Change Classification Legend

Change Definition
Must Support Sending and receiving applications must be able to recognize and respond to elements flagged as must support. They may not always have data available for those elements but they are required to recognize them.
Optional A FHIR element or sub-element that is not considered a must support element, but is kept in the profile because there is a semantic mapping available at source sites AND it is applicable to patients/citizens
Removed from Profile A FHIR element or sub-element that is not considered a must support element, use is not prohibited but it is also not encouraged for any reason due to a) applicability to citizens b) availability at source sites, or c) both.
Prohibited (Strikethrough) A FHIR cardinality that if sent results in a conformance error. Given the goal to avoid over-constraining the profiles, no elements were identified as prohibited in any of the profiles}