Page Status: draft updated 2025-03-06
Healthcare business rules
This page contains business rules for data relating to the healthcare sector.
Healthcare provider
For a given hierarchy of a HVOOrganization with its HVOOrganizationalUnits, the HVOOrganization must have its type element set to care provider. See the profile for HVOOrganization to see how the type element should be filled in to express this.
Rule ID | Error | Severity |
hvo-healthcare-provider-1 | 2-31-319: En hierarki av HVOOrganization:s och HVOOrganizationalUnit:s får endast innehålla en (1) vårdgivare | Error |
Healthcare unit
For a given hierarchy of HVOOrganizationalUnits, there can only be one HVOOrganizationalUnit with the type element set to care unit. See the profile for HVOOrganizationalUnit to see how the type element should be filled in to express this.
Rule ID | Error | Severity |
hvo-healthcare-unit-1 | 2-31-320: hvo-healthcare-unit-1: En hierarki av HVOOrganizationalUnit:s får endast innehålla en (1) HVOOrganizationalUnit med vårdenhetsmarkering | Error |