

This document aims to describe the interoperable data export format used by medicalmotion app


This document describes the interoperable data export of medicalmotion's DiGA products. The data export format explained here follows the same basic principles and applies to all present and future DiGA products developed by medicalmotion. For interoperable export, medicalmotion relies on the FHIR® standard published by HL7®. medicalmotion follows the openly published FHIR® Specification v4.0.1: R4 without further profiling and generates a valid json file as export.

Bundle Export

In the settings page of each product, patients can export relevant data as a single json file. For this purpose, the FHIR® Bundle resource is used to contain the FHIR resources Patient, Condition and Observation. Details can be found below.

An example data export is provided here.