Genetic Therapeutic Implications
Value Set für Begriffe, die Implikationen auf Grundlage des Vorhandenseins von assoziierten molekularen Erkenntnissen beschreiben.
Das ValueSet Genetic Therapeutic Implications stammt aus HL7 Genomics Reporting Implementation Guide.
ValueSet 'GeneticTherapeuticImplicationsVS'
Version | 2.0.0 |
Published by | HL7 Clinical Genomics Working Group |
Status | Active (since 2022-05-09T16:53:07+00:00) |
Value Set for terms that describe a predicted ramification based on the presence of associated molecular finding(s).
Contact Information
HL7 Clinical Genomics Working Group
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: LOINC
Code Display LA10315-2 Ultrarapid metabolizer LA25391-6 Normal metabolizer LA25390-8 Rapid metabolizer LA10317-8 Intermediate metabolizer LA9657-3 Poor metabolizer LA19542-2 Low Risk LA19541-4 High Risk LA6676-6 Resistant LA6677-4 Responsive LA9660-7 Presumed resistant LA9661-5 Presumed responsive LA6682-4 Unknown Significance LA6675-8 Benign LA6674-1 Presumed Benign LA9662-3 Presumed non-responsive LA25392-4 Increased function LA25393-2 Normal function LA25395-7 Decreased function LA25394-0 Poor function The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT_INT
Code Display 444734003 Does not meet eligibility criteria for clinical trial (finding) 399223003 Patient eligible for clinical trial (finding)