MedicationRequest Transformation Description

CeRX Element CeRX Element Value FHIR Element FHIR Element Value Description of Transformation CeRX -> FHIR
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ id 222222 MedicationRequest. identifier 222222 For now, only the identifierValue was transformed into the FHIR example.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ statusCode active MedicationRequest. status active Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf6/ refusalToFill/ reason/ detectedIssueEvent/ code OR if the status is the result of an issue in the original message/ query... PORX_IN060260CA/ QUQI_MT120000CA/ controlActEvent/ subjectOf/ PORX_MT980020CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ code INT MedicationRequest.statusReason INT Because the FHIR profile only provides an example binding, the original code in the CeRX message can be converted losslessly into the FHIR Resource. Keep in mind that this is not a perfect semantic match, it only applies to cases where status is affected by a refusal to fill or a that were caused by errors in the original query (when use of PORX_IN060260CA/QUQI_MT120000CA/ controlActEvent/subjectOf/PORX_MT980020CA/ detectedIssueEvent/code is appropriate)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/moodCode RQO MedicationRequest. Intent order The MedicationRequest base resource requires a binding to the MedicationRequest Intent value set. Because RQO is not a value in that value set but does semantically match the supported value of "order" the transformation was performed.
N/A MedicationRequest. doNotPerform N/A Not transformation occurred due to the fact that doNotPerform values were not included in the test message. The test message was meant to show a successful medication request with a history of past dispenses (one of which was for a dosage that caused a detected issue for the patient).
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ derivedFrom/ sourceDispense completed MedicationRequest. reported true Transformed value of "completed" into boolean value of "true" in accordance with that FHIR data type. Because CeRX SourceDispense is only present if the prescription has been inferred from a secondary source (e.g. dispensing data)…if it's present it requires a fixed value of "completed" for the statusCode, so when "completed" is found in that location it means that it true that it is a derived source
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ directTarget/ COCT_MT220110CA/ medication/ player/ codeSystem 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1105 MedicationRequest. medication. CodeableConcept.system NamingSystem/ca-hc-din OID for HC-DIN (OID) was identified in the CeRX source and replaced with the FHIR URL for the medication codeable concept system. Conversion arose from recommendation of FHIR SMEs to not propagate OIDs during FHIR conversion.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ directTarget/ COCT_MT220110CA/ medication/ player/ code 00123556 MedicationRequest. medication. CodeableConcept.code 00123556 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ directTarget/ COCT_MT220110CA/ medication/ player/ name ALMOTRIPTAN (almotriptan (almotriptan malate) 12.5 mg oral tablet) MedicationRequest. medication. CodeableConcept.display ALMOTRIPTAN (almotriptan (almotriptan malate) 12.5 mg oral tablet) Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subject/ COCT_MT050203CA/ patient/ id 999999999 MedicationRequest. subject Patient/999999999 Given that design for how patients could be identified across jurisdictions and organizations fell outside of the scope of this phase, the conversion assumes a reference to the patient resource exists locally on the DIS server. Pointers to the PEI HCN system ( would be found within that patient resource.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ author/ time 20040101102001 MedicationRequest. authoredOn 2004-01-01T10:20:01-03:00 Dashes, T, colons, and time zone added to be conformant with the DateTime Data Type (since hours and minutes were known). However, the date supplied in the CeRX message was not conformant to the required data type (TS.FULLDATE = YYYYMMDD) meaning hours and minutes should not have been provided.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ author/ COCT_MT090107CA/ assignedPerson/ id 123456 MedicationRequest. requester Practitioner/123456 Given that design for how providers could be identified across jurisdictions and organizations fell outside of the scope of this phase, the conversion assumes a reference to the practitioner resource exists locally on the DIS server. Pointers to the Medical Society License Number or Pharmacy Board License Number would be found within that practitioner resource.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ location/ COCT_MT240003CA/ serviceDeliveryLocation/ id OR PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment1/ medicationDispense/ performer/ COCT_MT090107CA/ assignedPerson/ id OR PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment1/ medicationDispense/ location/ COCT_MT240003CA/ serviceDeliveryLocation/ id 123445 OR 888888 OR 123445 MedicationRequest. performer Practitioner/888888 Performer applies to both the potential performer (who should perform the dispense) as well as the actual performer (who performed in the cases where the dispense has already occurred). Because of that duality, there are two potential mappings implementors can look to. 1) Supply Request location is the pharmacy to which the prescription has been directed or which has currently assumed responsibility for dispensing the prescription. 2) medicationDispense performer & location are the historical reference to the practitioner and pharmacy that dispensed the medication. All three CeRX options have 1..1 cardinality so all can be expected to be consistently available. If the med has been dispensed, location and performer are mandatory fields (can't have null value). ServiceDelivery location is required to be supported but can have a null value. Implementor consideration: the test messages from PEI originally mislabeled the "fulfillment1" section as "fulfillment" We believe this was due to human error and corrected in the test message provided for this transformation. However it should be investigated prior to go-live to ensure the parser won't miss critical values.All three values were found, but given that the medication references that the prescription has already been filled, we selected the medicationDispense/performer/assigned person option to carry over into the FHIR example
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment1/ medicationDispense/ performer/ COCT_MT090107CA/ assignedPerson/ code PSY MedicationRequest. performerType PSY Exact transformation. No reference bindings that FHIR Profile requires. Implementor Note: The Code PSY was present for many of the provider types, it's believed to be pulled from HealthcareProviderRoleType but there was no publicly available value set where that value could be found.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationDiagnosis/ code/ codeSystem 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.system OID for Snomed was identified in the CeRX source and replaced with the FHIR URL for the medication reason codeable concept system. Conversion arose from recommendation of FHIR SMEs to not propagate OIDs during FHIR conversion.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationDiagnosis/ code/ code 37796009 MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.code 37796009 Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationDiagnosis/ text Migraine (disorder) MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.display Migraine (disorder) Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationSymptom/ value/ codeSystem 2.16.840.1.113883.6.90 MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.system sid/icd-10 All three of the reason sections in CeRX allow for a coding to a snomed code, if one is not present a hard code will be found in code ("DX", "SYMPT"). When this is the case, the converter should look to see if there is a value code/value coding system available that matches to ICD10.This reason indication was included to show what it would look like when a CeRX indication utilized ICD10 instead of SNOMED.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationSymptom/ value R51 MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.code R51 Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ observationSymptom/ text Headache symptom MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.display Headache Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ reason/ PORX_MT980050CA/ indications/ otherIndication/ text An example textual description of an indication not meant to be either diagnosis or symptom MedicationRequest. reasonCode. CodeableConcept.text An example textual description of an indication not meant to be either diagnosis or symptom If neither codeSystem or value codeSystem are populate (i.e. no Snomed Code or ICD 10 code present) then the parser should look at the text field and transform that into the CodeableConcept.text in FHIR
No semantic mapping identified in CeRX N/A MedicationRequest. groupIdentifier N/A
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ componentOf/ workingListEvent/ code PRN MedicationRequest. courseOfTherapyType PRN Exact transformation, both the CeRX message and the FHIR profile use the Act Medication Therapy Duration Working List Code value set, though the value set in CeRX requires a binding to 4 codes (ACU, CHRON, ONET, PRN) and the FHIR profile points to the larger v3 ActCode code system which Act Medication Therapy Duration Working List Code is a valueset under (FHIR implementors are expected to use codes from the Act Medication Therapy Duration Working List Code value set)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ coverage/ coverage/ id N/A MedicationRequest. insurance N/A No transformation occurred due to no coverage values being present in the test message- see note in test message regarding the times the ID will not be available (such as when the request has just been submitted)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf3/ COCT_MT120600CA/ annotation/ author/ COCT_MT090107CA/ assignedPerson/ representedPerson/ name 777777 MedicationRequest. Practitioner/777777 Given that design for how providers could be identified across jurisdictions and organizations fell outside of the scope of this phase, the conversion assumes a reference to the practitioner resource exists locally on the DIS server. Pointers to the Medical Society License Number or Pharmacy Board License Number would be found within that practitioner resource.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf3/ COCT_MT120600CA/ annotation/ author/ time 20040101090101 MedicationRequest. note.time 2004-01-01T09:01:01-03:00 Dashes, T, colons, and time zone added to be conformant with the DateTime Data Type (since hours and minutes were known). We had to add a timezone to the example message from PEI, even though it should've been included for conformance to TS.FULLDATETIME
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf3/ COCT_MT120600CA/ annotation/ text Some textual observation about the dispense by the dispenser MedicationRequest. note.text Some textual observation about the dispense by the dispenser Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ component2/ sequenceNumber 1 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. sequence 1 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ text Take 12.5 mg PO at onset; may repeat once after 2 hours. Not to exceed 25 mg/day. This medication is intended to address Migraines at onset. If you experience Migraines for more than 10 days/month, consult your doctor. MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction.text Take 12.5 mg PO at onset; may repeat once after 2 hours. Not to exceed 25 mg/day. This medication is intended to address Migraines at onset. If you experience Migraines for more than 10 days/month, consult your doctor. Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ effectiveTime 20040101 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction.timing. repeat.boundsPeriod.start 2004-01-01 Dashes were added
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ effectiveTime 20040131 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction.timing. repeat.boundsPeriod.end 2004-01-31 Dashes were added
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ approachSiteCode LA MedicationRequest. LA Exact transformation, though the value is not clinically consistent with the rest of the example, it was kept to show how conversion might occur
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ routeCode 3 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction.route 3 Pulled over the code value of "3" and created a system url (fake) based on the gCRT OID used. No human-readable description could be found to describe the code (critical to providing meaning to viewers)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ code DRUG MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. doseAndRate.type N/A Either a snomed code or the value of "DRUG" is provided in the mapped field. Does not map to the example code values (calculated, ordered) from ValueSet/dose-rate-type
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ component2/ dosageLine/ doseQuantity 6.25 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. doseAndRate. doseRange 6.25 Exact transformation. The FHIR profile supports both Range and SimpleQuantity data types, whereas the CeRX dosageLine/doseQuantity supports a URG <PQ.DRUG> data type and recommends that if a range is not needed, that "Where no range is needed, sending the same value in both the low and the high is the preferred solution.". The value in CeRX example message was appropriately converted into simple quantity (6.25mg)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ component2/ dosageLine/ doseQuantity mg MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. doseAndRate. doseRange mg Exact transformation. The FHIR profile supports both Range and SimpleQuantity data types, whereas the CeRX dosageLine/doseQuantity supports a URG <PQ.DRUG> data type. The value in CeRX example message was appropriately converted into simple quantity (6.25mg)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ component2/ dosageLine/ rateQuantity N/A MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. doseAndRate.rateRatio No transformation performed due to no value for rateQuantity being present in the test message. See note regarding scenarios of use (intravenous administration and other routes involving flow rates) Note: This value is used for intravenous and other such routes, this is the time period over which one dose is to be administered. The flow rate is determined by dividing the dose quantity by the Dosage rate.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ maxDoseQuantity/ numeratorValue 25 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. maxDosePerPeriod. numeratorValue 25 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ maxDoseQuantity/ numeratorUnit mg MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. maxDosePerPeriod. numeratorUnit mg Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ maxDoseQuantity/ denominatorValue 1 MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction .maxDosePerPeriod. denominatorValue 1 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component1/ PORX_MT980040CA/ dosageInstruction/ maxDoseQuantity/ denominatorUnit day MedicationRequest. dosageInstruction. maxDosePerPeriod. denominatorUnit day Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment3/ supplyEventFirstSummary/ quantity 100 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. initialFill.quantity.value 100 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment3/ supplyEventFirstSummary/ quantity mg MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. initialFill.quantity.unit mg Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component2/ initialSupplyRequest/ expectedUseTime 30 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. initialFill.duration.value 30 Exact transformation from the PEI test message but potentially more intervention necessary from other CeRX implementors
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component2/ initialSupplyRequest/ expectedUseTime d MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. initialFill.duration.unit d Exact transformation from the PEI test message but potentially more intervention necessary from other CeRX implementors
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ effectiveTime 30 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. dispenseInterval.value 30 Exact transformation from the PEI test message but potentially more intervention necessary from other CeRX implementors
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ effectiveTime d MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. dispenseInterval.unit d Exact transformation from the PEI test message but potentially more intervention necessary from other CeRX implementors
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ effectiveTime 20040101 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. validityPeriod.start 2004-01-01 Added dashes to comply with the dateTime data type requirements
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ effectiveTime 20060102 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. validityPeriod.end 2006-01-02 Added dashes to comply with the dateTime data type requirements
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ repeatNumber 12 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. numberOfRepeatsAllowed 12 Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ quantity/ value 250 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. quantity.value 250 Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ quantity/ unit mg MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. quantity.unit mg Exact transformation.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ expectedUseTime 30 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. expectedSupplyDuration. value 30 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ component/ supplyRequestItem/ component1/ subsequentSupplyRequest/ expectedUseTime d MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. expectedSupplyDuration. code d Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ component3/ supplyRequest/ location/ COCT_MT240003CA/ serviceDeliveryLocation/ id 123445 MedicationRequest. dispenseRequest. performer Organization/123445 Exact transformation (if assuming local resource). Given that design for how organizations could be identified across jurisdictions fell outside of the scope of this phase, the conversion assumes a reference to the organization resource exists locally on the DIS server.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf5/ substitutionPermission/ code OR PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf5/ substitutionPermission/ negationInd G MedicationRequest. substitution.allowed true Not exact, has to be inferred by presence of value either positive (code) or negative (negationIndicator)
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf5/ substitutionPermission/ reasonCode OR PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ fulfillment1/ medicationDispense/ component2/ substitutionMade/ reasonCode ALGALT MedicationRequest. substitution.reason ALGALT (alternatively the semantically similar ALGINT could be used to be conformant with the preferred value set) Exact translation possible given binding to a preferred (not a required) value set, however conversion to the similar value within the value set (ALGINT) is recommended.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ predecessor/ priorCombinedMedicationRequest/ id 11111 MedicationRequest. priorPrescription MedicationRequest/11111 Exact transformation (if assuming local resource).
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf1/ PORX_MT980030CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ statusCode active MedicationRequest. detectedIssue.status N/A (conformance issue) or "unknown" No lossless transformation could be performed, for two reasons: 1) "active" value pulled from the PEI example message is not a recognized value in the required detectedIssue status value set (ObservationStatus), 2) the "active" is also not conformant to the CeRX standard which requires a fixed code of "completed" for dectectedIssue status. Because detectedIssue.status is a required field, One method of addressing is to have the converter hard-code any values not part of the required value set (ObservationStatus) to "unknown"
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf1/ PORX_MT980030CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ text The patient has an intolerance to iron oxide found in Almotriptan malate 6.25mg MedicationRequest. detectedIssue.detail The patient has an intolerance to iron oxide found in Almotriptan malate 6.25mg Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf1/ PORX_MT980030CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ mitigatedBy/ detectedIssueManagement/ code 5 MedicationRequest. detectedIssue. mitigation.action 5 Exact transformation
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf1/ PORX_MT980030CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ mitigatedBy/ detectedIssueManagement/ author/ time 20031201100101 MedicationRequest. detectedIssue. 2003-12-01T10:01:01-03:00 Dashes, T, colons, and time zone added to be conformant with the DateTime Data Type (since hours and minutes were known). We had to add a timezone to the example message from PEI, even though it should've been included for conformance to TS.FULLDATETIME
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf1/ PORX_MT980030CA/ detectedIssueEvent/ mitigatedBy/ detectedIssueManagement/ author/ assignedPerson/ id 555555 MedicationRequest. detectedIssue. Practitioner/555555 Given that design for how providers could be identified across jurisdictions, the conversion assumes a reference to the practitioner resource exists locally on the DIS server. Pointers to the Medical Society License Number or Pharmacy license number would be found within the practitioner resource.
PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ subjectOf4/ controlActEvent OR PORX_IN060260CA/ PORX_MT060340CA/ combinedMedicationRequest/ predecessor/ priorCombinedMedicationRequest/ id N/A MedicationRequest. eventHistory N/A No event history found in example message