'cancelled'
Carbohydrate Advice Observation
Advised carbs may occur as a result of an advising application, indicating the patient should ingest carbohydrates.
Advised carbs may occur as a result of an advising application, indicating the patient should ingest carbohydrates. This is provided in the PHD/PHG by a related result to a BG result and estimates the carbohydrates (in Grams) that should be ingested. The actual patient estimate of Carbs ingested as a result is represented as an additional related result for carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate advice is represented as an observation with adviced value of carbohydrates by using valueQuantity and the profile used for this is "observation-carb-advice"
Below is the
used for this ObservationSystem Code Display http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs carb-advice Carbohydrate advice observation Below is a list of possible values of
for this Observation (The valueset ObservationCodes has all the Observation codes, the below list only shows the codes that are relevant to this profile)System Code Display http://snomed.info/sct 285390004 Recommendation to change carbohydrate intake (procedure) This observation is generated based on the adviced carbs suggested from device so
element will be mapped to Device resource.BG-Observation should be related with Carbs Intake Observation
BG-Observation should be related with Carbs Advice Observation
Carbs Intake Observation should to be related with Carbs Advice Observation if exists.
Source ACSPIX tag example:
<BG Val="111" Dt="2005-04-27" Tm="12:04" Carb="37" D="1">
A diagram that depicts Carbohydrate Advice Observation structure and relationships is showed below:
Note : For edited use case, If there is any update on any entry, application shall send the updated resource. use shall see the updated details through history. In case of deleted use case the status shall be updated from 'final' to 'cancelled'
Nutritional value Observation
Nutritional value observation profile is used to record data related to the nutritional value of a particular food or source of nutrition. For example - fat, carbohydrate etc.
Below is the
used for this ObservationSystem Code Display http://snomed.info/sct 84626001 Nutritional value, function (observable entity) Below is the possible value of
for this Observation (The valueset ObservationCodes has all the Observation codes, the below list only shows the codes that are relevant to this profile)System Code Display http://loinc.org 9060-5 Carbohydrate intake Measured subject
SHALL be referenced only to patient profile.performer
SHALL be referenced only to patient profile.device
SHALL be referenced to DeviceMetric profile.
Vital Signs Observation
Vital Signs observations measure the body's basic functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, height, weight, body mass index, head circumference, pulse oximetry, temperature, and body surface area.
Below is the
used for this ObservationSystem Code Display http://hl7.org/fhir/observation-category vital-signs Vital Signs Below is a list of possible values of
for this Observation (The valueset ObservationCodes has all the Observation codes, the below list only shows the codes that are relevant to this profile)System Code Display http://snomed.info/sct 434910001 Interstitial fluid glucose concentration (observable entity) subject
SHALL be referenced only to patient profile.performer
SHALL be referenced only to patient profile.device
SHALL be referenced to DeviceMetric profile.
EWM Observation
Data related to the operation and behavior of the device itself rather than containing measurements against the patient. Personal Health Devices emit operational data such as Events, Warnings, and Status (sometimes referred to as "maintenance") (EWS) information during uploads of measurements.
- Below is the
used for this Observation
System | Code | Display |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | EWM | Error, Warning, Maintenance, Status |
Below list shows some of the EMW codes that are relevant to this profile.
System | Code | Display |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | EVENT_1 | Run |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | EVENT_12 | TBR start |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | EVENT_6 | TBR end |
http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs | EVENT_22 | TBR End (cancelled) |
element will be mapped to Device alsodevice
element will be mapped to Device resource.performer
element will be mapped to Patient.The
indicates the EWS type (ValueSet - https://simplifier.net/rdc/upr-status-code-typevalue[x]
records the concrete EWS using a codeableConcept (valueSet - https://simplifier.net/rdc/upr-ewm-codes) .
Observation resource - Edited use case
The "edit" approach for any observation resource will be the same. So this approach applies for "updation" of any data point that is modelled as an observation resource.
- will have the timestamp of the measurement/observation made. This will remain the same unless the user updates also the measurement timestampidentifier
- will have the same unique identifier with which it has been ingested alreadystatus
- will always be "final" for the updated resource
Below is a sample for updating a BG observation with identifier "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA":
Step | Description | BG Value | BG Measurement TimeStamp | Type | Identifier |
1 | A new blood glucose entry is made | 170 | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 | manual entry | AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA |
2 | The entry is updated | 177 | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 | manual entry | AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA |
3 | The entry is updated | 178 | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 | manual entry | AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA |
The following bundle is generated on Step 2.
"resourceType": "Observation",
"identifier": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/sid/observation/mySugr",
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "http://loinc.org",
"code": "41653-7",
"display": "Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer"
"performer": [
"reference": "Patient/30d1355b-3705-4809-a3fa-d57dcd167f73"
"effectiveDateTime": "2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00",
"meta": {
"profile": [
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/SandboxPat1"
"id": "821a82d5-6982-4768-8e0e-4d2a63aafd16",
"category": [
"coding": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs",
"code": "clinical-observation",
"display": "Clinical Observation"
"device": {
"reference": "DeviceMetric/57d99bc2-d1e4-4eb7-8dca-025a4e79466e"
"basedOn": [
"reference": "CarePlan/ab20a2dc-2a8c-4ea2-8629-8e9d8e72491e"
"status": "final",
"valueQuantity": {
"unit": "mg/dL",
"system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
"code": "mg/dL",
"value": 177
The following bundle is generated on Step 3.
"resourceType": "Observation",
"identifier": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/sid/observation/mySugr",
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "http://loinc.org",
"code": "41653-7",
"display": "Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer"
"performer": [
"reference": "Patient/SandboxPat1"
"effectiveDateTime": "2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00",
"meta": {
"profile": [
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/30d1355b-3705-4809-a3fa-d57dcd167f73"
"id": "821a82d5-6982-4768-8e0e-4d2a63aafd16",
"category": [
"coding": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs",
"code": "clinical-observation",
"display": "Clinical Observation"
"device": {
"reference": "DeviceMetric/57d99bc2-d1e4-4eb7-8dca-025a4e79466e"
"basedOn": [
"reference": "CarePlan/ab20a2dc-2a8c-4ea2-8629-8e9d8e72491e"
"status": "final",
"valueQuantity": {
"unit": "mg/dL",
"system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
"code": "mg/dL",
"value": 178
Observation Delete use case
The "Delete" approach for observation resource will be as below. So this approach applies for any data point that is modelled as observation resource.
- will have the timestamp of the measurement/observation made.identifier
- will have the same unique identifier with which it has been ingested alreadystatus
- will always be "cancelled" for the deleted resource
Below is a sample for deleting a BG observation with internal confidence ID "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA":
Step | Description | BG Value | BG Measurement TimeStamp | Type | Identifier |
1 | A new blood glucose entry is made | 170 | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 | manual entry | AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA |
2 | The entry is updated | 177 | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 | manual entry | AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA |
3 | The entry is deleted; In FHIR it is logically deleted by replacing it with "cancelled" status | 2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00 |
The following bundle is generated on Step 3.
"resourceType": "Observation",
"identifier": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/sid/observation/mySugr",
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "http://loinc.org",
"code": "41653-7",
"display": "Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer"
"performer": [
"reference": "Patient/SandboxPat1"
"effectiveDateTime": "2018-03-19T06:46:00+00:00",
"meta": {
"profile": [
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/SandboxPat1"
"id": "821a82d5-6982-4768-8e0e-4d2a63aafd16",
"category": [
"coding": [
"system": "http://roche.com/fhir/rdc/cs",
"code": "clinical-observation",
"display": "Clinical Observation"
"device": {
"reference": "DeviceMetric/57d99bc2-d1e4-4eb7-8dca-025a4e79466e"
"basedOn": [
"reference": "CarePlan/ab20a2dc-2a8c-4ea2-8629-8e9d8e72491e"
"status": "cancelled",
"valueQuantity": {
"unit": "mg/dL",
"system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
"code": "mg/dL",
"value": 177