Releases of the PS-CA Implementation Guide may be found on a table on the Home Page of this Project.

Data Type Profiles

Data types are profiled in order to enforce constraints on what elements within the data type are required and/or are expected for systems to be able to demonstrate support.


The package/structuredefinition-profile-codeableconcept-ca-ps.json profile represents the constraint applied to the CodeableConcept data type by the PS-CA project to use the package/structuredefinition-profile-coding-ca-ps.json profile in a way that is informed by the constraints of the Codeable Concept (IPS) profile but removes the overarching expectation that all patient summary creators must demonstrate they can support codings for conformance.

textS Σ0..1string


  • This profile makes a significant change from the Codeable Concept (IPS) data type profile by removing the Must Support flag from the coding element.
  • While coding is not currently considered Must Support in Version 1.0, implementers that support codings should still send the codings for codeable concepts if they are available/appropriate and receivers should not produce failures or rejections if codings are included in the patient summary (a base tenet of FHIR).
  • Additionally, vendors should expect that some jurisdictions may further constrain support of this element within the context of their own jurisdictional content
  • Implementors should also be aware that this constraint will be under consideration to be re-applied in PS-CA Version 2.0

CodeableConcept (Medication)

This profile applies specific constraints to the CodeableConcept data type within the context of medication code information. It is guided by the constraints used in the Codeable Concept (IPS) data type profile, with adjustments to reflect the specific needs and feedback from the community regarding medication coding. The profile mandates the presence of a textual description for each CodeableConcept instance, emphasizing the importance of clarity and understandability in medication data.

codingS Σ0..*package/structuredefinition-profile-coding-medication-ca-ps.json
textS Σ1..1string


  • While the original package/structuredefinition-profile-codeableconcept-ca-ps.json profile removed the Must Support flag for the coding element, this medication-specific profile expects implementations to support and include codings for medications wherever appropriate.
  • In contrast to the general PS-CA CodeableConcept profile, the text element in this medication-specific profile is mandatory, ensuring that every coded concept is accompanied by a descriptive text.

Based on community feedback, the constraints and expectations of this profile may be reassessed and potentially applied to other coding elements and profiles within the PS-CA project.


The package/structuredefinition-profile-coding-ca-ps.json profile ensures systems support important Coding elements, including system, code and display. Must support expectation will be removed from version in the package/structuredefinition-profile-coding-ca-ps.json profile in 1.1.0 release in the interim with the intent to explore the topic with IPS and discuss with PSWG whether further guidance or constraints should be applied in future versions with respect to SNOMED CT country editions. It also raises awareness of the FHIR Core Translation standard extension.

This profile is informed by the constraints of the Coding with translations profile. Unlike IPS, however, the PS-CA profile does not flag the translation extension as Must Support; this may change in future releases.

systemS Σ0..1uri
codeS Σ0..1code


  • All Must Support elements in this profile are also Must Support in IPS-UV, and there are no differences in element cardinality. Constraints are carried over into a unique PS-CA data type profile to ensure that implementers have clarity and consistency in the expectations this guide puts forth when Must Support is claimed.
  • Unlike IPS, the PS-CA profile does not make the Coding element, itself, Must Support. (This has been identified as a modelling issue with IPS.)
  • Earlier releases of this Implementation Guide included the Must Support flag on the translation extension. Based on public feedback, the Must Support flag has been removed pending a comprehensive approach to multi-language support and conformance.


This profile uses the following extensions:

Coding (Medication)

The package/structuredefinition-profile-coding-medication-ca-ps.json profile introduces constraints for the Coding data type specifically designed for the medication use-case within the PS-CA project. It closely aligns with the principles of the IPS-UV Coding profile, but emphasizes the mandatory inclusion of the system and code elements.

systemS Σ1..1uri
codeS Σ1..1code


  • Implementers should ensure that Coding for medications always includes both the system and code elements.
  • While not mandatory, the inclusion of the display element is encouraged to support better understanding and communication of medication information among healthcare providers and patients.

While initially focused on medication coding, the principles and structure of this profile may inform future adaptations for other coding use-cases within the PS-CA project.


The package/structuredefinition-profile-quantity-ca-ps.json profile represents the constraint applied to the Quantity data type by the PS-CA project to use UCUM as the code system for units. Informed by the constraints of the Quantity (IPS) profile.

comparatorΣ ?!0..1codeBinding
systemS Σ I1..1uriFixed Value
codeS Σ1..1code


  • All Must Support elements in this profile are also Must Support in IPS-UV, and there are no differences in element cardinality. Constraints are carried over into a unique PS-CA data type profile to ensure that implementers have clarity and consistency in the expectations this guide puts forth when Must Support is claimed.
  • Unlike IPS, the PS-CA profile does not make the Quantity element, itself, Must Support. (This has been identified as a modelling issue with IPS.)


The package/structuredefinition-profile-simplequantity-ca-ps.json profile represents the constraint applied to the SimpleQuantity data type by the PS-CA project to use UCUM as the code system for units in a way that is informed by the constraints of the SimpleQuantity (IPS) profile.

comparatorΣ ?!0..0codeBinding
systemS Σ I1..1uriFixed Value
codeS Σ1..1code


The package/structuredefinition-profile-ratio-ca-ps.json profile represents the constraint applied to the Ratio data type by the PS-CA project to use UCUM as the code system for units in a way that is informed by the constraints of the Ratio (IPS) profile.

numeratorS Σ I0..1package/structuredefinition-profile-quantity-ca-ps.json
denominatorS Σ I0..1package/structuredefinition-profile-quantity-ca-ps.json


  • All Must Support elements in this profile are also Must Support in IPS-UV, and there are no differences in element cardinality. Constraints are carried over into a unique PS-CA data type profile to ensure that implementers have clarity and consistency in the expectations this guide puts forth when Must Support is claimed.
  • Unlike IPS, the PS-CA profile does not make the Ratio element, itself, Must Support. (This has been identified as a modelling issue with IPS.)


The package/structuredefinition-profile-range-ca-ps.json profile represents the constraint applied to the Range data type by the PS-CA project to supply SimpleQuantity values in a way that is informed by the constraints of the Range (IPS) profile.

lowS Σ I0..1package/structuredefinition-profile-simplequantity-ca-ps.json
highS Σ I0..1package/structuredefinition-profile-simplequantity-ca-ps.json