Data Mapping

Ambulance Data Set (ADS) data items mapping to FHIR profiles

This Mapping table defines the FHIR elements that SHALL be used to encode the ADS data items for each ADS development phase.

Development Phase ADS Data Item ID Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Call data items 1..1 N/A These data items relate to the Call
MVP ADS0 Submitting organisation code 1..1 Communication.sender This is the ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER of the organisation submitting the data
MVP ADS1 Provider Organisation Code 1..1 Communication.recipient This is the ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER of the Ambulance Service which treats the PATIENT
MVP ADS2A Call Date 1..1 Communication.identifier.period.start This is the date the Ambulance Service generates the CALL IDENTIFIER
MVP ADS3 Call Identifier 1..1 Communication.identifier A unique identifier for each call to the ambulance control room
MVP ADS4 Stop Codes 0..1 Communication.status; Communication.statusReason A code which identifies the reason the call was closed if no face to face response was received from the ambulance service
MVP ADS8 AQI Incident Flag 0..1 Communication.aQIIncidentFlag Extension ADS-AQIIncidentFlag
An identifier for calls that should be counting within the NHSE Ambulance Quality Indicator (AQI) standard performance metrics
MVP ADS10 Time Call Connected 1..1 Communication.sent The time that the call was connected to the ambulance control room
MVP ADS20 Reporting Response Category 1..1 Communication.aDSResponseCategory Extension ADS-ResponseCategory
A code to identify the final acuity categorisation based on the full information given during triage by the ambulance control room. The categorisation used for Ambulance Quality Indicator reporting
MVP ADS21 Time Dispatch Code Established 1..1 Communication.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The time that the Pathways Triage Disposition code or AMPDS Triage disposition code is established
MVP ADS33 Treatment Type 1..1 Communication.category A code classifying the overall outcome of the call
MVP ADS26 AQI Response Time 1..1 Communication.aQIResponseTime Extension ADS-AQIResponseTime The time duration it took to respond to the patient based on the national Ambulance Quality Indicator performance reporting definitions
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS7 111 Flag 0..1 Communication.111Flag Extension ADS-111Flag A flag for calls that were received from 111, either by manual or automated transfer
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS9 Clock Start Date Time 1..1 Communication.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time that the clock started for Ambulance Quality Indicator performance reporting and other purposes (ref: AQI Guidance)
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS11 Time Call Answered 1..1 Communication.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time that the call was answered in the ambulance control room
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS16 AMPDS Triage Disposition 0..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept A detailed code to identify the acuity and condition after telephone triage by an ambulance service which use the AMPDS triage system, which is accessible to authorised Ambulance Services through NHS Futures Clinical Coding Webpage
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS17 Pathways Triage Disposition 0..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept A detailed code to identify the acuity and condition after telephone triage by an ambulance service which use the Pathways triage system, which is accessible to authorised Ambulance Services through NHS Futures Clinical Coding Webpage
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS18 SG Code (Symptom Group) 0..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept A summary code to identify the condition following telephone triage by an ambulance service which use the Pathways triage system, which is accessible to authorised Ambulance Services through NHS Futures Clinical Coding Webpage
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS19 SD Code (Symptom Discriminator) 0..1 Observation.valueCodeableConcept A detailed code to identify the condition after telephone triage by an ambulance service which use the Pathways triage system, which is accessible to authorised Ambulance Services through NHS Futures Clinical Coding Webpage
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS23 Incident location postcode 0..1 ServiceRequest.subject > Location.address The code assigned by Royal Mail to identify postal delivery areas across the United Kingdom for the incident location
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS24 Time Call Ended 1..1 Communication.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time that the call ended in the ambulance control room
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS25 CCG Code 1..1 Location.managingOrganization.identifier A code assigned to every postcode in the United Kingdom to identify which Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for the incident location
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS27 Clock Stop Date Time 1..1 Communication.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time that the first response arrived at the incident location that counts as the arrival time based on the National Ambulance Quality Indicator definitions
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS2B Call Origin 1..1 Communication.aDSCallOrigin Extension ADS-CallOrigin
A code which identifies the origin of the call into the ambulance control room whether 999 was directly dialled or it was transferred from another agency
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS12 Cat 1 Early Prediction Flag 1..1 Communication.aDSCat1EarlyPrediction Extension ADS-Cat1EarlyPrediction
An identifier for calls that were early identified as a Category 1 call
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS13 Time Cat 1 Early Prediction established 1..1 Communication.aDSCat1EarlyPrediction Extension ADS-Cat1EarlyPrediction
The time that the category 1 was early identified (only applicable to category 1 incidents)
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS15 Initial Response Category 1..1 Communication.aDSResponseCategory Extension ADS-ResponseCategory A code to identify the initial acuity categorisation based on the early information given during triage by the ambulance control room.
Response Data Items 0..* N/A These data items repeat for each Patient Contact with a Response
MVP ADS36 Call sign 1..1 Encounter.location.location > Location.identifier A unique reference used to identify the response within a Health Care Provider
MVP ADS38 Time Resource Allocated 0..1 Encounter.period.start The time the resource is allocated to a call by the ambulance control room requesting them to attend the incident location
MVP ADS43 Time Resource Arrived at Receiving Location 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The time the resource arrives with the conveyed patient at the receiving location, often a hospital, or other place of care
MVP ADS44 Time of Patient Handover 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The time the conveyed patient is handed over to the receiving location, often a hospital, who take over clinical responsibility for the patient from this time
MVP ADS45 Time Clear 1..1 Encounter.period.end The time the resource is clear from a call, and is available to be allocated to another call (either from receiving location or scene if no transport or stood down)
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS34 Response Type 1..1 Location.type A code identifying the type of response that is allocated to a call e.g. an ambulance or a rapid response vehicle for a face to face response
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS39 Time Resource Mobilised 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date time the resource starts moving towards the incident location that has been requested to attend
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS40 Time Resource Arrived on Scene 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time the resource arrives at the incident location they have been requested to attend
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS41 Time Stood Down 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time the vehicle was removed from a call whilst travelling towards an incident location if they are no longer required to attend
Stage 2, Bundle 1 ADS42 Time Resource Left Scene 0..1 Encounter.typedDateTime Extension UKCore-TypedDateTime
The date/time the resource leaves the incident location in order to transport the patient to hospital
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS35 Highest Skill Level on Vehicle 1..1 PractitionerRole.code A code to identify the highest clinical skill level on the response (note PractitionerRole is linked from the Encounter as well as the Location that represents the CallSign)
Stage 2, Bundle 2 ADS37 Responding organisation type 1..1 Organization.type A code to identify the type of organisation the response belongs to
MVP ADS93A Receiving Location Type (CAD) 0..1 Encounter.hospitalization.destination > Location.type The type of destination (Short list) that the patient was conveyed to (Only applicable to See and Convey Patients)
MVP ADS94A Receiving Destination Site Code (CAD) 0..1 Encounter.hospitalization.destination > Location.identifier ORGANISATION SITE IDENTIFIER (OF TREATMENT) is the ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER of the Organisation Site where the PATIENT was treated, i.e. it should enable the treating Organisation to be identified
Patient Contact Data Items 0..* N/A These data items repeat for each Patient Contact within a Response
Patient Demographic Data Items 1..1
EPR ADS51 Unique patient contact record identifier 1..1 Patient.identifier
(system=http://[ODSCode]/Id/patient-record-identifier – e.g. http://RX8/Id/patient-record-identifier)
A number used to identify a PATIENT contact uniquely within a Health Care Provider. It may be different from the PATIENT's case note number and may be assigned automatically by the computer system.
EPR ADS52 Patient address postcode 0:1 Patient.address.postalcode The code assigned by Royal Mail to identify postal delivery areas across the United Kingdom for the patients home address
EPR ADS53 Registered GP Practice 0:1 Patient.generalPractitioner
(use Reference.Identifier rather than link to an Org)
EPR ADS54 Name 0:1
(if you have structured data then use the structured form, otherwise use name.text)
MVP ADS55 Date of Birth 0..1 Patient.birthDate The date on which a PERSON was born or is officially deemed to have been born
EPR ADS56 Age (including weeks) 0:1 Observation.valueQuantity
(the valueQuantity will have units of either Year (code="a"; unit="Year") or Week (code="wk"; unit="Week") both using the UCUM system="")
(the Observation.code will be code value="102519007" system value="" display value="Apparent age")
Approximate age of patient as estimated if DOB is not obtainable
EPR ADS57 Gender Code 0:1 Patient.Extension:genderIdentity The gender of a PERSON. PERSON STATED GENDER CODE is self declared or inferred by observation for those unable to declare their PERSON STATED GENDER.
EPR ADS58 Ethnicity 0:1 Patient.Extension-UKCore-EthnicCategory The ethnicity of a PERSON, as specified by the PERSON.
MVP ADS59 NHS Number 0..1 Patient.identifier The NHS NUMBER, the primary identifier of a PERSON, is a unique identifier for a PATIENT within the NHS in England and Wales.
Patient Response Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using a QuestionnaireResponse where QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value=
EPR ADS48 CFR Utilisation Flag (Community First Responder) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS48”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
A flag to identify whether a community first responder was allocated to the call.
EPR ADS49 Bystander CPR Started Flag 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS49”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””
A flag to identify whether bystander CPR was carried out on the patient
EPR ADS50 Time Bystander CPR started 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS50”
The time that bystander CPR was started on a patient
Patient Information Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using a QuestionnaireResponse where QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value=
EPR ADS62 Spoken Language (SNOMED CT) 0:* QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS62”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
PREFERRED SPOKEN LANGUAGE (SNOMED CT) is the SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to capture the preferred spoken LANGUAGE of the PERSON.
EPR ADS63 Accessible information professional required 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId =”ADS63”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL REQUIRED CODE (SNOMED CT) is the SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to identify that the PATIENT requires support from a communication professional.
EPR ADS64 Pregnancy Status 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS64”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
Identifier for patients who are pregnant
EPR ADS66 Accommodation Status (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId =”ADS66”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
ACCOMMODATION STATUS (SNOMED CT) is the SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to identify the details of the ACCOMMODATION of the PERSON.
EPR ADS67 Mental Health Legal Class 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS67”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
Injury Information Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using a QuestionnaireResponse where QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value=
EPR ADS68 Injury Date / Time Occurred 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS68”
The date and time that the injury occurred (this is the primary injury which has led to the call / contact)
EPR ADS69 Location patient injury occurred (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS69”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The type of location at which the person was present when the injury occurred.
EPR ADS70 Injury Intent (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”AD70”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The most likely human intent in the occurrence of the injury or poisoning as assessed by clinician.
EPR ADS71 Injury Activity Status (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS71”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The status of activity being undertaken by the patient at the moment the injury occurred.
EPR ADS72 Injury Mechanism (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS72”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
How the injury was caused.
Patient Assessment Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using a QuestionnaireResponse where QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value=
EPR ADS75 Investigation (SNOMED (CT) 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS75”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The investigations performed while the person is under the care of the Ambulance Service.
EPR ADS78 Treatment (SNOMED CT) 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS78”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The treatments performed while the person is under the care of the Ambulance Service
EPR AD79A Chief Complaint 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS79A”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
A code to identify the initial chief complaint of the patient
EPR ADS79B Initial Acuity (SNOMED CT) 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS79B”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
A score to identify the acuity of the patient based on the Canadian acuity scoreon initial assessment
EPR ADS82 Screening Tool 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS82”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
A code to identify any other screening tools or tests that were undertaken by the clinicians whilst with the patient
EPR ADS83 Clinical Triage Tool 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS83”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
A code to identify clinical triage tools that were used by the clinicians whilst with the patient to support decision making
EPR ADS84 Existing Treatment Plans 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS84”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
An identifier of any treatment plans that the patient currently has in place
Medication Data Items 0..* These data items will be sent using MedicationAdministration
MedicationAdministration.context (i.e. Encounter)
MedicationAdministration.effectiveDateTime (can be approximate)
EPR ADS85A Medication Administered 0:n MedicationAdministration.medicationCodeableConcept A code to identify what drugs were given to patients by clinicians on scene with the patient
EPR ADS85B Medication Administration Route 0:n MedicationAdministration.dosage.route A code to identify the method of administration of drugs that were given to patients by clinicians on scene with the patient
NEWS2 Score Data Items 0..* These data items will be sent using Observation
NEWS2 follows the design laid out in the Clinical Observation Implementation Guide
EPR ADS80 NEWS2 SCORE 0:n Observation.code= 1104051000000101 (NEWS2 total score)
Observation.valueQuantity.value@value=[overall score]
Observation.valueQuantity.system@value= ""
Observation.valueQuantity.code@value= "{ScoreOf}"
The NEWS2 Score
EPR ADS80A NEWS2 Score Date and Time 0:n Observation.effectiveDateTime The time and date of the NEWS2 Score
Fraility Score Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using a QuestionnaireResponse where QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value=
EPR ADS81 Frailty Score 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS81”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
The patients frailty level based on Rockwood Frailty score
Diagnosis Data Items 0..* These data items will be sent using Condition to hold the Diagnosis and a List as a container
For the List
List.code=887161000000102 (system="" display="Diagnoses")
List.orderedBy= priority (system="" display= "Sorted by Priority")
List.entry.item [point to a Condition]
For the Condition
The List holds the Conditions in order of relevance to the emergency presentation
EPR ADS79C Final Acuity (SNOMED CT) 1:1 Condition.severity (using the SNOMED codes provided) A score to identify the acuity of the patient based on the Canadian acuity score following diagnosis and/or treatment
EPR ADS74 Main Symptom (SNOMED CT) 1:1 Condition.evidence.code A code to identify the chief complaint of the patient based on the information provided during face to face assessment
EPR ADS77 Suspected Diagnosis (SNOMED CT) 1:1 Condition.code Diagnoses / working impression of the patient, in order of their relevance to the emergency presentation.
Clinical Response Data Items 1:1 These data items will be sent using QuestionnaireResponse
QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= ”
EPR ADS86 Highest Skill level in attendance 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS86”
The highest clinical skill level that attended the patient
EPR ADS103 Clinical Decision Maker 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS103”
The clinician description making the clinical decision on patient next steps
EPR ADS88 Discharging Clinician skill level 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS88”
The highest clinical skill level that discharged the patient
Episode Outcome Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using QuestionnaireResponse
QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "
EPR ADS89 DoS Usage 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS89”
An identifier of whether the Directory of Services was used for the patient
EPR ADS90 Treatment Status (SNOMED CT) 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS90”
The outcome of face to face attendance of whether treatment was completed
EPR ADS91 On scene discharge Follow Up (SNOMED CT) 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS91”
Only applicable to See and Treat Patients. The SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to identify the SERVICE to which a PATIENT was referred for continuing care following an Ambulance Attendance discharged on scene.
EPR NEW ITEM ADS 102 Alternative Pathway ( if not available via ADS89) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS102”
The SNOMED CT concept ID which is used to identify the SERVICE to which a PATIENT would have been referred to continuing care following an Ambulance Attendance if service was available/accepting patients
See and Convey Episode Outcome Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using QuestionnaireResponse
QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "
EPR ADS92 Pre-Alert Status 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS92”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system="")
An identifier to show whether a pre alert was sent prior to the patient's arrival at the receiving location
EPR ADS92A Pre-Alert Status Time stamp 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS92A”
A timestamp to show when a pre-alert was issued
EPR ADS93B Conveying Destination Type (EPR) (SNOMED CT) 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId = ”ADS93B”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
The type of destination (long list) that the patient was conveyed to (Only applicable to See and Convey Patients)
EPR ADS94B Conveying Destination Site Code (EPR) 0:2 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId =”ADS94B”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueReference (using identifier, system=””)
ORGANISATION SITE IDENTIFIER (OF TREATMENT) is the ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER of the Organisation Site where the PATIENT was treated, i.e. it should enable the treating Organisation to be identified.
EPR ADS95 Time of Clinical Handover 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId =”ADS95”
The time the patient is handed over to clinicians within the receiving location, often a hospital.
EPR ADS96 Handover delay detail 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS96”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=""
A code to identify the reason for any handover delays at the receiving location
Safeguarding Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using QuestionnaireResponse
QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "
EPR ADS97 Safeguarding concern (SNOMED CT) 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId = ”ADS97”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””)
Type of safeguarding concern identified
EPR ADS98 Safeguarding Referral 1:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS98”
QuestionnaireResponse.item.answer.valueCoding (system=””
An identifier of whether a Safeguarding referral has been made for the patient
Public Health Data Items 0..1 These data items will be sent using QuestionnaireResponse
QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire@value= "
EPR ADS100 Disease Outbreak Notification 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS100”
An identifier for disease outbreaks
EPR ADS100A Notifiable Disease 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS100A”
An identifier of whether the patient has a notifiable disease
EPR ADS99 MECC intervention outcome 0:n QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS99”
A code to indicate any MECC (Making Every Contact Count) interventions outcome
EPR ADS101 Research 0:1 QuestionnaireResponse.item.linkId=”ADS101”
A identifier of case for specific research purposes