Medical topics

Lab-Results- related FHIR resources

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Observation Observation_CentralLab_1 R/O represents a result from a central lab - not located on the ward
Observation Observation_WardLab_1 R/W represents a result from a lab directly on the ward
DiagnosticReport DiagnosticReport_LabReport_1 R/O represents a report of all lab-results processed together

Vital signs-related FHIR resources

see also

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Observation Observation_BaseVitals_1 R/W covers values for heart rate, arrhythmia signs, blood pressure, body temperature
Observation Observation_Breathing_1 R/W covers values for respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, breathing rhythm
Observation Observation_BodyMeasureMents_1 R/W covers values for body weight, body height, head circumference, body mass index

Fluid-related FHIR resources

see also

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Observation Observation_Fluidbalance_1 R/W holds values for measured fluids that left or entered a patient
OperationDefinition Patient_calculatefluidbalance R/O an operation on patient instance that calculates input, output and balance of fluids for a given period (will possibly not make it in the release)

Condition (diagnosis,allergy,infection) related FHIR profiles

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Condition Condition_Diagnosis_1 R/W represents a diagnosis connected to an encounter
Condition Condition_Infection_1 R/O represents an infection-flag - captured in medico as a general property
Condition Condition_InfectionMetaIPSS_1 R/W represents an infection that has been specified if IPSS/MetaHMS is active, is only to be written by IPSS
AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance_AllergyIntolerance_1 R/O represents an allergy-flag - captured in medico as a general property

Medication-related FHIR profiles

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Condition MedicationAdministration_MedicationAdministration_1 R/O represents a medication being appplied or a patient actually consuming a medication

Progress notes-related FHIR profiles

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
DocumentReference DocumentReference_ProgressNote_1 R/W represents a single progress note mapped to an encounter

Change documentation (wound documentation) related FHIR profiles

see also

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
Observation Observation_ChangeDocGeneric_1 R/O represents a parent item of documentation for a wound, a drain or a line
Observation Observation_ChangeDocByTime_1 R/O represents a child item of documentation for a wound, line or drain - it focuses on a specific time for which the entity is documented
Media Media_WoundDocumentationImage_1 R/W represents an image for the entity
OperationDefiniton Media_downloadscaled_1 R/O allows retrieval of a Media-Resource, optionally scaling down the image

Care Intervention related FHIR profiles

see also

FHIR resource type medico instance Read/Write Remarks
ActivityDefinition ActivityDefinition_ActivityCareInterventionPlan_1 R/O master-data; the definiton for how a careplan is defined
ObservationDefinition ObservationDefinition_CareInterventionExpectedResults_1 R/O master-data attached to ActivityDefinition; defines expected observations when deriving actions from a careplan
CarePlan CarePlan-CareInterventionPlan-1 R/O A care-intervention attached to an encounter - based on the above ActivityDefinition, A careplan spans a certain time frame
ServiceRequest Servicerequest_Careinterventionrequest_1 R/O A planned execution in time for a careplan
Procedure Procedure_CareIntervention_1 R/W An executed part of a Care-Plan - corresponding to its counter-part, i.e. the ServiceRequest
Provenance Provenance_CareInterventionProvenance_1 R/W A confirmation of involved practitioners to have executed a distinct procedure as part of the careplan

Surgery/OP related FHIR profiles

FHIR resource type medico instance Read-Write Remarks
Procedure Procedure_OPCommonInfo_1 R/O represents the unified view on single surgical interventions (parent)
Procedure Procedure_SurgicalIntervention_1 R/O represents a single surgical intervention (child) multiple other single surgical interventions may exist that all belong to the same instance of OPCommonInfo