Dosage Examples - Where free-text instructions are required
To illustrate how the FHIR Dosage
structure should be used using 12 clinically verified examples where most data is fully coded data but important instructions cannot be coded so have to be conveyed using the free-text elements within the Dosage
structure. These examples therefore cannot be fully machine readable and would require human interpretation to ensure the free-text instructions are adhered to, and that they do not contradict the coded instructions.
element values have been constructed using the dose to text translation algorithm from within this guide.
Avloclor tablets
Complex because the instruction to “start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return” cannot be a coded instruction so is conveyed as free-text within patientlInstruction
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="1d0bc824-f2bf-42c8-b7f9-954e7f6bbd98" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="outpatient" /> <display value="outpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="3727711000001102" /> <display value="Avloclor 250mg tablets (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd)" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return" /> <patientInstruction value="2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return" /> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="1" /> <periodUnit value="wk" /> </repeat> </timing> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <dispenseRequest> <quantity> <value value="20" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </quantity> </dispenseRequest> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "1d0bc824-f2bf-42c8-b7f9-954e7f6bbd98", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "outpatient", "display": "outpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "3727711000001102", "display": "Avloclor 250mg tablets (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd)" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return", "patientInstruction": "2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return", "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "wk" } }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ] } ], "dispenseRequest": { "quantity": { "value": 20, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } }, "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 1d0bc824-f2bf-42c8-b7f9-954e7f6bbd98 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 3727711000001102 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Avloclor 250mg tablets (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd) |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | 2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | wk |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].value[0] | 20 |
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest[0].quantity[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 1d0bc824-f2bf-42c8-b7f9-954e7f6bbd98 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : outpatient |
display : outpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 3727711000001102 |
display : Avloclor 250mg tablets (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd) |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dispenseRequest |
quantity |
value : 20 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
dosageInstruction |
text : 2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return |
patientInstruction : 2 tablet - once a week - Start one week before travel and continue until 4 weeks after return |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : wk |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Co-codamol tablets
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="322307006" /> <display value="Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="1" /> <text value="2 tablet - as required for Migraine - take once" /> <timing> <repeat> <count value="1" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="2" /> <text value="2 tablet - every 4 hours - up to a maximum of 6 dose in 24 hours - when migraine recurs" /> <patientInstruction value="when migraine recurs" /> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="4" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="6" /> <unit value="dose" /> <system value="" /> <code value="3317411000001100" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "322307006", "display": "Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "sequence": 1, "text": "2 tablet - as required for Migraine - take once", "timing": { "repeat": { "count": 1 } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ] }, { "sequence": 2, "text": "2 tablet - every 4 hours - up to a maximum of 6 dose in 24 hours - when migraine recurs", "patientInstruction": "when migraine recurs", "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 4, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 6, "unit": "dose", "system": "", "code": "3317411000001100" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 322307006 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].sequence[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 2 tablet - as required for Migraine - take once |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].count[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].sequence[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].text[0] | 2 tablet - every 4 hours - up to a maximum of 6 dose in 24 hours - when migraine recurs |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].patientInstruction[0] | when migraine recurs |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 4 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | dose |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 3317411000001100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 322307006 |
display : Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 2 tablet - as required for Migraine - take once |
sequence : 1 |
timing |
repeat |
count : 1 |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
dosageInstruction |
text : 2 tablet - every 4 hours - up to a maximum of 6 dose in 24 hours - when migraine recurs |
sequence : 2 |
patientInstruction : when migraine recurs |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 4 |
periodUnit : h |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 6 |
unit : dose |
system : |
code : 3317411000001100 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Alternative Representation
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="322307006" /> <display value="Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence" /> <patientInstruction value="Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence" /> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="4" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="8" /> <unit value="dose" /> <system value="" /> <code value="3317411000001100" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "322307006", "display": "Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence", "patientInstruction": "Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence", "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 4, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 8, "unit": "dose", "system": "", "code": "3317411000001100" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 322307006 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 4 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 8 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | dose |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 3317411000001100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 322307006 |
display : Co-codamol 8mg/500mg tablets |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
patientInstruction : Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 4 |
periodUnit : h |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 8 |
unit : dose |
system : |
code : 3317411000001100 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Colchicine tablets
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="f27b260e-8bdf-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="73133000" /> <display value="Colchicine" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="500 microgram - 3 times a day - oral - Until symptoms relieved - Maximum dose 6 mg per course and Do not repeat course for 3 days" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Until symptoms relieved" /> </additionalInstruction> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Maximum dose 6 mg per course" /> </additionalInstruction> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Do not repeat course for 3 days" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="3" /> <period value="1" /> <periodUnit value="d" /> </repeat> </timing> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="26643006" /> <display value="oral" /> </coding> </route> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="500" /> <unit value="microgram" /> <system value="" /> <code value="ug" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "f27b260e-8bdf-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "73133000", "display": "Colchicine" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "500 microgram - 3 times a day - oral - Until symptoms relieved - Maximum dose 6 mg per course and Do not repeat course for 3 days", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "Until symptoms relieved" }, { "text": "Maximum dose 6 mg per course" }, { "text": "Do not repeat course for 3 days" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 3, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "d" } }, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "26643006", "display": "oral" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 500, "unit": "microgram", "system": "", "code": "ug" } } ] } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | f27b260e-8bdf-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 73133000 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Colchicine |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 500 microgram - 3 times a day - oral - Until symptoms relieved - Maximum dose 6 mg per course and Do not repeat course for 3 days |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | Until symptoms relieved |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[1].text[0] | Maximum dose 6 mg per course |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[2].text[0] | Do not repeat course for 3 days |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 3 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | d |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 26643006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | oral |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 500 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | microgram |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | ug |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : f27b260e-8bdf-11eb-8dcd-0242ac130003 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 73133000 |
display : Colchicine |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 500 microgram - 3 times a day - oral - Until symptoms relieved - Maximum dose 6 mg per course and Do not repeat course for 3 days |
additionalInstruction |
text : Until symptoms relieved |
additionalInstruction |
text : Maximum dose 6 mg per course |
additionalInstruction |
text : Do not repeat course for 3 days |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 3 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : d |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 26643006 |
display : oral |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 500 |
unit : microgram |
system : |
code : ug |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Eprex solution for injection pre-filled syringes
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="808e7672-cf8d-48d8-885b-694c9bb9a417" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="2971511000001101" /> <display value="Eprex 2,000units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes (Janssen-Cilag Ltd)" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Inject once a day - on Monday and Thursday - Subcutaneous route - with dialysis" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="with dialysis" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="1" /> <periodUnit value="d" /> <dayOfWeek value="mon" /> <dayOfWeek value="thu" /> </repeat> </timing> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="34206005" /> <display value="Subcutaneous route" /> </coding> </route> <method> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="422145002" /> <display value="Inject" /> </coding> </method> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "808e7672-cf8d-48d8-885b-694c9bb9a417", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "2971511000001101", "display": "Eprex 2,000units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes (Janssen-Cilag Ltd)" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Inject once a day - on Monday and Thursday - Subcutaneous route - with dialysis", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "with dialysis" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "d", "dayOfWeek": [ "mon", "thu" ] } }, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "34206005", "display": "Subcutaneous route" } ] }, "method": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "422145002", "display": "Inject" } ] } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 808e7672-cf8d-48d8-885b-694c9bb9a417 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 2971511000001101 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Eprex 2,000units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes (Janssen-Cilag Ltd) |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Inject once a day - on Monday and Thursday - Subcutaneous route - with dialysis |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | with dialysis |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | d |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].dayOfWeek[0] | mon |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].dayOfWeek[1] | thu |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 34206005 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | Subcutaneous route |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 422145002 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | Inject |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 808e7672-cf8d-48d8-885b-694c9bb9a417 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 2971511000001101 |
display : Eprex 2,000units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes (Janssen-Cilag Ltd) |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : Inject once a day - on Monday and Thursday - Subcutaneous route - with dialysis |
additionalInstruction |
text : with dialysis |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : d |
dayOfWeek : mon |
dayOfWeek : thu |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 34206005 |
display : Subcutaneous route |
method |
coding |
system : |
code : 422145002 |
display : Inject |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Hydrocortisone cream
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="da60a842-d755-4fe6-a7eb-4cda52cf17f7" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="331680008" /> <display value="Hydrocortisone 0.1% cream" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Apply 2 to 3 times a day - for 7 days - Apply thinly to area around lips" /> <patientInstruction value="Apply thinly to area around lips" /> <timing> <repeat> <boundsDuration> <value value="7" /> <unit value="day" /> <system value="" /> <code value="d" /> </boundsDuration> <frequency value="2" /> <frequencyMax value="3" /> <period value="1" /> <periodUnit value="d" /> </repeat> </timing> <method> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="417924000" /> <display value="Apply" /> </coding> </method> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "da60a842-d755-4fe6-a7eb-4cda52cf17f7", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "331680008", "display": "Hydrocortisone 0.1% cream" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Apply 2 to 3 times a day - for 7 days - Apply thinly to area around lips", "patientInstruction": "Apply thinly to area around lips", "timing": { "repeat": { "boundsDuration": { "value": 7, "unit": "day", "system": "", "code": "d" }, "frequency": 2, "frequencyMax": 3, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "d" } }, "method": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "417924000", "display": "Apply" } ] } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | da60a842-d755-4fe6-a7eb-4cda52cf17f7 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 331680008 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Hydrocortisone 0.1% cream |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Apply 2 to 3 times a day - for 7 days - Apply thinly to area around lips |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | Apply thinly to area around lips |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].bounds[0].value[0] | 7 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].bounds[0].unit[0] | day |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].bounds[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].bounds[0].code[0] | d |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequencyMax[0] | 3 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | d |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 417924000 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | Apply |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : da60a842-d755-4fe6-a7eb-4cda52cf17f7 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 331680008 |
display : Hydrocortisone 0.1% cream |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : Apply 2 to 3 times a day - for 7 days - Apply thinly to area around lips |
patientInstruction : Apply thinly to area around lips |
timing |
repeat |
bounds |
value : 7 |
unit : day |
system : |
code : d |
frequency : 2 |
frequencyMax : 3 |
period : 1 |
periodUnit : d |
method |
coding |
system : |
code : 417924000 |
display : Apply |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Hyoscine transdermal patches
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="18a8ea33-dc5f-4fb7-985e-acc474bf97cd" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="outpatient" /> <display value="outpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="38898011000001108" /> <display value="Hyoscine 1mg/72hours transdermal patches" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2019-01-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Apply 1 patch - every 72 hours - Rotate site of application" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Rotate site of application" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="72" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <method> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="417924000" /> <display value="Apply" /> </coding> </method> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="patch" /> <system value="" /> <code value="419702001" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "18a8ea33-dc5f-4fb7-985e-acc474bf97cd", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "outpatient", "display": "outpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "38898011000001108", "display": "Hyoscine 1mg/72hours transdermal patches" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "01/15/2019 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Apply 1 patch - every 72 hours - Rotate site of application", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "Rotate site of application" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 72, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "method": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "417924000", "display": "Apply" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "patch", "system": "", "code": "419702001" } } ] } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 18a8ea33-dc5f-4fb7-985e-acc474bf97cd |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 38898011000001108 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Hyoscine 1mg/72hours transdermal patches |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2019-01-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Apply 1 patch - every 72 hours - Rotate site of application |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | Rotate site of application |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 72 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 417924000 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | Apply |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | patch |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 419702001 |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 18a8ea33-dc5f-4fb7-985e-acc474bf97cd |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : outpatient |
display : outpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 38898011000001108 |
display : Hyoscine 1mg/72hours transdermal patches |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2019-01-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : Apply 1 patch - every 72 hours - Rotate site of application |
method |
coding |
system : |
code : 417924000 |
display : Apply |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 72 |
periodUnit : h |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : patch |
system : |
code : 419702001 |
additionalInstruction |
text : Rotate site of application |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Migraleve tablets
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="859e5d8a-391a-4b2a-8f29-15e8c75180bb" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="3363411000001108" /> <display value="Migraleve tablets (McNeil Products Ltd)" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="1" /> <text value="2 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 2 tablet in 24 hours - Pink tablets" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Pink tablets" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <count value="1" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="2" /> <text value="2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours - Yellow tablets" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Yellow tablets" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="4" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededBoolean value="true" /> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="6" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "859e5d8a-391a-4b2a-8f29-15e8c75180bb", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "3363411000001108", "display": "Migraleve tablets (McNeil Products Ltd)" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "sequence": 1, "text": "2 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 2 tablet in 24 hours - Pink tablets", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "Pink tablets" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "count": 1 } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } }, { "sequence": 2, "text": "2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours - Yellow tablets", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "Yellow tablets" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 4, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "asNeededBoolean": true, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 6, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 859e5d8a-391a-4b2a-8f29-15e8c75180bb |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 3363411000001108 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraleve tablets (McNeil Products Ltd) |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].sequence[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 2 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 2 tablet in 24 hours - Pink tablets |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | Pink tablets |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].count[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].sequence[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].text[0] | 2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours - Yellow tablets |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | Yellow tablets |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 4 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].asNeeded[0] | True |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 859e5d8a-391a-4b2a-8f29-15e8c75180bb |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 3363411000001108 |
display : Migraleve tablets (McNeil Products Ltd) |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
sequence : 1 |
text : 2 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 2 tablet in 24 hours - Pink tablets |
additionalInstruction |
text : Pink tablets |
timing |
repeat |
count : 1 |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
dosageInstruction |
sequence : 2 |
text : 2 tablet - every 4 hours - as required - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours - Yellow tablets |
additionalInstruction |
text : Yellow tablets |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 4 |
periodUnit : h |
asNeeded : True |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 6 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Morphine bolus
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="1558295a-9213-44cb-81e1-e1ab8fcc3e81" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="73572009" /> <display value="Morphine" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Intermittent bolus 5 milligram - as required - Intravenous route - Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout" /> </additionalInstruction> <asNeededBoolean value="true" /> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="47625008" /> <display value="Intravenous route" /> </coding> </route> <method> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="397884008" /> <display value="Intermittent bolus" /> </coding> </method> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="5" /> <unit value="milligram" /> <system value="" /> <code value="mg" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "1558295a-9213-44cb-81e1-e1ab8fcc3e81", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "73572009", "display": "Morphine" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Intermittent bolus 5 milligram - as required - Intravenous route - Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout" } ], "asNeededBoolean": true, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "47625008", "display": "Intravenous route" } ] }, "method": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "397884008", "display": "Intermittent bolus" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 5, "unit": "milligram", "system": "", "code": "mg" } } ] } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 1558295a-9213-44cb-81e1-e1ab8fcc3e81 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 73572009 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Morphine |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Intermittent bolus 5 milligram - as required - Intravenous route - Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0] | True |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 47625008 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | Intravenous route |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 397884008 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | Intermittent bolus |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 5 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | milligram |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | mg |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 1558295a-9213-44cb-81e1-e1ab8fcc3e81 |
meta |
profile : |
intent : order |
status : active |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 73572009 |
display : Morphine |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : Intermittent bolus 5 milligram - as required - Intravenous route - Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout |
additionalInstruction |
text : Administer via PCA with a 5 minute lockout |
asNeeded : True |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 47625008 |
display : Intravenous route |
method |
coding |
system : |
code : 397884008 |
display : Intermittent bolus |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 5 |
unit : milligram |
system : |
code : mg |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
NovoRapid Penfill solution for injection
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="9599bbbd-5fb0-429b-ba24-bca6448f521a" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="3279211000001105" /> <display value="NovoRapid Penfill 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (Novo Nordisk Ltd)" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Inject as required - according to insulin requirements" /> <patientInstruction value="according to insulin requirements" /> <asNeededBoolean value="true" /> <method> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="422145002" /> <display value="Inject" /> </coding> </method> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "9599bbbd-5fb0-429b-ba24-bca6448f521a", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "3279211000001105", "display": "NovoRapid Penfill 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (Novo Nordisk Ltd)" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Inject as required - according to insulin requirements", "patientInstruction": "according to insulin requirements", "asNeededBoolean": true, "method": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "422145002", "display": "Inject" } ] } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 9599bbbd-5fb0-429b-ba24-bca6448f521a |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 3279211000001105 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | NovoRapid Penfill 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (Novo Nordisk Ltd) |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Inject as required - according to insulin requirements |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | according to insulin requirements |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0] | True |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].code[0] | 422145002 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].method[0].coding[0].display[0] | Inject |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 9599bbbd-5fb0-429b-ba24-bca6448f521a |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 3279211000001105 |
display : NovoRapid Penfill 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (Novo Nordisk Ltd) |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : Inject as required - according to insulin requirements |
patientInstruction : according to insulin requirements |
asNeeded : True |
method |
coding |
system : |
code : 422145002 |
display : Inject |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Oxygen by inhalation via nasal cannula
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="a8ca980c-72aa-11e7-8cf7-a6006ad3dba0" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="out" /> <display value="outpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="375287000" /> <display value="Oxygen" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="1 to 2 litre per minute - Inhalation - to be given via nasal cannula" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="to be given via nasal cannula" /> </additionalInstruction> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="18679011000001101" /> <display value="Inhalation" /> </coding> </route> <doseAndRate> <doseRange> <low> <value value="1" /> <unit value="liter per minute" /> <system value="" /> <code value="L/min" /> </low> <high> <value value="2" /> <unit value="liter per minute" /> <system value="" /> <code value="L/min" /> </high> </doseRange> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "a8ca980c-72aa-11e7-8cf7-a6006ad3dba0", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "out", "display": "outpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "375287000", "display": "Oxygen" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "1 to 2 litre per minute - Inhalation - to be given via nasal cannula", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "to be given via nasal cannula" } ], "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "18679011000001101", "display": "Inhalation" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseRange": { "low": { "value": 1, "unit": "liter per minute", "system": "", "code": "L/min" }, "high": { "value": 2, "unit": "liter per minute", "system": "", "code": "L/min" } } } ] } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | a8ca980c-72aa-11e7-8cf7-a6006ad3dba0 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | out |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 375287000 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Oxygen |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 1 to 2 litre per minute - Inhalation - to be given via nasal cannula |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | to be given via nasal cannula |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 18679011000001101 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | Inhalation |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].unit[0] | liter per minute |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].code[0] | L/min |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].unit[0] | liter per minute |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].code[0] | L/min |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : a8ca980c-72aa-11e7-8cf7-a6006ad3dba0 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : out |
display : outpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 375287000 |
display : Oxygen |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 1 to 2 litre per minute - Inhalation - to be given via nasal cannula |
additionalInstruction |
text : to be given via nasal cannula |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 18679011000001101 |
display : Inhalation |
doseAndRate |
dose |
low |
value : 1 |
unit : liter per minute |
system : |
code : L/min |
high |
value : 2 |
unit : liter per minute |
system : |
code : L/min |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Permitabs tablets
Complex because contains a detailed preparation instruction which has to be conveyed as free-text within patientInstruction
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="1f4959a1-4a33-4b0e-bfad-f2ea1fccb2fa" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="outpatient" /> <display value="outpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="4256811000001101" /> <display value="Permitabs 400mg tablets for cutaneous solution (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd)" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-3030" /> <display value="Dr Callum Lund" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-3030" /> <display value="Dr Callum Lund" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="Topical - Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest." /> <patientInstruction value="Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest." /> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="6064005" /> <display value="Topical" /> </coding> </route> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "1f4959a1-4a33-4b0e-bfad-f2ea1fccb2fa", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "outpatient", "display": "outpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "4256811000001101", "display": "Permitabs 400mg tablets for cutaneous solution (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd)" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-3030", "display": "Dr Callum Lund" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-3030", "display": "Dr Callum Lund" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "Topical - Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest.", "patientInstruction": "Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest.", "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "6064005", "display": "Topical" } ] } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 1f4959a1-4a33-4b0e-bfad-f2ea1fccb2fa |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | outpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 4256811000001101 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Permitabs 400mg tablets for cutaneous solution (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd) |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-3030 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Callum Lund |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-3030 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Callum Lund |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | Topical - Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest. |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest. |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 6064005 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | Topical |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 1f4959a1-4a33-4b0e-bfad-f2ea1fccb2fa |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : outpatient |
display : outpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 4256811000001101 |
display : Permitabs 400mg tablets for cutaneous solution (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd) |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-3030 |
display : Dr Callum Lund |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-3030 |
display : Dr Callum Lund |
dosageInstruction |
text : Topical - Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest. |
patientInstruction : Add one tablet to 500ml of warm water and dissolve. Make the resulting solution up to 8 litres and use to soak feet. Do not ingest. |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 6064005 |
display : Topical |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Phenoxymethylpenicillin tablets
It was decided that modelling only as 'an hour before food' would not be sufficient.
<timing> <repeat> <when value="C"/> <offset value="60" /> </repeat> </timing>
Therefore a free-text instruction needs to be added.
<additionalInstruction> <text value="or on an empty stomach" /> </additionalInstruction>
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="5dcc8ffd-9838-45ed-8d31-fd20026fde4b" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="323416001" /> <display value="Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg tablets" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="2 tablet - every 6 hours - 1 hour before a meal - oral - or on an empty stomach" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="or on an empty stomach" /> </additionalInstruction> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="6" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> <when value="AC" /> <offset value="60" /> </repeat> </timing> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="26643006" /> <display value="oral" /> </coding> </route> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="2" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "5dcc8ffd-9838-45ed-8d31-fd20026fde4b", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "323416001", "display": "Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg tablets" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "2 tablet - every 6 hours - 1 hour before a meal - oral - or on an empty stomach", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "or on an empty stomach" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 6, "periodUnit": "h", "when": [ "AC" ], "offset": 60 } }, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "26643006", "display": "oral" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 2, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ] } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 5dcc8ffd-9838-45ed-8d31-fd20026fde4b |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 323416001 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg tablets |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 2 tablet - every 6 hours - 1 hour before a meal - oral - or on an empty stomach |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | or on an empty stomach |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].when[0] | AC |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].offset[0] | 60 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 26643006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | oral |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 5dcc8ffd-9838-45ed-8d31-fd20026fde4b |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 323416001 |
display : Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg tablets |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 2 tablet - every 6 hours - 1 hour before a meal - oral - or on an empty stomach |
additionalInstruction |
text : or on an empty stomach |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 6 |
periodUnit : h |
when : AC |
offset : 60 |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 26643006 |
display : oral |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 2 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Salbutamol using the metered dose device
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="00d31bbe-72f4-4a29-a880-df1a66075450" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="91143003" /> <display value="Salbutamol" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="100 to 200 microgram - Inhalation - as required - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 1 day - using the metered dose device" /> <additionalInstruction> <text value="using the metered dose device" /> </additionalInstruction> <asNeededBoolean value="true" /> <route> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="18679011000001101" /> <display value="Inhalation" /> </coding> </route> <doseAndRate> <doseRange> <low> <value value="100" /> <unit value="microgram" /> <system value="" /> <code value="ug" /> </low> <high> <value value="200" /> <unit value="microgram" /> <system value="" /> <code value="ug" /> </high> </doseRange> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="8" /> <unit value="dose" /> <system value="" /> <code value="3317411000001100" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="1" /> <unit value="day" /> <system value="" /> <code value="d" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "00d31bbe-72f4-4a29-a880-df1a66075450", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "91143003", "display": "Salbutamol" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "100 to 200 microgram - Inhalation - as required - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 1 day - using the metered dose device", "additionalInstruction": [ { "text": "using the metered dose device" } ], "asNeededBoolean": true, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "18679011000001101", "display": "Inhalation" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseRange": { "low": { "value": 100, "unit": "microgram", "system": "", "code": "ug" }, "high": { "value": 200, "unit": "microgram", "system": "", "code": "ug" } } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 8, "unit": "dose", "system": "", "code": "3317411000001100" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "day", "system": "", "code": "d" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | 00d31bbe-72f4-4a29-a880-df1a66075450 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 91143003 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Salbutamol |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 100 to 200 microgram - Inhalation - as required - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 1 day - using the metered dose device |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].additionalInstruction[0].text[0] | using the metered dose device |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0] | True |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].code[0] | 18679011000001101 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].route[0].coding[0].display[0] | Inhalation |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].value[0] | 100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].unit[0] | microgram |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].low[0].code[0] | ug |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].value[0] | 200 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].unit[0] | microgram |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].high[0].code[0] | ug |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 8 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | dose |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 3317411000001100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | day |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | d |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : 00d31bbe-72f4-4a29-a880-df1a66075450 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 91143003 |
display : Salbutamol |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 100 to 200 microgram - Inhalation - as required - up to a maximum of 8 dose in 1 day - using the metered dose device |
additionalInstruction |
text : using the metered dose device |
asNeeded : True |
route |
coding |
system : |
code : 18679011000001101 |
display : Inhalation |
doseAndRate |
dose |
low |
value : 100 |
unit : microgram |
system : |
code : ug |
high |
value : 200 |
unit : microgram |
system : |
code : ug |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 8 |
unit : dose |
system : |
code : 3317411000001100 |
denominator |
value : 1 |
unit : day |
system : |
code : d |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="322815004" /> <display value="Sumatriptan 50mg tablets" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="1" /> <text value="1 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine" /> <timing> <repeat> <count value="1" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> </dosageInstruction> <dosageInstruction> <sequence value="2" /> <text value="1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours" /> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="2" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="6" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="3317411000001100" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "322815004", "display": "Sumatriptan 50mg tablets" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "sequence": 1, "text": "1 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine", "timing": { "repeat": { "count": 1 } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ] }, { "sequence": 2, "text": "1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours", "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 2, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 6, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "3317411000001100" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 322815004 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Sumatriptan 50mg tablets |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].sequence[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 1 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].count[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].sequence[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].text[0] | 1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 3317411000001100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[1].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : c1ea9b0b-f157-4ee2-9771-84c6cbae5cad |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 322815004 |
display : Sumatriptan 50mg tablets |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 1 tablet - take once - as required for Migraine |
sequence : 1 |
timing |
repeat |
count : 1 |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
dosageInstruction |
text : 1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablet in 24 hours |
sequence : 2 |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 2 |
periodUnit : h |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 6 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 3317411000001100 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation:
Alternative Representation
<MedicationRequest xmlns=""> <id value="b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256" /> <meta> <profile value="" /> </meta> <status value="active" /> <intent value="order" /> <category> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="inpatient" /> <display value="inpatient" /> </coding> </category> <priority value="routine" /> <medicationCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="322815004" /> <display value="Sumatriptan 50mg tablets" /> </coding> </medicationCodeableConcept> <subject> <identifier> <system value="" /> <value value="9999999999" /> </identifier> </subject> <authoredOn value="2020-05-15T15:00:00Z" /> <requester> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </requester> <recorder> <reference value="urn:staff-1112" /> <display value="Dr Maikeu Well" /> </recorder> <dosageInstruction> <text value="1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence" /> <patientInstruction value="Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence" /> <timing> <repeat> <frequency value="1" /> <period value="2" /> <periodUnit value="h" /> </repeat> </timing> <asNeededCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value="" /> <code value="37796009" /> <display value="Migraine" /> </coding> </asNeededCodeableConcept> <doseAndRate> <doseQuantity> <value value="1" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="428673006" /> </doseQuantity> </doseAndRate> <maxDosePerPeriod> <numerator> <value value="6" /> <unit value="tablet" /> <system value="" /> <code value="3317411000001100" /> </numerator> <denominator> <value value="24" /> <unit value="hour" /> <system value="" /> <code value="h" /> </denominator> </maxDosePerPeriod> </dosageInstruction> <substitution> <allowedBoolean value="false" /> </substitution> </MedicationRequest>
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "id": "b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "active", "intent": "order", "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "inpatient", "display": "inpatient" } ] } ], "priority": "routine", "medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "322815004", "display": "Sumatriptan 50mg tablets" } ] }, "subject": { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "9999999999" } }, "authoredOn": "05/15/2020 15:00:00", "requester": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "recorder": { "reference": "urn:staff-1112", "display": "Dr Maikeu Well" }, "dosageInstruction": [ { "text": "1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence", "patientInstruction": "Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence", "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 2, "periodUnit": "h" } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "37796009", "display": "Migraine" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [ { "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "428673006" } } ], "maxDosePerPeriod": { "numerator": { "value": 6, "unit": "tablet", "system": "", "code": "3317411000001100" }, "denominator": { "value": 24, "unit": "hour", "system": "", "code": "h" } } } ], "substitution": { "allowedBoolean": false } }[0] | b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256 |
MedicationRequest.meta[0].profile[0] | |
MedicationRequest.status[0] | active |
MedicationRequest.intent[0] | order |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].code[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.category[0].coding[0].display[0] | inpatient |
MedicationRequest.priority[0] | routine |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].code[0] | 322815004 |
MedicationRequest.medication[0].coding[0].display[0] | Sumatriptan 50mg tablets |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.subject[0].identifier[0].value[0] | 9999999999 |
MedicationRequest.authoredOn[0] | 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.requester[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].reference[0] | urn:staff-1112 |
MedicationRequest.recorder[0].display[0] | Dr Maikeu Well |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].text[0] | 1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].patientInstruction[0] | Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].frequency[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].period[0] | 2 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].timing[0].repeat[0].periodUnit[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].code[0] | 37796009 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].asNeeded[0].coding[0].display[0] | Migraine |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].value[0] | 1 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].doseAndRate[0].dose[0].code[0] | 428673006 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].value[0] | 6 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].unit[0] | tablet |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].numerator[0].code[0] | 3317411000001100 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].value[0] | 24 |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].unit[0] | hour |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].system[0] | |
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction[0].maxDosePerPeriod[0].denominator[0].code[0] | h |
MedicationRequest.substitution[0].allowed[0] | False |
MedicationRequest |
id : b31fcf06-b515-4468-92cd-ce7b13b0c256 |
meta |
profile : |
status : active |
intent : order |
category |
coding |
system : |
code : inpatient |
display : inpatient |
priority : routine |
medication |
coding |
system : |
code : 322815004 |
display : Sumatriptan 50mg tablets |
subject |
identifier |
system : |
value : 9999999999 |
authoredOn : 2020-05-15T15:00:00Z |
requester |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
recorder |
reference : urn:staff-1112 |
display : Dr Maikeu Well |
dosageInstruction |
text : 1 tablet - every 2 hours - as required for Migraine - up to a maximum of 6 tablets in 24 hours - Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
patientInstruction : Additional doses only to be taken after migraine recurrence |
timing |
repeat |
frequency : 1 |
period : 2 |
periodUnit : h |
asNeeded |
coding |
system : |
code : 37796009 |
display : Migraine |
doseAndRate |
dose |
value : 1 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 428673006 |
maxDosePerPeriod |
numerator |
value : 6 |
unit : tablet |
system : |
code : 3317411000001100 |
denominator |
value : 24 |
unit : hour |
system : |
code : h |
substitution |
allowed : False |
Example on-screen presentation: