Outpatient / Scott Chegg
Patient Journey: Scott Chegg
- Scott is prescribed a Goserelin 3.6mg implant by Dr Justin Thyme to be administered by IM injection in the Outpatients department on 1st May 2020. The medication request is written and sent to pharmacy by ward nurse Levy Tate based on Dr Thyme's instructions as a
[Example 1]. - Pharmacy dispenses this medication as a
[Example 2].
Example 1: MedicationRequest
Note: This example below is a draft and requires clinical verification.
Provider System = Outpatient EPMA system
Consumer System = Hospital pharmacy system
<Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="d3f6aa00-24a3-45fe-87fd-877820f5f0e8" /> <identifier> <system value="urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name]" /> <value value="urn:39920ce3-e585-4ef2-921b-9128fcfd307f" /> </identifier> <type value="message" /> <timestamp value="2021-05-07T16:15:32Z" /> <!-- Message Header --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <resource> <MessageHeader> <id value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <eventCoding> <system value="https://fhir.hl7.org.uk//CodeSystem/message-event" /> <code value="prescription-order" /> <display value="Prescription Order" /> </eventCoding> <source> <name value="ACME Clinical Systems" /> <software value="ACME ePMA" /> <version value="3.5.68" /> <endpoint value="urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT" /> </source> <focus> <reference value="urn:med-req-342355475687898" /> </focus> </MessageHeader> </resource> </entry> <!-- Patient associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <resource> <Patient> <id value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <identifier> <system value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number" /> <value value="3204221854" /> </identifier> <name> <use value="official" /> <text value="Mr Scott Chegg" /> <family value="Chegg" /> <given value="Scott" /> <prefix value="Mr" /> </name> <gender value="male" /> <birthDate value="1960-04-02" /> </Patient> </resource> </entry> <!-- Prescribing clinician associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:staff-0001" /> <resource> <Practitioner> <id value="urn:staff-0001" /> <name> <text value="Dr Justin Thyme" /> <family value="Thyme" /> <given value="Justin" /> <prefix value="Dr" /> </name> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/gmc-number" /> <code value="1234567" /> <display value="General Medical Council" /> </coding> </code> </qualification> </Practitioner> </resource> </entry> <!-- Ward nurse associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:staff-0003" /> <resource> <Practitioner> <id value="urn:staff-0003" /> <name> <text value="Levy Tate" /> <family value="Tate" /> <given value="Levy" /> </name> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/nmc-number" /> <code value="71A2998E" /> <display value="Nurse Midwifery Council" /> </coding> </code> </qualification> </Practitioner> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication prescribed --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:medication-327337009" /> <resource> <Medication> <id value="urn:medication-327337009" /> <code> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="327337009" /> <display value="Goserelin 3.6mg implant pre-filled syringes" /> </coding> </code> </Medication> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication Request --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:med-req-342355475687898" /> <resource> <MedicationRequest> <id value="urn:med-req-342355475687898" /> <identifier> <system value="urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name]" /> <value value="urn:39920ce3-e585-4ef2-921b-9128fcfd307f" /> </identifier> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/medicationrequest-category" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationReference> <reference value="urn:medication-327337009" /> </medicationReference> <subject> <reference value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <display value="Mr Scott Chegg" /> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-04-30T17:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-0001" /> <display value="Dr Justin Thyme" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-0003" /> <display value="Levy Tate" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <timing> <event value="2020-05-01" /> <repeat> <count value="1" /> </repeat> </timing> <site> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="59380008" /> <display value="Anterior abdominal wall structure" /> </coding> </site> <route> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="78421000" /> <display value="intramuscular route" /> </coding> </route> <method> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="422145002" /> <display value="inject" /> </coding> </method> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest> </resource> </entry> </Bundle>
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Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].software[0] | ACME ePMA |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].version[0] | 3.5.68 |
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Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Mr Scott Chegg |
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Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Dr Justin Thyme |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].family[0] | Thyme |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].given[0] | Justin |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].prefix[0] | Dr |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/gmc-number |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 1234567 |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | General Medical Council |
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Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].id[0] | urn:staff-0003 |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Levy Tate |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].name[0].family[0] | Tate |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].name[0].given[0] | Levy |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/nmc-number |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 71A2998E |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | Nurse Midwifery Council |
Bundle.entry[4].fullUrl[0] | urn:medication-327337009 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].id[0] | urn:medication-327337009 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 327337009 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | Goserelin 3.6mg implant pre-filled syringes |
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Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].status[0] | active |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].intent[0] | order |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/medicationrequest-category |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].priority[0] | routine |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].medication[0].reference[0] | urn:medication-327337009 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].subject[0].reference[0] | urn:patient-3204221854 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].subject[0].display[0] | Mr Scott Chegg |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].authoredOn[0] | 2020-04-30T17:00:00Z |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-0001 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].requester[0].display[0] | Dr Justin Thyme |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-0003 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].recorder[0].display[0] | Levy Tate |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].event[0] | 2020-05-01 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].count[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].code[0] | 59380008 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].site[0].coding[0].display[0] | Anterior abdominal wall structure |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 78421000 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | intramuscular route |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | http://snomed.info/sct |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 422145002 |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | inject |
Bundle.entry[5].resource[0].substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
Bundle |
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timestamp : 2021-05-07T16:15:32Z |
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code : prescription-order |
display : Prescription Order |
source |
name : ACME Clinical Systems |
software : ACME ePMA |
version : 3.5.68 |
endpoint : urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT |
focus |
reference : urn:med-req-342355475687898 |
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fullUrl : urn:patient-3204221854 |
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id : urn:patient-3204221854 |
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text : Mr Scott Chegg |
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birthDate : 1960-04-02 |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:staff-0001 |
resource |
id : urn:staff-0001 |
name |
text : Dr Justin Thyme |
family : Thyme |
given : Justin |
prefix : Dr |
qualification |
code |
coding |
system : https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/gmc-number |
code : 1234567 |
display : General Medical Council |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:staff-0003 |
resource |
id : urn:staff-0003 |
name |
text : Levy Tate |
family : Tate |
given : Levy |
qualification |
code |
coding |
system : https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/nmc-number |
code : 71A2998E |
display : Nurse Midwifery Council |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:medication-327337009 |
resource |
id : urn:medication-327337009 |
code |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 327337009 |
display : Goserelin 3.6mg implant pre-filled syringes |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:med-req-342355475687898 |
resource |
id : urn:med-req-342355475687898 |
identifier |
system : urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name] |
value : urn:39920ce3-e585-4ef2-921b-9128fcfd307f |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/medicationrequest-category |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
reference : urn:medication-327337009 |
subject |
reference : urn:patient-3204221854 |
display : Mr Scott Chegg |
authoredOn : 2020-04-30T17:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-0001 |
display : Dr Justin Thyme |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-0003 |
display : Levy Tate |
dosageInstruction |
timing |
event : 2020-05-01 |
repeat |
count : 1 |
site |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 59380008 |
display : Anterior abdominal wall structure |
route |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 78421000 |
display : intramuscular route |
method |
coding |
system : http://snomed.info/sct |
code : 422145002 |
display : inject |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example 2: MedicationDispense
Note: This example below is a draft and requires clinical verification.
Provider System = Hospital pharmacy system
Consumer System = Outpatient EPMA system
<!-- This xml example is for illustrative purposes only and has not been clinically verified. --> <Bundle xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="f3374004-b796-4d0d-949d-3574b0103ec9" /> <type value="message" /> <timestamp value="2021-05-07T16:15:32Z" /> <!-- Message Header --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <resource> <MessageHeader> <id value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <eventCoding> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/message-events" /> <code value="individual-requirements-1" /> <display value="Individual Requirements" /> </eventCoding> <source> <endpoint value="urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT" /> </source> <focus> <reference value="urn:medication-disp-56756345423" /> </focus> </MessageHeader> </resource> </entry> <!-- Patient associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <resource> <Patient> <id value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <identifier> <system value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number" /> <value value="3204221854" /> </identifier> <name> <use value="official" /> <text value="Mr Scott Chegg" /> <family value="Chegg" /> <given value="Scott" /> <prefix value="Mr" /> </name> <gender value="male" /> <birthDate value="1960-04-02" /> </Patient> </resource> </entry> <!-- Performer associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:staff-0002" /> <resource> <Practitioner> <id value="urn:staff-0002" /> <name> <text value="Dr Allo Kate" /> <family value="Kate" /> <given value="Allo" /> <prefix value="Dr" /> </name> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="https://fhir.hl7.org.uk/Id/gpc-number" /> <code value="123543" /> <display value="General Pharmaceutical Council" /> </coding> </code> </qualification> </Practitioner> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:medication-824211000001107" /> <resource> <Medication> <id value="urn:medication-824211000001107" /> <code> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="824211000001107" /> <display value="Zoladex 3.6mg implant SafeSystem pre-filled syringes (AstraZeneca UK Ltd)" /> </coding> </code> </Medication> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication Dispense --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:medication-disp-56756345423" /> <resource> <MedicationDispense> <id value="urn:medication-disp-56756345423" /> <identifier> <system value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number" /> <value value="urn:2aa74d82-ae47-4783-8b7a-ff594bc2929f" /> </identifier> <status value="in-progress" /> <category> <coding> <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/medication-request-category" /> <code value="outpatient" /> <display value="outpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationReference> <reference value="urn:medication-824211000001107" /> <display value="Zoladex 3.6mg implant SafeSystem pre-filled syringes (AstraZeneca UK Ltd)" /> </medicationReference> <subject> <reference value="urn:patient-3204221854" /> <display value="Mr Scott Chegg" /> </subject> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:staff-0002" /> <display value="Dr Allo Kate" /> </actor> </performer> <authorizingPrescription> <reference value="urn:med-req-342355475687898" /> </authorizingPrescription> <quantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="pre-filled disposable injection" /> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="3318611000001103" /> </quantity> <whenPrepared value="2021-05-07T16:15:32Z" /> <dosageInstruction> <timing> <event value="2020-05-01" /> <repeat> <count value="1" /> </repeat> </timing> <site> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="59380008" /> <display value="Anterior abdominal wall structure" /> </coding> </site> <route> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="78421000" /> <display value="intramuscular route" /> </coding> </route> <method> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.info/sct" /> <code value="422145002" /> <display value="inject" /> </coding> </method> </dosageInstruction> </MedicationDispense> </resource> </entry> </Bundle>
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