Implementation guide for interoperable medicines

This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.


Note: This section should, in time, be superseded by the UK Core Access API.

The adoption of a common GET API syntax to read a specific resource from a FHIR server would allow the same software to, for example, read a FHIR resource from a GP system or read a FHIR resource from shared records service. The query syntax can be the same, using a different base URL technical end-point.

GET by 'id'

To query a FHIR server for a specific resources where the id is a nationally understood unique identifier;

GET [base]/{resource}/{id}


Where X26 is the ODS code as per the NHS Digital FHIR ODS API.


Where 9000000009 is a valid NHS Number as per the NHS Digital FHIR PDS API.


GET by 'identifier'

To query a FHIR server for a specific resource by identifier;

GET [base]/{resource}?identifier={value}

For example;


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