NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.8.1 | Core v1.1.5 | Package v1.34.0



The BaRS API will facilitate the DocumentReference Endpoints for BaRS enabled systems. BaRS will forward the requests for DocumentReferences to the NRL API. Acting as a proxy the BaRS API will verify a producer is authorized.

BaRS Path Maps to NRLF Path Purpose
GET /DocumentReference NRL Consumer GET /DocumentReference Read Pointers (search)
GET /DocumentReference/[id] NRL Producer GET /DocumentReference/[id] Read specific pointer (read before write)
POST /DocumentReference NRL Producer POST /DocumentReference Add a pointer
PUT /DocumentReference/[id] NRL Producer PUT /DocumentReference/[id] Update pointer
Delete /DocumentReference/[id] NRL Producer DELETE /DocumentReference/[id] Remove/delete pointer.

Request and Response

This table describes the two endpoints behaviours for the interaction From a BaRS enabled system through to NRLF.

All Endpoints will use the exsiting Access Control Headers and Transaction Integrity Headers.

Behaviour Initiator VERB API Path Parameters Payload Reactor Reactor Behaviour Happy Response Response Definition
Search Pointers BaRS Sender GET /DocumentReference Query: subject:identifier
Query: custodian:identifier
Query: next-page-token
N/A BaRS & NRLF BaRS: Request forwarded verbatim to NRLF Consumer Endpoint
NRLF: NRLF returns Bundle of DocumentReferences matching search critieria.
200 Search Bundle Response containing DocumentReferences
Get Pointer BaRS Receiver GET /DocumentReference/[id] Path: id N/A BaRS & NRLF BaRS: Request forwarded verbatim to NRLF Producer Endpoint
NRLF: NRLF returns Bundle of DocumentReference matching path param [id].
200 DocumentReference
Add Pointer BaRS Receiver POST /DocumentReference N/A DocumentReference BaRS & NRLF BaRS: Request forwarded verbatim to NRLF Producer Endpoint
NRLF: returns a DocumentReference
201 OperationOutcome/DocumentReference
Update Pointer BaRS Receiver PUT /DocumentReference/[id] Path: id DocumentReference BaRS & NRLF BaRS: Request forwarded verbatim to NRLF Producer Endpoint
NRLF: NRLF updates the DocumentReference
200 OperationOutcome/DocumentReference
Delete Pointer BaRS Receiver DELETE /DocumentReference/[id] Path: id DocumentReference BaRS & NRLF BaRS: Request forwarded verbatim to NRLF Producer Endpoint
NRLF: NRLF removes the DocumentReference.
200 OperationOutcome/DocumentReference


API Path Type Parameter Format Purpose Required?
/DocumentReference query subject:identifier https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number|4409815415 Filter by Patient Y
/DocumentReference query custodian:identifier https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/ods-organization-code|Y05868 Filter by custodian (ODS) N
/DocumentReference query next-page-token - retrieve next set of 20 records N
/DocumentReference query type http://snomed.info/sct|736253002 Filter by Appointment or ServiceRequesr N
/DocumentReference/[id] path [ id ] Specific Document Reference Id. Y


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