DiagnosticReport (Patient) Profile Example

<DiagnosticReport xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
    <id value="diagnosticreport-general-lab-profile-example" />
        <profile value="http://infoway-inforoute.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/access-diagnosticReport-gen-pat" />
        <status value="generated" />
        --- We have skipped the narrative for better readability of the resource ---
        <value value="00003073-L4335^IWK20173001:C00003R" />
        <reference value="ServiceRequest/req" />
    <status value="final" />
    <!--  NOTE: This example was populated with NS Meditech Magic test message information,
        NS Meditech Magic does not currently populate the semantic equivilant field for category (Diagnostic Serv Sect ID)
        for General Labs so the category value below will need to be determined by other means for this vendor  -->
            <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0074" />
            <code value="LAB" />
            <display value="laboratory" />
            <system value="http://MeditechMagic.org/CodeSystem/RequisitionNumbers" />
            <!-- NOTE: this system is made up as the nomenclature is not currently publically available -->
            <code value="00003073" />
            <display value="Comprehensive Metabolic Panel" />
            <!--  NOTE: this display value is made up, the nomenclature is not currently publically available -->
        <reference value="Patient/K08000050" />
        <display value="Daisy Duck" />
    <!--  NOTE: The HL7 v2 messages from NS Meditech Magic do not specify seconds and timezone,
           timezone is a requirement if using the DateTime data type so it's been manually added to this example
            using the time zone (-4:00 GMT) that is associated with the lab facility's address -->
    <effectiveDateTime value="2017-01-30T10:00:00-04:00" />
    <issued value="2017-01-30T10:48:00-04:00" />
        <reference value="Organization/ML001" />
        <display value="Meditech Main Lab" />
        <reference value="Specimen/IWK20173001:C00003R" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-112.0000" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-114.0200" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-114.0700" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-114.1100" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-116.0200" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-119.0800" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-122.0100" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-122.0200" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-132.0100" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-132.0200" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-141.0600" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-141.0700" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-165.3800" />
        <reference value="Observation/IWK20173001:C00003R-165.7400" />