Inpatient On Leave / Toby Lerone
Patient Journey: Toby Lerone
- Current inpatient Toby is going home for the weekend leave and is prescribed 3 days supply of Citalopram 20mg tablets one to be taken in the morning as a
[Example 1]. - Pharmacy dispenses this medication as a
[Example 2].
More information about this use-case can be found here.
Example 1: MedicationRequest
Provider System = Ward EPMA system
Consumer System = Hospital pharmacy system
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Bundle.type[0] | message |
Bundle.timestamp[0] | 2021-05-07T16:15:32+00:00 |
Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl[0] | urn:message-header-167434 |
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Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].event[0].code[0] | prescription-order |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].event[0].display[0] | Prescription Order |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].name[0] | ACME Clinical Systems |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].software[0] | ACME ePMA |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].version[0] | 3.5.68 |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].endpoint[0] | urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].focus[0].reference[0] | urn:med-req-12312312 |
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl[0] | urn:patient-4738562854 |
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Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].use[0] | official |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Mr Toby Lerone |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].family[0] | Lerone |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].given[0] | Toby |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].prefix[0] | Mr |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].gender[0] | male |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].birthDate[0] | 1973-02-20 |
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Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].id[0] | urn:staff-0001 |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Dr S Quirrel |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].family[0] | Quirrel |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].given[0] | S |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].prefix[0] | Dr |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 2145879 |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | General Medical Council |
Bundle.entry[3].fullUrl[0] | urn:medication-27658006 |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].id[0] | urn:medication-27658006 |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 321987003 |
Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | Citalopram 20mg tablets |
Bundle.entry[4].fullUrl[0] | urn:med-req-12312312 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].id[0] | urn:med-req-12312312 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].status[0] | active |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].intent[0] | order |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].code[0] | leave |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].category[0].coding[0].display[0] | leave |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].priority[0] | routine |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].medication[0].reference[0] | urn:medication-27658006 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].subject[0].reference[0] | urn:patient-4738562854 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].subject[0].display[0] | Mr Toby Lerone |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-20T10:34:00Z |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-0001 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].requester[0].display[0] | Dr S Quirrel |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-0001 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].recorder[0].display[0] | Dr S Quirrel |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | d |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].when[0] | MORN |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 26643006 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | oral |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].value[0] | 3 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].unit[0] | day |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].code[0] | d |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
Bundle |
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timestamp : 2021-05-07T16:15:32Z |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:message-header-167434 |
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id : urn:message-header-167434 |
event |
system : |
code : prescription-order |
display : Prescription Order |
source |
name : ACME Clinical Systems |
software : ACME ePMA |
version : 3.5.68 |
endpoint : urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT |
focus |
reference : urn:med-req-12312312 |
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fullUrl : urn:patient-4738562854 |
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id : urn:patient-4738562854 |
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system : |
value : 4738562854 |
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use : official |
text : Mr Toby Lerone |
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gender : male |
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entry |
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id : urn:staff-0001 |
name |
text : Dr S Quirrel |
family : Quirrel |
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qualification |
code |
coding |
system : |
code : 2145879 |
display : General Medical Council |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:medication-27658006 |
resource |
id : urn:medication-27658006 |
code |
coding |
system : |
code : 321987003 |
display : Citalopram 20mg tablets |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:med-req-12312312 |
resource |
id : urn:med-req-12312312 |
status : active |
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category |
coding |
system : |
code : leave |
display : leave |
priority : routine |
medication |
reference : urn:medication-27658006 |
subject |
reference : urn:patient-4738562854 |
display : Mr Toby Lerone |
authoredOn : 2020-05-20T10:34:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-0001 |
display : Dr S Quirrel |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-0001 |
display : Dr S Quirrel |
dosageInstruction |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 26643006 |
display : oral |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : d |
when : MORN |
dispenseRequest |
quantity |
value : 3 |
unit : day |
system : |
code : d |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example 2: MedicationDispense
Note: This example below is a draft and requires clinical verification.
Provider System = Hospital pharmacy system
Consumer System = Ward EPMA system
<!-- This xml example is for illustrative purposes only and has not been clinically verified. --> <Bundle xmlns=""> <id value="746f7585-4fa0-42d9-b8d8-14c71217e112" /> <type value="message" /> <timestamp value="2021-05-07T16:15:32Z" /> <!-- Message Header --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <resource> <MessageHeader> <id value="urn:message-header-167434" /> <eventCoding> <system value="" /> <code value="dispense-notification" /> <display value="Dispense Notification" /> </eventCoding> <source> <name value="ACME Clinical Systems" /> <software value="ACME Pharmacy" /> <version value="4.1.15" /> <endpoint value="urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT" /> </source> <focus> <reference value="urn:med-disp-3949490" /> </focus> </MessageHeader> </resource> </entry> <!-- Patient associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:patient-4738562854" /> <resource> <Patient> <id value="urn:patient-4738562854" /> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="4738562854" /> </identifier> <name> <use value="official" /> <text value="Mr Toby Lerone" /> <family value="Lerone" /> <given value="Toby" /> <prefix value="Mr" /> </name> <gender value="male" /> <birthDate value="1973-02-20" /> </Patient> </resource> </entry> <!-- Performer associated with the encounter. --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:staff-0002" /> <resource> <Practitioner> <id value="urn:staff-0002" /> <name> <text value="Dr Allo Kate" /> <family value="Kate" /> <given value="Allo" /> <prefix value="Dr" /> </name> <qualification> <code> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="123543" /> <display value="General Pharmaceutical Council" /> </coding> </code> </qualification> </Practitioner> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:medication-847211000001102" /> <resource> <Medication> <id value="urn:medication-847211000001102" /> <code> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="847211000001102" /> <display value="Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd)" /> </coding> </code> </Medication> </resource> </entry> <!-- Medication Dispense --> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:med-disp-3949490" /> <resource> <MedicationDispense> <id value="urn:med-disp-3949490" /> <identifier> <system value="urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name]" /> <value value="urn:d27292c7-1cbe-47c5-8c56-370b97c17d17" /> </identifier> <status value="in-progress" /> <medicationReference> <reference value="urn:medication-847211000001102" /> <display value="Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd)" /> </medicationReference> <subject> <reference value="urn:patient-4738562854" /> <display value="Mr Toby Lerone" /> </subject> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:staff-0002" /> <display value="Dr Allo Kate" /> </actor> </performer> <authorizingPrescription> <reference value="urn:med-req-12312312" /> </authorizingPrescription> <quantity> <value value="3" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </quantity> <daysSupply> <value value="3" /> <unit value="Day" /> <system value="" /> <code value="d" /> </daysSupply> <whenPrepared value="2021-05-07T16:15:32Z" /> <dosageInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="1" /> <periodUnit value="d" /> </repeat> </timing> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> <display value="oral" /> </coding> </route> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428641000" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> </MedicationDispense> </resource> </entry> </Bundle>
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "id": "746f7585-4fa0-42d9-b8d8-14c71217e112", "type": "message", "timestamp": "05/07/2021 16:15:32", "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "urn:message-header-167434", "resource": { "resourceType": "MessageHeader", "id": "urn:message-header-167434", "eventCoding": { "system": "", "code": "dispense-notification", "display": "Dispense Notification" }, "source": { "name": "ACME Clinical Systems", "software": "ACME Pharmacy", "version": "4.1.15", "endpoint": "urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT" }, "focus": [ { "reference": "urn:med-disp-3949490" } ] } }, { "fullUrl": "urn:patient-4738562854", "resource": { "resourceType": "Patient", "id": "urn:patient-4738562854", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "4738562854" } ], "name": [ { "use": "official", "text": "Mr Toby Lerone", "family": "Lerone", "given": [ "Toby" ], "prefix": [ "Mr" ] } ], "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1973-02-20" } }, { "fullUrl": "urn:staff-0002", "resource": { "resourceType": "Practitioner", "id": "urn:staff-0002", "name": [ { "text": "Dr Allo Kate", "family": "Kate", "given": [ "Allo" ], "prefix": [ "Dr" ] } ], "qualification": [ { "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "123543", "display": "General Pharmaceutical Council" } ] } } ] } }, { "fullUrl": "urn:medication-847211000001102", "resource": { "resourceType": "Medication", "id": "urn:medication-847211000001102", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "847211000001102", "display": "Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd)" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "urn:med-disp-3949490", "resource": { "resourceType": "MedicationDispense", "id": "urn:med-disp-3949490", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name]", "value": "urn:d27292c7-1cbe-47c5-8c56-370b97c17d17" } ], "status": "in-progress", "medicationReference": { "reference": "urn:medication-847211000001102", "display": "Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd)" }, "subject": { "reference": "urn:patient-4738562854", "display": "Mr Toby Lerone" }, "performer": [ { "actor": { "reference": "urn:staff-0002", "display": "Dr Allo Kate" } } ], "authorizingPrescription": [ { "reference": "urn:med-req-12312312" } ], "quantity": { "value": 3, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" }, "daysSupply": { "value": 3, "unit": "Day", "system": "", "code": "d" }, "whenPrepared": "05/07/2021 16:15:32", "dosageInstruction": [ { "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "d" } }, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "428673006", "display": "oral" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428641000" } } ] } ] } } ] }[0] | 746f7585-4fa0-42d9-b8d8-14c71217e112 |
Bundle.type[0] | message |
Bundle.timestamp[0] | 2021-05-07T16:15:32+00:00 |
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Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].event[0].system[0] | |
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Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].event[0].display[0] | Dispense Notification |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].name[0] | ACME Clinical Systems |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].software[0] | ACME Pharmacy |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].version[0] | 4.1.15 |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].source[0].endpoint[0] | urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT |
Bundle.entry[0].resource[0].focus[0].reference[0] | urn:med-disp-3949490 |
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Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].id[0] | urn:patient-4738562854 |
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Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].given[0] | Toby |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].name[0].prefix[0] | Mr |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].gender[0] | male |
Bundle.entry[1].resource[0].birthDate[0] | 1973-02-20 |
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Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].id[0] | urn:staff-0002 |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].text[0] | Dr Allo Kate |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].family[0] | Kate |
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Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].name[0].prefix[0] | Dr |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 123543 |
Bundle.entry[2].resource[0].qualification[0].code[0].coding[0].display[0] | General Pharmaceutical Council |
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Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].id[0] | urn:medication-847211000001102 |
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Bundle.entry[3].resource[0].code[0].coding[0].code[0] | 847211000001102 |
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Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].subject[0].reference[0] | urn:patient-4738562854 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].subject[0].display[0] | Mr Toby Lerone |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].performer[0].actor[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-0002 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].performer[0].actor[0].display[0] | Dr Allo Kate |
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Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].quantity[0].value[0] | 3 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].quantity[0].unit[0] | tablet |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].quantity[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].quantity[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].daysSupply[0].value[0] | 3 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].daysSupply[0].unit[0] | Day |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].daysSupply[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].daysSupply[0].code[0] | d |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].whenPrepared[0] | 2021-05-07T16:15:32Z |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | d |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | oral |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
Bundle.entry[4].resource[0].dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428641000 |
Bundle |
id : 746f7585-4fa0-42d9-b8d8-14c71217e112 |
type : message |
timestamp : 2021-05-07T16:15:32Z |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:message-header-167434 |
resource |
id : urn:message-header-167434 |
event |
system : |
code : dispense-notification |
display : Dispense Notification |
source |
name : ACME Clinical Systems |
software : ACME Pharmacy |
version : 4.1.15 |
endpoint : urn:nhs-uk:addressing:ods:T48NT |
focus |
reference : urn:med-disp-3949490 |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:patient-4738562854 |
resource |
id : urn:patient-4738562854 |
identifier |
system : |
value : 4738562854 |
name |
use : official |
text : Mr Toby Lerone |
family : Lerone |
given : Toby |
prefix : Mr |
gender : male |
birthDate : 1973-02-20 |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:staff-0002 |
resource |
id : urn:staff-0002 |
name |
text : Dr Allo Kate |
family : Kate |
given : Allo |
prefix : Dr |
qualification |
code |
coding |
system : |
code : 123543 |
display : General Pharmaceutical Council |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:medication-847211000001102 |
resource |
id : urn:medication-847211000001102 |
code |
coding |
system : |
code : 847211000001102 |
display : Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd) |
entry |
fullUrl : urn:med-disp-3949490 |
resource |
id : urn:med-disp-3949490 |
identifier |
system : urn:[organisation_name]:[system_name] |
value : urn:d27292c7-1cbe-47c5-8c56-370b97c17d17 |
status : in-progress |
medication |
reference : urn:medication-847211000001102 |
display : Cipramil 20mg tablets (Lundbeck Ltd) |
subject |
reference : urn:patient-4738562854 |
display : Mr Toby Lerone |
performer |
actor |
reference : urn:staff-0002 |
display : Dr Allo Kate |
authorizingPrescription |
reference : urn:med-req-12312312 |
quantity |
value : 3 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
daysSupply |
value : 3 |
unit : Day |
system : |
code : d |
whenPrepared : 2021-05-07T16:15:32Z |
dosageInstruction |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : d |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
display : oral |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428641000 |