All Value Sets
title | description | url |
NFDI4Health CD Common Chronic Disease Name [SNOMED CT, Local] | Value set used to respond to question common chronic disease name to Chronic Disease Module | |
NFDI4Health Data Collected [NCI] | Value set used to respond to question dataCollected to Chronic Disease Module | |
NFDI4Health Data Collected [NCI] | Value set used to respond to question dataCollected to Chronic Disease Module | |
NFDI4Health NE Device [NCI, SNOMED CT, Local] | Value Set to define the device used within Diet Assessment | |
NFDI4Health NE Instrument [NCI, Local] | Value Set to define the instruments used within Diet Assessment | |
NFDI4Health NE Mode [NCI, MeSH, Local] | Value Set to define the mode within Diet Assessment | |
NFDI4Health NE Portion Size [SNOMED CT, Local] | Value Set to define the portion size used within Diet Assessment | |
NFDI4Health NE Portion Size [SNOMED CT] | Value Set to define the reference period unit used within Diet Assessment | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Countries [ISO] 2-letter codes | This value set defines the ISO 3166 Part 1 2-letter codes. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS ID Type [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the type of a resource identifier. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Identifier Type Related Artifact [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the ID Type of the related resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Label Type [Local] | Value set used to express the reason and specific aspect for the variant title, such as language and specific language. Comment : Build based on HL7 Value Set specified in FHIR R5 | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Languages [ISO] | Value set defining codes for languages. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Mortality Data [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify if mortality data were collected in a study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Organisational Roles [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes for organisational roles. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Personal Roles [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes for personal roles. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Population Coverage [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the population coverage in a resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Provenance Activity [HL7, local] | Value set defining codes for activity types. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Provenance Data Source [local] | Value set created by NFDI4Health defining codes for data sources in a Provenance resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Provenance Time Units [UCUM, LOINC] | Value set defining codes for time units from UCUM and LOINC. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Provenance Time Units [UCUM] | Value set defining codes for time units from UCUM. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Relation Type Ids [local] | Value set defining codes to specify the relationship between two resources. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Relation Type Ids NFDI [local] | Value set defining codes to specify the relationship between two resources (both registered in NFDI4Health). | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Resource Type [NCI, Local] | Value set defining codes to specify type of the resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Resource Type General [NCI, MSH, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the the general resource type. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Role Affiliation Identifier Scheme [local] | Value set defining codes to specify the identifier scheme of an affiliation identifier. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Role Name Identifier Scheme [local] | Value set defining codes to specify the identifier scheme of a personal identifier. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Role Name Type [SNOMED CT] | Value set defining codes to specify role types. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Allocation [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the subject allocation in a study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Arm Group Type [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the role of a study arm or group in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Assessments [SCT, NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify an assessment in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Biospecimen Retention [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify which biosamples are retained in a biorepository. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Centers [SNOMED CT, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the number of study center(s) in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Conditions Classification [NCI, Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the terminology/classification used for the health condition, disease or focus. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Providers [Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the data providers. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sharing Plan Datashield [SCT, NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify if the DataSHIELD/Opal infrastructure is available. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sharing Plan Supporting Information [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify which supporting information/documents will be made available in addition to the study data. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sources Biosamples [SCT, NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify a biosample data source. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sources General [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the general study data sources. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sources Imaging [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify an imaging data source. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Data Sources Omics [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the omics technology applied in the study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Eligibility Criteria Genders [local, SNOMED CT] | Value set used to indicate the gender of potential participants eligible to participate in the study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Ethics Commitee Approval [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the status of the study ethics committee approval. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Exposure Type [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the general type of the givenexposure in the study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Group Characteristics [NCI] | Value set defining codes that identify the kind of trait being asserted in a study group. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Groups Of Diseases Generally [ICD 10, SCT] | Value set defining codes from ICD-10 to specify groups of diseases or conditions on which the data were collected in the study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Groups of Diseases Generally Conditions [ICD] | Value set created by NFDI4Health defining codes for groups of diseases generally conditions. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Intervention Type [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the general type of the given intervention in the study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Masking Roles [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the party(ies) who are masked if masking is implemented. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Outcome Type [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the type of outcome measure. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Overall Status [NCI, Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the overall status of a study. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Phase [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the phase of a study in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Primary Design [NCI] | Value set defining codes for primary designs of studies in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Primary Purpose [HL7, NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the primary purpose of a (sub-)study in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Recruitment Register [NCI, SCT, Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the study recruitment status (from a register) in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Sampling Method [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify types of sampling methods. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Sampling Method Non Probability [NCI, local] | Value set defining codes to specify types of non-probability sampling methods. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Sampling Probability Method [NCI, Local] | Value set defining codes to specify types of probability sampling methods. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Status Halted Stage [Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the status of a study when it was halted. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Status When Intervention [Local] | Value set defining codes to specify the status of a study in case of an intervention in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Subject [SNOMED CT] | Value set defining codes for study sujects in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Time Perspectives [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the time perspective of a study in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Type Interventional [NCI] | Value set defining codes to specify the type of an interventional study in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Study Type Non Interventional [NCI, MSH, local] | Value set defining codes to specify the type of a non interventional study in a ResearchStudy resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Use Rights Label [SPDX, SNOMED, Local] | Value set used to indicate the use rights related to a resource. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Yes, No, Not Applicable [SNOMED CT] | Value set used to respond to questions that can be answered Yes, No, or Not Applicable. | |
NFDI4Health VS MDS Yes, No, Undecided [SNOMED CT, NCI] | Value set used to respond to questions that can be answered Yes, No, or Undecided | |