NHS Booking and Referral Standard

Guide v1.8.1 | Core v1.1.5 | Package v1.34.0

Core Functionality Requirements

BaRS should provide different functionality depending on:

This list of functionality will expand in later versions of BaRS.

There are requirements in each of the central areas of functionality which every BaRS Application must adopt:


  • Provide Capability Statement
  • Read and interpret Capability State
  • Provide Message Definition(s) for a specific service
  • Read and interpret Message Definition(s) for a specific service


  • The local caching of retrieved metadata (Capability Statements and Message Definitions) requests is permitted to improve performance
  • Caching of responses must not exceed 24 hours (12 hours is recommended)
  • There must be a mechanism to manually clear the cache

Booking Sender

  • Request Slots for a specific service
  • Make Booking request
  • Cancel Booking request
  • Make Rebook request (two open Bookings during this routine)

Booking Receiver

  • Provide Slots for a specific service
  • Create Booking
  • Cancel Booking
  • Accept Rebook request (two open Bookings during this routine)

Referral Sender

  • Make Referral request
  • Cancel Referral request
  • Re-request Service Request (revoke current open Referral prior to sending new. Only one active/open Service Request during this routine)

Referral Receiver

  • Create Referral
  • Cancel Referral
  • Accept re-request Service Request (revoke current open Referral prior to sending new. Only one active/open Service Request during this routine)

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