Logical Display Order
The order in which the structures within the Resouce should be listed.
- Medication Name
- Medication Form (if not implied within a VMP/AMP name)
- Trade Family Name (if not implied within an AMP name)
Then for each dosageInstruction
- method
- doseAndRate.doseQuantity / .doseRange
- doseAndRate.rateRatio / .rateQuantity / .rateRange
- duration, durationMax
- frequency, frequencyMax, period and periodMax
- offset, when(s)
- dayOfWeek(s)
- timeOfDay(s)
- route
- site
- asNeededCodeableConcept / asNeeded
- boundsDuration / boundsRange
- count, countMax
- event(s)
- maxDosePerPeriod / maxDosePerAdministration / maxDosePerLifetime
- additionalInstruction(s)
- patientInstruction